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Every morning I wake

A poem by Dylan Thomas

(Presenters: Arika Joshi, Anish Basnet, Shrawan

Limbu, Salina KC, Sushov Bhandari)
About Poet
 Dylan Thomas (27 Aug 1914 - 9 Nov 1953) born in Swansea Wales.

 Left school to become a reporter for the South Wales Daily Post.

 Famous for lyrical and emotional poetry.

 Largely known for his imaginative use of language and vivid imagery in his poems.

 Started working for BBC in 1945.

 Don’t go gentle into that good night, Under Milk Wood, Deaths and Entrances, etc. are
some of his poems.

 This poem “Every Morning I wake” is an extract from his 1954 radio play “Under
Milk Wood”.
First Stanza
Every morning when I wake,
Dear lord, a little prayer I make,
O please do keep Thy loving eye
On all poor creatures born to die

 Speaker prays to God every morning

 Not only prays for his own protection

 Prays for the protection of all innocent creatures eternally.

 Speaker is pleading with god to maintain his loving gaze on

all creatures.

 Can conclude that speaker is selfless and good human

Second Stanza
And every evening at sun-down
I ask a blessing on the town,
For whether we last the night or no
I’m sure is always touch-and-go.

 Speaker expresses the uncertainty of life and death

 Prays every evening hoping that Almighty will fix everything

 Speaker is not sure if he will wake up next morning or not.

 So speaker asks for blessings from the God.

Third Stanza
We are not wholly bad or good
Who live our lives under Milk Wood,
And Thou, I know, wilt be the first
To see our best side, not our worst.

 Speaker tries to make us clear that no one is completely good or bad.

 Speaker symbolizes Milk Wood town to clarify this.

 Good or bad depends upon people’s perspectives.

 Speaker seems optimistic about the God’s judgement.

Last Stanza
O let us see another day!
Bless us all this night, I pray,
And to the sun we all will bow
And say, good-bye – but just for now!

 This stanza represents the ending of the prayer,

 Night is used as the imagery to the pain, stress and undelightful days.

 Speaker hopes for Almighty’s support in hard days.

 Speaker says temporary good-bye.

 Hopes for the beginning of new day by God’s grace.

Overall Summary of the Poem
Thomas prays to God to have mercy on all creatures.

The speaker is the devotee of the God.

Only God knows our true side.

Nothing compares to God.

We humans are just a ball of cartilage and collagen.

As mortal beings, we have to die but blessings of God make our life

God is the creator and destroyer of the cosmos.

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