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Tối Ưu Hóa và Vận Hành Các Quy

Trình Công Nghệ Hóa Học

(Optimization and Operation of
Chemical Processes)

Chapter 3. Energy Control

Tài liệu tham khảo
 [1] Ian Sutton (2014). Plant Design and Operations, Gulf
Professional Publishing
 [2] Center for the Advancement of Process Technology, (2012).
Process Operations, Prentice Hall
 [3] Charles E. Thomas. (2015). “Process Technology Equipment
and Systems, 4th Edition”, Cengage Learning

The control of hazardous energy is commonly referred to as

lock-out/tag-out (LOTO). Lock-out/tag-out is a procedure used
in industry to isolate energy sources from a piece of equipment.
It is used when there is a need to inspect, repair, or replace
process equipment. LOTO provides a mechanism to ensure that
equipment that is to be worked on is and will remain in a zero-
energy state, prior to and during the repair process.

Lock-out is to place a lock-out device on an energy-isolating

device which ensures that the energy-isolating device and
equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lock-out
device is removed.
Tag-Out: placement of a tag-out device on an energy-isolating
device which indicates that the energy isolating device and the
equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tag-out
device is removed.
Energy-Isolating Device: mechanical device that physically
prevents the transmission or release of energy (valve, circuit
breaker, etc…)

Tag-Out Device: prominent warning device, such as a tag and a

means of attachment, which can be securely fastened to an
energy-isolating device to indicate that the energy-isolating
device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated
until the tag-out device is removed.

Warning messages:

All hazardous energy sources of a machine, equipment, or

piping system must be isolated, de-energized, secured, and
verified in a safe position before and during service or
maintenance activities. Attempting to remove locks or tags,
operating, or otherwise tampering with equipment under lock-
out is prohibited.
Energized: connected to an energy source, or contains residual
or stored energy

Stored energy examples:

• Batteries and capacitors

• Pressure differential
– Hydraulic
– Pneumatic
– Vacuum
• Springs
• Gravity
Types of energy requiring Isolation
• Mechanical—sum of kinetic and potential energy of a
mechanical system; for example, a compressor or pump
• Pneumatic—power transmission system that uses the force
of flowing gases to transmit power; for example, an industrial
complex that produces its own instrument and plant air systems
through compression
• Hydraulic—system that uses pressurized fluids as a means
of generation, control, and transmission of power; for example,
mobile cranes
• Electrical—energy made available by the flow of electrons
through a conductor; for example, motors
• Chemical—energy stored in chemicals (compounds) and
energy released or absorbed in chemical reactions
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Locks And Lockboxes
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Locks And Lockboxes
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Locks and Lockboxes
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices

Blinds are installed as
devices, a mechanical
device that physically
prevents the
transmission or
release of energy
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices

Block valves
(e.g. gate
valves) on
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices

Line breaking:

Means the intentional opening of a pipe, line, or

duct that is or has been carrying flammable,
corrosive, or toxic material, an inert gas, or
any fluid at a volume, pressure, or temperature
capable of causing injury
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices

Line blanking or blinding:

Means the absolute closure of a pipe, line, or

duct by fastening of a solid plate that
completely covers the bore and that is capable
of withstanding the maximum pressure of the
pipe, line, or duct with no leakage beyond the
Lock-Out and Isolating Devices
Switch gear (e.g. circuit breaker)
Venting and Draining Requirements
• Equipment and systems, provided with isolation for
servicing, should be equipped with vent and drain valves as
required to relieve pressure and remove fluids from the
isolated equipment.
• Isolated components containing high pressure or a significant
volume of vapor should be equipped with a vent valve. If the
potential exists for venting of a significant volume of vapor
the vent should be tied into the appropriate flare or vent
system. For high-pressure services, the vent should include a
throttling valve in addition to the isolation valve to control
the rate of venting.
• Isolated components containing a significant volume of
liquid should be equipped with a drain valve. If the volume
of liquid is large, the drain should include a throttling valve
in addition to the isolation valve to control the rate of
draining and to prevent large volume gas blow by to the drain
Storage Requirements


When working with flammable hydrocarbons, if it is not possible
to remove the flammable materials themselves, then air/oxygen
should be removed from the item that is to be worked on in order
to avoid the creation of an explosive mixture or a flammable
All materials have a limiting oxygen concentration (LOC). If the
oxygen content in the vapor space above the liquid being stored
is below the LOC, then the vapor space is not flammable.
Storage Requirements
One of the most effective ways of minimizing problems with
hazardous liquid-particularly flammable liquids—is to blanket
them with an inert gas. This policy is particularly pertinent with
regard to storage tanks because the fuel and air are always
present, and static electricity as an ignition source is very
difficult to eliminate, so the only control option is to remove the
oxygen by blanketing the tank with an inert gas.
Nitrogen is the most frequently used blanketing gas. A nitrogen
blanket can also help with health and environmental issues, e.g.,
by keeping products in the food and pharmaceutical industries
from becoming contaminated.
Work permits are crucial to the safe operation and
maintenance of process facilities. They can be divided into
three categories: general, hot work, and confined-space
entry. Permits are signed by both the operations and
maintenance personnel involved in the work, and by their
supervisors. The permit will have the following features:
• A clear and precise description of the work, including its
location, the equipment to be worked on, the tools and
equipment to be used, and the work methods to be
• A list of the preparations that must be made
• Description of the hazards remaining.
• Additional precautions to be taken during the work such as
the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
• Precautions to be taken at shift handover.
Energy control procedure

