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Users of Assessment
1. Classroom level users are students, teachers and parents. At this
level, assessment can be used as a powerful teaching tool and as a
basis for instructional decisions.

2. Providers of instructional support such as the principals, guidance

counselors, and curriculum specialists. Decision makers at this level
provide support to the teachers in terms of instructional
materials/resources, curriculum revisions and professional
Users of Assessment
3. Policy makers such as the superintendents, school board, public
officials and the citizens of the community as represented by their
representatives. These groups of assessment users establish
achievement standards to guide classroom instruction and demand
evidence that the students are meeting these standards. These
evidences serve as a basis in deciding resource allocations, personnel
and procedural policies that guide instructional practices.
Among the various assessment users, Stiggins(2001)
stressed that only students use assessment results to set
expectations of themselves. Based on their assessment
experience, students decide how high to aim to achieve
success. Thus, students should be meaningfully engaged in
the assessment process as well as in the use of assessment
results so that they would be able to use them to improve
their learning.
Opportunities for Student Engagement
There are many ways in which we could engage our students in classroom
assessment aside from receivers of assessment results. Zaleski (2015) suggests the

1. Establishing success criteria with students. This can be done by

guiding the students identify learning outputs that would indicate
quality product of learning. The course learning outcomes may serve as
the basis for this purpose.
A course in Philippine Folk Dancing would require that the students
should be able to perform a folk dance as an indicator that they have
successfully learned the basic knowledge and skills in folk dancing.
Opportunities for Student Engagement
2. Engaging the students in developing rubrics. Whenever appropriate, involve
the students in identifying quality indicators/standards for the required outputs
and or activities. Involving the students in this activity develops their ability to
identify quality standards and may increase their commitment to attain such
quality standards.
3. Providing opportunities for self- and peer- assessments. Self- and peer-
assessment provide opportunities for higher engagement in classroom
assessment. However, the teacher should provide guidance in giving appropriate-
as well as receiving peer feedback. Their experience in providing feedback
through self- or peer- assessment create a deeper understanding of the success
criteria and compare them with their achievement.
Activity for Lesson 3

1. Identify classroom assessment tasks or activities that you

have participated? How did it affect your motivation to
succeed in the course?

2. In the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum, performance-

based assessment covers a huge percentage in any learning
area. Why is it important to engage students in developing
rubrics for such kind of assessment?

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