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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the award of the Degree of



under Guidance of

Prof. Nita Patil

Submitted by:



In the academic year (2022-2023)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Re-Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade
ISO 9001:2015 Certified, Awarded as Best College by Savitribai Phule Pune University
202/A, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune – 411004,,


This is to certify that the following students


Have completed the project entitled

In a particular fulfillment for the award of



In the academic year 2022-2023

This work has been carried out by then under my supervision and Guidance

Prof. Nita patil

Submitted by:


Prof. Nita patil Prof.Nidhi Satavlekar Dr. Devidas Golhar External Examiner

(Guide) (HOD) (Principal)
























1.1 Abstract

This project is aimed at developing a Web application that to manage online shopping of plants,
flowers, seeds and fertilizers etc. products. In this software, there are two actor customer and
admin. Customer can register by giving his necessary details like username, password, contact
number, address etc. After successful registration, the customer can log in by giving username
and password. Customer can view the product details, buy the product using cards, view the
booking status also send the feedback to admin. Same as the admin can login using there
username and password. After login Admin can view the total customer, total booking, total
product, view feedback. Also admin can add the product and view the product, add category,
view category and add blog post and view blog post. Admin also can change the delivery status
and send to the customer like delivered, in process or pending. Suppose if the product is
delivered then admin can change the status as delivered.

1.2 Existing System:

The old manual was suffering from a series of drawbacks, since whole of the system to be
maintained with hands the process of keeping, maintaining and retrieving the information was
very tedious and lengthy. The records where never use to be in systematic order. There used to
be lots of difficulties in associating any particular transaction. If any information was to be found
it was required to go through the different registers, documents. There would always be
unnecessary consumption of time while entering records and retrieving records. In the existing
system the customer needs to visit the nursery for buy the products we need to more time and
maintain the customer records or product record manually was so difficult, to maintain
everything is always a problem.
Need for System:

 There is always a need of a system that will perform to purchasing products online according
to occasion.
 This system will reduce the manual operation required to maintain all the records of booking
information and also generates the various reports for analysis.

 Main concept of the project is to enter transaction reports and to maintain customer records.
Hence this software can be used in any nursery store to maintain their record easily

1.3 Scope

 The project is basically targeted at those people who would like online shopping and have an
Internet access.
 Finally buyers curious in comparing the prices for various products for according our budget.
 To make a database that is consistent, reliable and secure.
 To provide correct, complete, ongoing information.
 To develop a well-organized information storage system.
 To make good documentation so as to facilitate possible future enhancements.
4. Operating Environment

Hardware Requirements

 RAM: 8 GB.

 Hard disk: 221 GB Disc Space.

 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5.

Software Requirements

• Framework: Django

• IDE : Pycharm/VSCode

• Client Side Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript , Bootstrap

• Server Side Technologies: Python

• Data Base Server: Sqlite

• Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10

5. Brief Description of Technology Used

1. Operating systems used (Windows 10)

Windows 10 is a Microsoft operating system for personal computers, tablets, embedded devices
and internet of things devices.

Microsoft released Windows 10 in July 2015 as a follow-up to Windows 8. The company has
said it will update Windows 10 continuously, rather than release a new, full-fledged operating
system as a successor.

Anyone adopting Windows 10 can upgrade legacy machines directly from Windows 7 or
Windows 8 to Windows 10 without re-imaging or performing intrusive and time-consuming
system wipes and upgrade procedures. To upgrade from a previous version of Windows 10, IT or
users run the Windows 10 OS installer, which transfers any applications and software on the
previous OS, as well as settings and preferences over to Windows 10. Organizations and users
can pick and choose how they will patch and update Windows 10. IT or users can access a
Windows 10 upgrade through the Windows Update Assistant to manually begin an upgrade or
wait for Windows Update to offer an upgrade when it is set to run.

Windows 10 features built-in capabilities that allow corporate IT departments to use mobile
device management (MDM) software to secure and control devices running the operating
system. In addition, organizations can use traditional desktop management software such as
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.

Windows 10 Mobile is a version of the operating system Microsoft designed specifically for
smart phones.
Windows 10 features
The familiar Start Menu, which Microsoft replaced with Live Tiles in Windows 8, returned in
Windows 10. Users can still access Live Tiles and the touch-centric Metro interface from a panel
on the right side of the Start Menu, however.

