Bab 12 - Protective Coatings

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TK 5011 - 5211

§ 14

• The 1st evidence of coatings used for protection: the use of varnishes by the
Egyptians around 4000BC
• Organic / metallic barrier coatings between an aggressive environment and a
material = the most widely used method of engineering materials protection
• 3 general classes of coatings: organic, inorganic, and metallic coatings ; but
protective coatings = integrated multifunctional systems that combine  1 type of
• Coating may fail due to abrasion/impact  remove the coating  create a
corrosion site
• Root causes of coatings failure: delamination/disbondment > blisters > adhesion >
loss of gloss > solvent entrapment > pinholes > physical damage > cohesive
• Factors caused coating failures :
Water absorption, 0.1 – 3 %-w
Water vapor transfer (water permeability of coatings)
Electroendosmosis: caused by electric field between metal surface and
environment that force water through coating as membrane
• Factors caused coating failures :
Blistering due to air / gas inclusion
Blistering due to phase separation
during film formation
Surface contamination
Surface defects: hackles, laminations,
needles, weld splatter
Soluble components in the film: water
soluble inhibitive pigments in primers
Temperature differential / cold wall

• Common coating failures: 

• When moisture penetrates coating  contacts the steel  initiation/further
oxidation of steel  a corrosion cell in a pit ; if ionic contaminants (Cl-) present
at the interface  electrolyte more conductive  more vigorous cell action
• Diffusion rate of water & contaminants through a coating is controlled by its
thickness & formulation  coating thickness necessary to resist moisture
permeation  125 m
• Coating is exposed to aggressive environment (marine)  failure : blistering
and delamination (mechanistically similar)
• Coating imperfect  steel is exposed to environment and corroded following:
Fe  Fe2+ + 2e-
and O2 + 2H2O + 4e-  4OH-
Ferrous ions are not stable  react with water  Fe(OH)3 (rust) by:
Fe2+ + 3H2O  Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ + e-
the electrons produced are consumed by oxygen reduction
• Steel is well coated  the path from environment to the corrosion sites is
restricted/blocked by coating ; less adherent coatings  (dust, porosity,
holidays) pathways for counter ions  reduction of H+ to gaseous H2  active
gas that force the coating loose
• Produced hydroxyl ions  coating saponification  loss of surface adhesion4
• Cathodic currents (external, due to CP ; internal, due to Zn additive)  electro-
osmosis (forced water diffusion through coating)  strip coating from steel
• Initiation period of blistering to start = time required to set up a steady-state
diffusion of O2, water etc through coating
• Blisters enlarge  coalesce  delamination  rapid corrosion due to pH fall

Economic Aspects of Coatings Selection and Maintenance

• Coatings materials cost = 5 – 21% of total cost; surface preparation = 45% ;
high performance expensive system may save 40% over “less expensive”
system when its service life is > 10 years
• A general guidelines for calculating approximate installed costs of coating
system with expected coating service lives including : most commonly used
generic coating system in typical environments, service life for each, current
material costs, and current field and shop-painting costs
• Environments : atmospheric exposure (ISO 12944 standard) and immersion
service (potable water, fresh water, and salt water)

• Petroleum cracking products : large resin polymers (vinyls and acrylics)
• Paint solvents : derivatives of petroleum or natural gas
• Epoxies & polyurethane components : derivatives of petroleum refining

Coating Functionality
• Coatings may contain 15 – 20 ingredients with their own functionality
• Main variables used to design corrosion protective coatings :
Impermeability to humidity, water, gases, ions, electrons  high dielectric
constant and perfect adhesion
Inhibition: react with environment  protective film on metallic surface
Cathodically protective pigments: some additives in pigments shift the
potential to be less-corrosive, i.e. inorganic zinc-based primer
• Coating System
Primers: the first coat applied to metal due to its adhesive affinity to metal and
subsequent coat; a carrier for inhibitor or anodic metal; thickness  75 m
Secondary/Intermediate Coat: a tie between primer and the subsequent coats;
three different formulations  intermediate coat = the major film thickness
Topcoat: more dense & hydrophobic than the remainder of system  reduce
the rate of moisture permeation; confer reflectivity, reduce photodegradation,
affect color
Basic Components
• Coating materials : binding resin, pigments, additives, solvent (dispersant)
• Resin + pigments + nonvolatile additives + fillers = solids of coating, carried in a
vehicle (liquid solvent/dispersant), varied in viscosity by a thinner ; the vehicle
may also the binder of coating
• Solids content  final film thickness, = f(amount applied over a specific area)
theoretical coverage will not be obtained because of surface roughness and
losses during wet film application (spray  15% loss)
• Binders : material that convert liquid coating into a dense, solid, adherent
membrane after its application; depend on its molecular size & complexity
(higher Mr  form film by vehicle evaporation; smaller Mr  form film by
chemical reaction)
Binders classification based on their chemical reactions :
Oxygen-Reactive Binders :
- Alkyds: drying oils  chemical reaction synthetic resin (curing film,
chemical & weather resistance)
- Epoxy esters: epoxy resins + drying oils  epoxy esters, dries by oxidation
- Urethane alkyds: epoxy resins + drying oils + isocyanates  urethane
alkyds, solidified by oxidation

