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Sr Dr. Umi Kalsum Zolkafli @ Zulkifly
Conservation In General
• Conservation practice started as an act of appreciation of heritage.
Conservation is a technical activity towards heritage buildings. It
involves physical action to preserve the fabric and material of the
heritage buildings.
• Conservation is a temporal bridge between past and present values,
as well as a contribution to solutions for future needs. It is a way to
maintain, restore and repair heritage which has been left by our
ancestors, in the form of architectural remains or artifacts .
• It is a process to prevent decay and the action aims to prolong the life
of the heritage buildings.
• Practicing conservation involves judgment guided by professional
ethics and public policy. It is based on an understanding of the
relative importance of heritage values attached to a building or
structure, how they are represented in its fabric and the effects of
different approaches to repair on them
Conservation Definition
• Conservation includes activities to prevent decay, which contains all acts to extend the life of
cultural and natural heritage (Fielden, 2000).
• Forsyth (2007) defined conservation as the process of understanding, interpreting and managing
the architectural heritage in order to safely deliver it to posterity.
• Orbasli (2008) highlighted that conservation is viewed, as a process to manage the changes while
development is the mechanism that delivers change.
• Krivý (2011) defined conservation as a process that opposes demolitions, upgrading and insertions
that do not respect the nature or style of a locality and that negatively affect the supposed integrity
of a building or a city district.
• The Burra Charter Australia (Article 1.4) defined conservation as being all of the processes of
looking after a place so as to retain cultural significance
• National Heritage Act 2005 - Act 645, (Heritage, 2006) stressed that ‘conservation’ includes
preservation, restoration, reconstruction, rehabilitation and adaptation or any combination thereof.
Conservation in Malaysia
• Malaysia is a member of UNESCO's Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and
Natural Heritage since 1998.
• The conservation of heritage buildings in Malaysia became the main agenda of the country
especially in tourism industry whilst in practice, it became in great demand.
• A lot of effort has been done to ensure our National Heritage be preserved accordingly to the
international convention and maintain the standard of World Cultural Heritage. With references to
and the guidance of international conventions, the goal of all conservation projects is to achieve
the authenticity of cultural heritage.
• Kamal et al. (2008), in their survey suggested that majority of heritage buildings in Ipoh, George
Town, Kuala Lumpur and Bandar Hilir, Malacca experience a sign of building in poor condition.
The heritage buildings were not conserved properly according to the basic principles and
conservation guidelines (Kamal et al., 2008; Mohd-Isa et al., 2011).
• This would result in the bright future of the heritage conservation and a need for professionals to
have knowledge in the area of conservation.
the past is still treasured, as is the story of the people
Conservation who made, lived and worked in heritage buildings
is a process
that preserves
the This is seen as a concerted effort of the community
and public as a whole, not solely shouldered by a
monuments handful of conservation personnel

and buildings
for future it is very crucial to positively perceive all efforts
geared towards the conservation of heritage buildings
generations because conservation is not only crucial for national
development but to instill pride in future generations
in their heritage
Sustainable development is a very important factor in the field of architecture and is

Conservation closely linked with heritage conservation as this too seeks to preserve non-
renewable resources

process is Building conservation process helps in reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2)

emissions and contributes towards zero carbon footprints.

also part of This also reflects in 3 overlapping aspects of sustainability-environmental,

economic and social requirements and the need to bring them together
sustainability harmoniously

If existing buildings are conserved, especially those built with locally available
development materials with good insulation properties, this is a step in the right direction as far as
energy consumption is concerned

In a society that aspires to be sustainable, the efficient use and reuse of built
resources becomes a greater necessity.

the buildings are valuable educational tools for learning about the future sustainable
development of built environment

As part of a wider revitalization strategy to promote sustainability within the built

environment, many buildings of cultural and historic significance are being adapted
and reused rather than being subjected to demolition
Difference in • Different expert practices mediated
by specific tools and materials,

traditions of expert literally create different objects of

intention, for instance through

practice is one of the

drawing, documentation, stone
cutting and various other forms of

problems in building
'skilled versions'

conservation works
The main drawback of • Conservation is based on the
restoration and maintenance of
heritage conservation in individual buildings.
• The traditional approach of
relation to urban conservation that concentrates on

regeneration in Malaysia is building preservation such as listed

buildings will not safeguard urban
the failure of stakeholders heritage and secure a sense of place of
the historic cities
to think of conservation as • For many years, the idea of protecting

a holistic approach. heritage buildings in the form of

conservation, preservation, adaptive-
reuse or restoration was not given the
same importance as new development
The conservation
• The new development creates a new identity to the city and
unfortunately loses the significant physical fabric and the social
and cultural essence of the old historic city.
• The government perceives the development of new townships as a

projects need
solution to disperse population pressure from city centers and to
cater for the growing population.
• New townships at the edge of heritage cities were sterile and it
shows a poor adaptation of urban design guidelines and hence,
failed to create the element of harmony with the heritage urban

proper planning
• Planning must be done not only to the project itself; it must cover
the surrounding area as much as proper planning for the whole
• At present, the approach taken for redevelopment and
regeneration of heritage cities and urban areas in Malaysia
involves the introduction of new build buildings and infill
development in the heritage sites, with the intention of giving a
'new look' and to boost the identity and status of the place
• It is crucial for the stakeholders to understand heritage
conservation and the harmonious relationship of old and new
Tools remain a
• Conservation architects and archaeologists
in Historic Scotland stress that hand tools
offer a 'traditional' finish, alluding to the