1.5.2 SqLite used to build database

SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, server less, zero-configuration,
Transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is one of the fastest-growing database engines
around, but that's growth in terms of popularity, not anything to do with its size. The source code
for SQLite is in the public domain.

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, server less, zero-configuration,

transactional SQL database engine. It is a database, which is zero-configured, which means like
other databases you do not need to configure it in your system.
SQLite engine is not a standalone process like other databases, you can link it statically or
dynamically as per your requirement with your application. SQLite accesses its storage files

SQLite Commands

The standard SQLite commands to interact with relational databases are similar to SQL. They

1. Study of Similar System

 To conduct studies and analyses of an operational and technological nature, and

 To promote the exchange and development of methods and tools for operational analysis
as applied to defense problems.

Logical design

The logical design of a system pertains to an abstract representation of the data flows, inputs and
outputs of the system. This is often conducted via modeling, using an over-abstract (and
sometimes graphical) model of the actual system. In the context of systems design are included.
Logical design includes ER Diagrams i.e. Entity Relationship Diagrams

Physical design

The physical design relates to the actual input and output processes of the system. This is laid
down in terms of how data is input into a system, how it is verified / authenticated, how it is
processed, and how it is displayed as output. In Physical design, following requirements about
the system are decided.

1. Input requirement,
2. Output requirements,
3. Storage requirements,
4. Processing Requirements,
5. System control and backup or recovery.

Put another way, the physical portion of systems design can generally be broken down into three
1. User Interface Design
2. Data Design
3. Process Design

User Interface Design is concerned with how users add information to the system and with how
the system presents information back to them. Data Design is concerned with how the data is
represented and stored within the system. Finally, Process Design is concerned with how data
moves through the system, and with how and where it is validated, secured and/or transformed as
it flows into, through and out of the system. At the end of the systems design phase,
documentation describing the three sub-tasks is produced and made available for use in the next

Physical design, in this context, does not refer to the tangible physical design of an
information system. To use an analogy, a personal computer's physical design involves input via
a keyboard, processing within the CPU, and output via a monitor, printer, etc. It would not
concern the actual layout of the tangible hardware, which for a PC would be a monitor, CPU,
motherboard, hard drive, modems, video/graphics cards, USB slots, etc. It involves a detailed
design of a user and a product database structure processor and a control processor. The H/S
personal specification is developed for the proposed system.
2. Feasibility Study:

After doing the project, study and analyzing all the existing or required functionalities of the
system, the next task is to do the feasibility study for the project. All projects are feasible -
given unlimited resources and infinite time. Feasibility study includes consideration of all
the possible ways to provide a solution to the given problem. The proposed solution should
satisfy all the user requirements and should be flexible enough so that future changes can be
easily done based on the future upcoming requirements.

 Economical Feasibility

This is a very important aspect to be considered while developing a project. We decided the
technology based on minimum possible cost factor.
 All hardware and software cost has to be borne by the organization.
 Overall we have estimated that the benefits the organization is going to receive from
the proposed system will surely overcome the initial costs and the later on running
cost for system.

 Technical Feasibility

This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the ability
to achieve an acceptable system. For this feasibility study, we studied complete functionality
to be provided in the system, as described in the System Requirement Specification (SRS),
and checked if everything was possible using different type of frontend and backend

 Operational Feasibility
No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user friendly and all inputs to
be taken all self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides, a proper training has been
conducted to let know the essence of the system to the users so that they feel comfortable
with new system. As far our study is concerned the clients are comfortable and happy as the
system has cut down their loads and doing.
3. Objectives of Proposed System:

 This software helps customer to find different nursery products according category,
price and subcategory.
 It is designed such a way that one can view all the updates of the products from any
place through online.
 The software will help in easy maintaining and updating products in the website for
the administrator.
 Also quick and easy comparison of different products for the customers.
2.4 Modules of System


 Login: This module will allow Admin to log in to the system and manage the system and
its functions.

 View user: In this module, admin can view the total customer. If admin want to delete
customer then he can delete also.

 View Booking: Admin can view the total booking and he can also update the status.

 View Feedback: Admin can view feedback given by the customer.

 Category: In this module, Plants can be categorized accordingly. Example: Plants,

flowering category, seeds, fertilizer, etc. this module will allow the admin to add
category, view the category.

 Product: This module will allow the admin to view the total products, update the product,
and add the product.

 Blog: Admin allow to Add new blog also can view or update the block.

