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Disability is not


Made by:
Habiba Rafat
Joudy Moustafa
Mohamed Khalaf
Mohamed Taha
Youssef Hazem
What is the first thought
that comes to your mind
when you hear the word
What is disability? •A disability is any condition of the
body or mind that makes it more
difficult for the person with the
condition to do certain activities and
interact with the world around them.
People's opinion on •Disabled individuals are treated differently in society, as
if they are different and can't do what any other human
disabilities  can, although in reality, they are just like us and can think
normally like everyone else. Barriers in society impair
people regardless of their ability or distinction. Physical
impediments can occur, such as a lack of accessible
restrooms in a building. Individuals' attitudes toward
difference, such as the assumption that disabled
individuals can't accomplish particular things, may also
play a role.

•The disabled (handicapped) is commonly perceived as

"less than human" by society, and as a result, they do not
believe that they are an equal part of society, as people
who are ''normal'' do.
What has
influenced your
thoughts about
Different perspective of
people with disabilities
● Disability has a profound impact, both on those who
live with it and on society that responds to the needs
of people experiencing disability.
● Society has a primary obligation to respond to the
impact of disability.
● The key element of the disability perspective is that
the disabled person is a survivor. The experience of
disability - whether at birth, as a young person, after
becoming an adult or as an elderly person - is an
experience that matures and gives a unique
perspective on society and the world.
Types of disabilities

•1. Physical disability: A physical disability is a physical condition

that affects a person's mobility, physical capacity, stamina.

•2. Autism: Autism is a development disorder characterized by

difficulties with social interaction and communication ,and by
restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents often notice signs during
the first three years of their child’s life.

3-is characterized by short stature. According to Little People of

America (LPA), an advocacy group for people with dwarfism and
their families, this means a final height of 4 feet 10 inches or less.
How the society is part of establishing
these concepts and perspectives?

•- Responsibility of the society is to increase the

access and build a more equal society, where
everyone has the opportunity to reach their full
•- Disabled people think normally and want to be
treated normally by the society.
•- We higher disabled people, but eventually we
don’t treat them as other normal people. As a
society, we should employ people with disabilities,
because they are ambitious.
Facts about disability:
• People with disabilities make up the largest
minority group in the United States
• 1 in every 5 Americans is a person with a
• Disabilities can be visible or invisible
• It’s the only group anyone can join at any
time- in the split second of birth, in an
accident, or through an illness
• Disability does not discriminate on the basis
of gender, ethnic background, socioeconomic
status, or religion.
● How comfortable or uncomfortable are you when you
encounter someone with a disability? Explain your

● How often do you encounter or interact with people

with disabilities? On a daily basis, weekly, monthly or
have no encounters regularly with people with
How can we support and help disabled •1- Ask before offering help
•2-  Speak clearly and listen
•3- Make them feel confident 
•4- Respect personal space
•5- Make changes
•6- Engage in positive conversations 
•7- Offer help with medical support
•8- Ensure they receive day-to-day needs
In Egypt, we have scholarships for determined
students. For example: There is Sawiris foundation
scholarship for disabled students, to provide excellent
educational opportunities for them.

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