• Notification of employees
• Preparation for shutdown

• Machine or equipment shutdown

• Machine or equipment isolation

• Lockout/tagout device application

• Released of stored energy
• Verification of isolation

• Performing inspection / maintenance works

• Release from lockout/tagout
Energy control procedure

• Prior to restoring energy, the following

procedures are required
– Inspect machine and equipment
– Safe positioning and notification of
– Removal of lockout/tagout device: may only
be done by authorized employee who
applied device*
Training and re-training
 Authorized employees
 Recognition of hazardous energy
 Type and magnitude of hazardous energy
 Methods of isolating energy
 How to verify isolation
 Affected – Purpose and use of procedure
 Other – Procedure and Prohibition from
 Tagout provisions
Re-training is required when:
 Change in job assignment
 Change in machine or process
 Change in lockout/tagout procedure
 Inadequacies revealed in periodic review
 Written program including written
procedures for each machine
 Training of employees
 Periodic review of program
Centrifugal pump
Process pumping system
(Liquid) Seal Systems in Centrifugal Pumps
What is a Mechanical seal?
Mechanical seal system có tác dụng ngăn ngừa sự rò rỉ của lưu
chất qua lỗ tròn qua đó thanh truyền động đi xuyên qua (từ motor
đến buồng bơm)
Mechanical seal system gồm các thành phần tĩnh và thành phần
động (quay) tiếp xúc với nhau. Do đó, nó cần được bôi trơn

A seal flush plan needs a stream of fluid for the purpose of

cooling, flushing, and lubrication. This flow stream can be
provided from the process fluid, “the fluid that is being
pumped,” or from an external source. The external source fluid
can be plant water or some other type of fluid. To make sure that
we have enough flow of flushing/cooling/lubricating fluid to the
mechanical seal, there is a bunch of sensors, manual valves, etc.
on these arrangements.
Energy control procedure
Common problems of equipment and instruments

 Cavitation (hiện tượng xâm thực)

 Rò rỉ
 Thất thoát dòng hơi, pha hơi (trong thiết bị như
steam traps, storage tanks)
 Excessive vibration
 Ăn mòn (corrosion) , xói mòn (erosion)
 Bám bẩn bề mặt thiết bị (trong thiết bị trao đổi
nhiệt, đường ống dẫn,…)
 Mài mòn, hiện tượng quá nhiệt của các bộ phận cơ
khí do ma sát
𝑃 ′1 𝑃 𝑣
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻 𝐴 = −
𝜌𝑔 𝜌𝑔
NPSHA: Net Positive
Suction Head Available

Cavitation occurs when vapor bubbles form and then

subsequently collapse as they move along the flow path on an
Protection Against Cavitation
 NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) is the measure of the
pressure drop of a liquid between the pump inlet and the
pump impeller.
 NPSH is determined by testing by the pump manufacturer.
 NPSH required for the pump is expressed as “feet of water/m
of water” by the pump manufacturer, called NPSHR

 NPSH available (NPSHA) is a function of the system, not the

 Important considerations are to maintain equipment heights
(Hs) and minimize suction line loss (hL) so that the NPSH
available is greater than the required NPSH
Protection Against Cavitation
Giới thiệu về van

Sơ đồ cấu tạo của globe valve

Hiện tượng xâm thực của van
• Khi lưu chất lưu chuyển qua
van, vận tốc tăng và áp suất
giảm. Sau đó (lưu chất di
chuyển ra xa van 1 khoảng
cách nhất định), vận tốc =
vận tốc trước van, áp suất
khôi phục đến áp suất P2,
tuy nhiên P2 < P1
• Vị trí mà tại đó vận tốc là
cực đại và áp suất thấp nhất
gọi là vena contracta (áp
suất tại vị trí này gọi là Pvc)
• Van có tổn thất áp suất qua
van P = P1 - P2 thấp là
được mong muốn Hình minh họa thay đổi áp suất theo chiều dòng
chảy (trong hình này, đĩa orifice thay thế cho van)
Hiện tượng xâm thực của van
Nếu Pvc nhỏ hơn áp suất hơi bảo hòa của lưu chất tại nhiệt độ dòng
chảy lưu chất (= Pv) => chất lỏng hóa hơi 1 phần
- Có thể xảy ra hiện tượng xâm thực nếu các bong bóng hơi va
chạm với nhau để tạo thành các giọt lỏng (trong quá trình áp suất
Pvc phục hồi đến giá trị P2). Năng lượng giải phóng từ quá trình
này sẽ gây hại đến van (chính là hiện tượng xâm thực)
- Nếu hiện tượng hóa hơi được duy trì sau khi lưu chất đi ra khỏi
van, hiện tượng này gọi là flashing (dòng ra khỏi van là dòng chảy
2 pha)
Hiện tượng xâm thực của van

Typical appearance of cavitation damage

Common problems of centrifugal pumps
Lubrication systems for compressors
Common problems of centrifugal compressors

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