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Attendance Monitoring Using

Facial Recognition for School

Bruce, Limar f.
Menard, Misiona
Somera, Rodney james

Attendance is an essential part of management,

but it can often become a time-consuming,
repetitive job that leads to errors. The proposed
method eliminates the requirement for manual
registration on paper and handwritten
documentation, reducing the administrative
burden on faculties and allowing resources to be
better spent elsewhere, ultimately leading to a
more efficient and productive operation.
(Owandkar et al., 2017)
Two types of systems
In almost every organization and institution,
the process of maintaining an attendance
monitoring system plays a crucial role. There
are currently two types of systems available:
Manual kind
the manual kind and the automated kind. The
most common method for collecting
attendance is entirely automated. This system
makes use of the advanced level of open CV
source and the high-level programming
language.(Kowsalya et al., 2019)

Automated kind
Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a way of identifying or confirming


an individual’s identity using their face. Facial recognition

systems can be used to identify people in photos, videos, or
in real-time.

Facial recognition is a category of biometric security.


Other forms of biometric software include voice

recognition, fingerprint recognition, and eye retina or iris
recognition. The technology is mostly used for security and
law enforcement, though there is increasing interest in
other areas of use like attendance.
Haar-cascade Classifier

Classifiers that were used in the first real-time face


detector. A Haar classifier, or a Haar cascade

classifier, is a machine learning object detection
program that identifies objects in an image and
video or real time video.

OpenCV provides a training method (see Cascade


Classifier Training) or pretrained models, that can

be read using the cv::CascadeClassifier::load
method. The pretrained models are located in the
data folder in the OpenCV installation.
Theoretical Framework

The face recognition time and attendance

system with real-time video processing
through the above experimental
certification can quickly complete the
tasks of employee in the time and
attendance check-in system, get rid of the
complex naming phenomenon, greatly
improve the efficiency of class, and play
an important role in guiding the
development of the time and attendance
system. (Hao Yang, Xiaofeng Han, 2020)
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Immaculate Conception I-College Arts and Technology is one of the schools currently
using the systematic Attendance process using RFID. But this, researchers would like to
propose a more systematic, fast and efficient way of Attendance Monitoring for school
Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. Can the database identify similar photos entry using deep face algorithm?

2. Does Facial Recognition Ensure Enough Accuracy?

3. How can the system be measured in terms of the following:

a.) Functionality
b.) Accuracy
c.) Reliability
d.) Usability
Scope and Limitation of the Study


The proposed system consists of a digital camera mounted on

office space. so they can easily to see and they can easily to
access. The camera module can be a wireless or wired system.


The proposed system cannot be accessible of other employee

at least they have authorities to access this system.
Related Study

Rodavia, M. R. D., Bernaldez, O., & Ballita, M.


Proposed a study title Web

and mobile based facial
recognition security system
using Eigenfaces algorithm
Technicality of the Project

The researchers used OpenCV for Image Processing, Visual Studio 2019 and C#
programming language to make this application.

Details of the Technology to be used

This application uses a PC or laptop to run. Users or admins can access the app
through the laptop or PC.

Development phase

The development phase shows the software and hardware that researchers used to
develop the project. Researchers used Visual studio 2019 for coding, OpenCV for
image processing.
Hardware and Software Specifications
The application was developed using C# programming language and OpenCV for
image processing. The algorithm would be presented using Visual Studio 2019. The
application was developed in windows form application. So that the program would run
in windows platforms. Specifically, the researcher would demonstrate it using Windows
10 OS. The databased to be used would be stored using SQL Server 2012 and create a
folder directory for images.


The computer hardware specifications used in the study are the following: An Acer
Aspire ES1-433 laptop with a specification of Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-6006U CPU @
2.00GHz 2.00 GHz processor, 4gigs of DDR4 for RAM, 500GB of Hard Disk Drive
and runs on 64-bit Windows 10 Education version.
Software: Simulation
Software Development Process

1. Requirement

2. Designing

3. Development

4. Testing

5. Implementation
Face Recognition Results

If the employee is in the database, his full information will appear here, including his ID, name, last
name department, and the time he entered; if he is not in the database, this information will be
Face recognition accuracy can be measured according to the percentage of
the recognized faces per the total number of tested faces of the same person.
The researcher used equation for testing the accuracy of the application

Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TOTAL)

TP = True Positive (Person within database recognized properly)
TN = True Negative (Person not in the database but correctly identified)
Dataset and Accuracy

The accuracy rate of 91% has been achieved but there are requirements or conditions to get it and it can be
even higher if the exact requirement meets
*Good camera quality,
*Clear or Plain background (Light Color Background)
*normal lightning or against the light
Detection Speed
We measure the speed of Detection and we have a result of 1-3 seconds detection with a good quality of angle,
movement and light. But in some cases, it takes 4-7second if the quality did not meet.
Thank you

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