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Tuesday 19th January 2021

Watch the videos

throughout the
Home Learning
Morning Challenge

Daily timetable:

1. Check through slides for questions

2. Zoom with Miss Bidder (MG 9am NH 9:30am)
3. SPAG/ English
4. Reading
5. Maths
6. Topic

Ensure time for breaks and exercise please!

These have both been added as reminders.
Morning Challenge

Word Wheel: Tortilla






SPAG, English and Reading
The pink slides will take you
through all of our English
based lessons.

his should take you around

1.5 hours.

Responses to your work will

be posted as comments next
to the slide - or as voice
SPAG - Pronouns
There are many different types of pronoun but they all have the same function -
they stand in place of nouns or noun phrases.


A man was walking along when he saw something on the ground - a handful of
sparkling beads. He picked them up. “Well look at these,” he said to himself.
“Someone must have dropped them.”

Pronouns stop you writing becoming boring and you use them without even
Try it - Underline all of the pronouns in each sentence.

1. Mum made herself a cup of tea and poured us some juice .

2. Rose ran away when she heard something moving in the woods.
3. That ice cream looks delicious. Can I have some?
4. We organised the event ourselves and it was a great success.
5. They looked at all the paintings and decided mine was the best.
6. If you give her the seeds, Luca can plant them herself.
Re-write these sentences using pronouns instead.

1. This workbook is your workbook and that workbook is my workbook.

This workbook is yours and that one is mine.

2. Scott was annoyed with Scott when Scott missed the goal.

Scott was annoyed with himself when he missed the goal.

3. An unknown person was coming so Anish and I hastily put the letter back.
The True Story of the Three
Little Pigs
Partnered Talk
We are going to watch the first 45 seconds of the video.

Predict what the wolf’s story will be and how it will differ
from the original story of The Three Little Pigs.

The wolf’s story could be that the pig’s don’t give him sugar
so he pleads with them and then the pig’s harm him and he
then sneezes because of his cold and blows the house down
and the pig runs to the next brother’s house.
Quick Start
●What is the wolf’s full name?

Alexander T Wolf
●What do wolves eat?

They eat bunnies sheep and pigs.

●What did he need to borrow?

●What materials did the pigs build their houses from?

Straw, Sticks and Bricks

●Which house was the strongest?
The one made of bricks
Individual Thinking
How are the two versions of the story alike? How are they


Answer: The two versions of the story are different

because they potray the wolf as the bad guy in the original
and in this version it seems like the pigs are the bad guys
and the the similarity is that the characters are the same
and the house are the same too.
Partnered Talk

Explain why the author has chosen to write from the wolf’s
perspective. What impact does this have on the reader?

Individual Thinking

Do you think that the police and reporters were fair to

Al? Do they have a reason to be unfair?


They were not fair to AT because they said they

wanted to make the story more interesting so they
decided using the eaten pigs as evidence to frame AT.
Partnered Talk
‘The rest, as they say, is history’

Explain what this phrase means.

Solo Work
Can you summarise the events that led to Alexander T.
Wolf becoming the ‘Big Bad Wolf’?

The reader only heard one perspective in the original story.

How did this impact their impression of Al?

Solo Work Answers

This made a huge impact on the reader because when they hear the original
story they will think it is true and when AT tells his version of the story it will be
highly unlikely that they will believe him because they must have heard the story
of the three little pigs quite a few times.
English- Headlines and Lead paragraph
You are going to write the newspaper report on the first boy to ever receive a pig’s
heart during a transplant surgery.

Write 5 headlines that you might use:

1. Heart of a Pig!

2. Piggy Boy

3. The boy pig

4. The boy who has a pig heart.

5. Pig hearty!
Lead paragraph
Answer these questions that will begin your newspaper report:

Who: Cameron Kelsey Now draft your lead paragraph here:

What: Pig heart transplantation

When: A week ago

Where: At Ashmead General Hospital

Why: Because Cameron’s original heart is damaged beyond repair.

Today we are going to re-cap fractions to decimal conversions.

Watch the videos to ensure you fully understand this concept.

This should take you 1 hour complete as much of the work as you can.
Decimal to fraction conversion
Fraction to decimal conversion

1. 0.55
2. 0.72
3. 0.84
4. 0.96
5. 0.006
6. 0.005
7. 0.018
8. 0.264
9. 0.848
10. 0.020
Maths Answers Mild
1.0.55= 55/100
2.0.72= 72/100
3.0.84= 84/100
4.0.96= 96/100
5.0.006= 6/1000
6.0.005= 5/1000
7.0.018= 18/1000
8.0.264= 264/1000
9.0.848= 848/1000
10.0.02= 2/100
Maths Answers Hot

Answer is 8 because:
6 bananas divided by 0.75

1. 0.55 55/100
2. 0.72 72/100
3. 0.84 84/100
4. 0.96 96/100
5. 0.006 6/1000
6. 0.005 5/1000
7. 0.018 18/1000
8. 0.264 264/1000
9. 0.848 848/1000
10. 0.020 20/1000

3/10 3/10
0.25 ¼

19/20 1. 35/100= 0.35
2. 0.75
3. 0.4
4. 3/100 = 0.03
5. 63/100 is less than
1. 0.625
0.65 because
2. 0.8
63/100 as a
3. 1.6
decimal is 0.63
4. 0.875
Time for some activity
Either follow this workout or go into you garden/ for a walk and burn some energy!

Have a go at today’s
JustDance workout!


Spend 30 minutes
doing something that
raises your heartbeat
What is blood?

What the following video to find out - what really is blood?

Watch this BBC clip and
then answer the quiz and
fill in the blanks task on
the BBC page.
Give definitions (and explain what they are used for)of
each of the four main parts of blood.
I know the googled definitions so don’t copy and paste please!

Plasma transports cells proteins and vitamins around the body.

Red Blood Cells=

Red Blood Cells pick up carbon dioxide from the body and deliver oxygen to the body

White Blood Cells=

They are looking out for germs and kill them.


They repair the wounds in your body by covering them.

Research and answer the question:

Why does the blood in our veins appear blue?

Veins appear blue because of the light around them which illuminates it so the
colour appears blue.

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