potent source of kind of naturalistic qualities that so desired

• a proper tool must be used for certain type

anxiety with respect

of conservation works. Wrong tools will
lead to damages and destruction to the
heritage building

to differing • The mechanical age destroyed the intimate

relationship between the artisan or

conceptions of
craftsman and his work
• Conservation of heritage buildings was as
much means to conserve traditional
authenticity. intangible craft skills as vice versa
Nature of Conservation Project 1.
Government Representatives
Building Owner
3. Town Planners
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
4. Conservation Architects
buildings presents a range of unique characters. 5. Landscape Architects
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders 6. Building Surveyors
7. Specialised Structural Engineer
Obtaining Listed Building Consents 8. Specialised Mechanical and Electrical
9. Quantity Surveyors
Conservation Plans
10. Conservators
11. Art Historian
The Sourcing of Materials 12. Materials Scientist
13. Curators and Antiquities
The Need for Specialist Trades 14. Building Contractors
15. Crafts Person
The risk of Unexpected Costs 16. Archeologists
17. Biologist
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts 18. Chemist
19. Geologists

Add a footer 14
Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical 1. Federal Constitutions
buildings presents a range of unique characters. 2. National Heritage Acts 2005 (Act
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders 645)
3. The town and Country Planning Act
1976 (Act 172)
Obtaining Listed Building Consents
4. The Streets, Drainage and Building
Act 1974 (Act 133)
Conservation Plans 5. Local Government Act 1976 (Act
The Sourcing of Materials 6. State Enactments
1. State of Penang Heritage
The Need for Specialist Trades Enactment 2011
2. Melaka Preservation &
The risk of Unexpected Costs Conservation of Cultural
Heritage Enactment 1988 ,
amended 2008
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts 7. Others
1. Building by Law
Add a footer 2. Local Authority By Law 15
Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
buildings presents a range of unique characters.
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders A conservation plan focuses on the
significance of a heritage asset and
Obtaining Listed Building Consents which policies need to be in place to
retain this. The purpose are:
1. Preparing management proposals
Conservation Plans
2. Planning any major repair or
The Sourcing of Materials 3. Planning any new development
4. Managing a programme of
The Need for Specialist Trades regular maintenance
It is useful for large or complex sites
The risk of Unexpected Costs that comprise more than one type of
heritage assets.
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts

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Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
1. Problem in getting the right material
buildings presents a range of unique characters. 2. Sourcing the right material
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders 3. Problem in matching the existing
Obtaining Listed Building Consents 4. Material no longer manufactured
5. Profiles that are very specific to
Conservation Plans regions
6. Unusual Shape means a bespoke
piece has to be cast
The Sourcing of Materials
7. Skills is required if the materials need
to be replicate especially involving
The Need for Specialist Trades hand carving
8. New material is compatible with
The risk of Unexpected Costs original and it must been testing on
similar strength, texture, scale and
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts form.

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Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
buildings presents a range of unique characters.
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders

Obtaining Listed Building Consents

Conservation Plans

The Sourcing of Materials 1. Skills shortage

2. Structure have unique features
The Need for Specialist Trades 3. Unusual building methods
4. Difficult to find craftspeople who
have knowledge in above situation.
The risk of Unexpected Costs

Lack of Labour and Technical Experts

Add a footer 18
Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
buildings presents a range of unique characters.
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders

Obtaining Listed Building Consents

1. Heritage buildings are different in
terms architectural style, functions
Conservation Plans and building structure.
2. The level of damage and defects
The Sourcing of Materials depends on age of buildings, location,
environment threats and periodic
The Need for Specialist Trades maintenance
3. Required a comprehensive and
The risk of Unexpected Costs systematic approach. Need to use
correct conservation work principles
and procedures
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts

Add a footer 19
Nature of Conservation Project
Conserving and preserving heritage or historical
buildings presents a range of unique characters.
Projects with Multiple Stakeholders
1. Lack of labours and technical experts
Obtaining Listed Building Consents in conservation techniques and
Conservation Plans 2. Building conservation requiring an
understanding of knowledge of and
The Sourcing of Materials analysis of building defects diagnoses
3. To choose the appropriate tools and
the method to conserve the building
The Need for Specialist Trades 4. New building projects at surrounding
area creates threats to heritage
The risk of Unexpected Costs building
5. The documentation and recording
Lack of Labour and Technical Experts system for heritage buildings is
inappropriate and incomplete
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The National Heritage Act 2005
• Restoration
TUTORIAL • Reconstruction (reproducing by new construction)
• Preservation
• Rehabilitation
APPROACH. SUPPORT YOUR Guideline on Heritage Building
Conservation (Additional Approaches)
EXPLANATION WITH CASE • Prevention (security & monitoring, schedules
inspections, cleaning and maintenance to preclude
STUDIES. deterioration)
• Consolidation (supportive method to the original
• Reproduction (the recopying or re-making artefact or
• Maintenance (carrying out monitoring and
maintenance works)

1. Site Visit
2. Joint Measurement on
3. Building Condition
Assessment report 22

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