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Exercise 3

• Inner cerebrospinal fluid
• 4 ventricles
• Ventriculi lateralis primes et secundus
• Ventriculus tertius (IIIrd ventricle) in the diencephalon
• Ventriculus quartus (IVth ventricle) in the rhombencephalon
• Aqueductus mesencephali as a connection between IIIrd and IVth ventricle
• Canalis centralis in the spinal cord
The cerebrospinal fluid
• produced in the Plexus choroidei of the ventricles
• over the Apertura mediana and the paired Aperturae laterals of the
IVth ventricle in the outer subarachnoid space, where it is absorbed
• it also continues caudally into the Canalis centralis of the Medulla oblongata
or spinalis
• consist of a volume of approx. 140 ml
• mechanical protection function
• transports nutrients and degradation products
Fibre system of the telencephalon
• Fibrae associationes
• short, U-fibers (connect with adjacent gyri) Fibrae arcuatae cerebri breves
• Fibrae arcuatae cerebri longae(connect gyri which are located further away)
• long association tracts (connect lobes of the same hemisphere)
• Fibrae commissurales
• Corpus callosum
• Commissura anterior
• Commissura fornicis
• Fibrae projectiones
• Corona radiata (fibre strands from or to the cortex)
Long association tracts
• Fasciculus longitudinalis superior
(Lobus frontalis and Lobus parietalis
with the Lobus occipitalis
• Fasciculus longitudinalis inferior (the
connection between the Lobus
temporalis and Lobus occipitalis)
• Fasciculus uncinatus (between the
Lobus frontalis and the Lobus
• Fasciculus arcuatus connects amongst
other things the sensory language
area with the motoric BROCA's area
Corpus callosum

• The largest connective structure in the brain

• consists of over 190 million axons that transfer information
between the two cerebral hemispheres
• connects the Lobi frontalis, parietalis and occipitalis of the two
hemispheres with each other
Corpus callosum

• connects the Lobi

frontalis, parietalis and
occipitalis of the two
hemispheres with each
Commissura anterior
• close proximity topographically
with the rostrum of the Corpus
•  connects the two temporal
lobes of the cerebral
• Contains the fibres of the
olfactory system
• key role in pain sensation, more
specifically sharp, acute pain
Commissura fornicis
• connection of the leg portions of the fornix
• Fibre bundles of the hippocampi of both hemispheres pass through
this connection
The projection fibre system
• Corona radiate
• consist of efferent and afferent fibers uniting the cortex with the lower
parts of the brain and with the spinal cord
• They carry information in and out of the brain
• connect the cerebral cortex with the corpus striatum, diencephalon,
brainstem and the spinal cord
• Efferent
• From cerebrum and and motor nucleuses to the front horns of the spinal cord
• Afferent
• Starts from receptors

• within the medial part of the temporal lobe

• learning and the formation of new memories
• part of the brain’s limbic system
• structure composed primarily of densely packed pyramidal cells
• The two hippocampi are connected via the fornix
• Provides the brain with a framework within which the various sensory
and emotional components of an experience are bound together
• white matter tract that connects the hippocampus to several
subcortical brain regions
• beneath the splenium of the corpus collosum to form the body of the
• for episodic memory functioning
• lesions to this tract result in irreversible anterograde amnesia
• Dissecting the Fornix in Basic Memory Processes and Neuropsychiatric
Disease: A Review Susan L. Benear,1 Chi T. Ngo,2 and Ingrid R. Olson1
• The hippocampus James J. Knierim

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