Unit 8

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 Speaking: describe the city that you are living

 - Name some places in your city

 - Adj
 + crowded: My city is very crowded because there are so many people living in here
 + traffic jam in rush hour: tac duong vao gio cao diem.
 I usually see traffic jam in rush hour
 + modern
 + exciting
 + noisy
 Writing:
 + Describe the city life
 + What are the advantages of living in the city?
 Name some places in the city?
 Shopping centre
 Museum
 Swimming pool
 Library
 Factory
 Hotel
Tall buildings, factories, shopping centre/mall,
restaurant, museum, hospital,
I think city life is exciting because there are a lot of shopping malls, restaurants
Coffe shop, pubs and bars
In the city, there are many places for entertainment such as……..

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