 Logout: Admin can logout from the system


• Login: The customer can login into system using username and password.

• Registration: The customer can register itself to login.

• View Profile: The customer can view and change their own profile
• View Product: The customer can view the category wise product with details

• Add to Cart: The customer can order its favorite product.

• Buy: The customer can buy the product using any cards.

• Feedback: The customer can give feedback to admin.

• My Cart: The customer can view its cart.


3.1 System Requirements

Functional Requirements:


• Admin can login.

• Admin can view the total product/edit/add the product.
• Admin can view the total category/edit/add the category.
• Admin can add the blog or view the blog or edit the blog.
• Admin view the customer details or order details and send the approved or in process
status to customer.
• Also admin can view the feedback given from the customer.
• Admin can logout from the system


• The customer can login and register by given his necessary details.
• Customer can view our profile and edit the profile if he wants.
• The customer views the product category wise.
• The customer can order favorite product and add to cart.
• The customer can view his cart and buys his favorite product and make payment using
card or cash and receive bill.
• The customer can view the product approval status.
• Customer gives the feedback to admin.
• Customers can logout from the system.
Non-Functional Requirements:

• Login ID: Any users who make use of the system need to hold a Login ID and password.

• Modifications: Any modifications like add delete, update, etc. for the database can be
synchronized quickly and executed only by the ward administrator.

• Response Time: The system provides acknowledgment in just one second once the
Customer information is checked.

• Capacity: The system needs to support at least 1000 people at once.

• Back-Up: The system offers the efficiency for data backup.

• Availability: The system is available all the time.

3.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram
3.3 Table Structure

Category Table:

Customer Table:

Product Table:
Order Table:

Product-Order Table:


Product-cart Table:
Feedback Table:

Payment Table:
3.4 Use Case Diagram
3.5 Class Diagram
3.6 Activity Diagram

Admin Activity Diagram:

Customer/User Activity Diagram:
3.7 Module Hierarchy Diagram
Limitations of Proposed System

Besides the above achievements and the successful completion of the project, we still feel
the project has some limitations, listed as below:

 It is not a large scale system.

 Only limited information provided by this system.
 Since it is an online project, customers need internet connection to buy products.
 People who are not familiar with computers can’t use this software.
Proposed Enhancements

Online Plant Nursery Management System” provides various features, which

complement the information system and increase the productivity of the system.
These features make the system easily usable and convenient. Some of the
important features included are listed as follows:

 Intelligent User Forms Design

 Data access and manipulation through same forms
 Access to most required information
 Data Security
 Restrictive data access, as per login assigned only.
 Organized and structured storage of facts.
 Strategic Planning made easy.
 No decay of old Records.
 Exact financial position of the Business.

The project entitled “Online Plant Nursery Management System” is developed using HTML,
CSS and JavaScript as frontend and Python programming language and Sqlite database in
backend to computerize the process of online shopping. This project covers only the basic
features required.

 Wikipedia




 https://www.tutorialspoint/


 Two scoops of Django for 1.11 by Daniel Greenfeld’s and Audrey Greenfield
 Lightweight Django by Elman and Mark Lavin
User Manual

Home page

It is the Home screen for Online Plant Management System. Home screen has about, contact,
blog, user and admin modules.

View all product page

It is the product page. We can view the all the product details and we can add the favorite
product into cart.
User signup page

This is the registration form. Here user can fill all the details and register.

Sign In Page

After successful registration user can login using username and password.
Profile Page

It is the user profile page. Here user can view their profile and he can also edit their profile.

Change Password Page

It is the change password page. Here user can change their password
Confirm Booking Page

It is confirm booking details page. Here user can fill confirm booking details and confirm their order.

View My Orders Page - User

This is the view booking order page. Here user can view their booking order status.
Cart Page

This is the view cart page. Here user can view their added product and buy their product.

Admin Login Page

Here admin can login using username and password.

Admin Dashboard Page

This is the admin dashboard. Here admin can view the total customer, total booking and total product.

View All Users Page

This is the user details page. Here admin can view all details of users.
Add New Category

Here admin can add new category.

Manage Product Category

Here admin can view all category, edit and delete category.
Add Product Page

It is the add product page. Here admin can add the new product.

Manage Products Page

Admin can also view the product and edit or delete product if he wants.
View All Orders

This is the order booking details page. Here admin can view all the booking updates.

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