- Silicone Alkyds: alkyd resins + silicone molecules  silicone alkyds,
excellent weather-resistant
Lacquers : converted from liquid to solid film by solvent evaporation; low
solids volume. Examples :
- Polyvinyl chloride polymers: large molecule mer  dissolve  20%
- Chlorinated rubbers: should be modified by other resistant resins 
higher solids, less brittle, high adhesion
- Acrylics: high Mr, + vinyls  higher exterior weather resistance & color
- Bituminous materials: bituminous asphalts & coal tars + solvents 
lacquer-type films, good corrosion resistance but bad appearance
Heat-conversion Binders :
- Hot melts: melted asphalt / coal tar, applied as 100% solids in hot liquid
- Organisols (high molecular resins) & Plastisols (vinyl materials) dispersed
in solvent (plasticizer)  filming material upon heating
- Powder coatings: high Mr thermoplastic resins or semithermoset resins
applied as a very fine powder  melted  coating; application by using
electrostatic field with coating and substrate charged with opposing
polarities  coated section = insulated surface
Coreactive Binders : two low Mr resins  combined prior to application 
very adherent solid film; examples :
- Epoxies: low Mr resins with epoxy end + amines  cured  high Mr
binders with good solvent & chemical resistance
- Polyurethanes: low Mr resins containing alcohol or amine + di-isocyanates
 intermediate resin prepolymer + other resin containing amines /alcohol
/water  coreactive binders
Condensation Binders : resins polymerization  cross-linked polymers + water
= high-baked materials for tank & pipe linings
Coalescent Binders : various resin types  emulsified with water/solvent 
liquid binder  applied  medium evaporates & binder resin coalesces 
continous film
Inorganic Binders : inorganic silicates dissolved in water/solvent + air moisture
after application ; examples :
- Postcured silicates: soluble silicates + zinc dust  hard rocklike films 
stabilized by acidic curing agent
- Self-curing water silicates: soluble alkali silicates + colloidal silica 
applied + CO2 + moisture  water insoluble film
- Self-curing solvent-based silicates: organic esters of silica + moisture 
very hard & corrosion-resistant solid binder; rain & moisture resistant
shortly after application 17
• Pigments : provide color or as inhibitor in prime coat; + fillers to  bulk of
coating, density, abrasion resistance, opacity of the film. Wrong filler / excess
filler   coating grade by  permeability or  cohesion in the film
= dry powders insoluble in the paint medium  mixed by dispersion technique
: natural minerals – artificial organic compounds
Several essential properties : color, protection to resin binder, corrosion
inhibition, corrosion resistance, film reinforcement, nonskid properties, sag
control, increased coverage, hide & gloss control, adhesion
- Zinc phosphates: the most important in anticorrosive paints; need correct
binder for use with
- Red lead: accelerates nonferrous metals’ corrosion
- Calcium plumbate: provide adhesion to newly galvanized surfaces without
any pretreatment
• Solvents : influences viscosity, flow properties, drying speed, spraying/
brushing characteristics, and gloss
No universal solvent for protective coatings, the best in one system may be
impractical for another ; the wrong choice of solvent  severely affect the
curing and adhesion characteristics of final coating
Solvent Cathegories :
- Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: naphtha, mineral spirits typically used with
asphalt-, oil-, vinyl-based coatings 18
- Aromatic Hydrocarbons: toluene, xylene, or higher-boiling homologs are
typically used with CR, coal tars, and certain alkyds
- Ketones: acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl or amyl ketone,
are effectively used with vinyls, some epoxies, and other resins formulations
- Esters: ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, and amyl acetates are used as latent
solvents (a solvent that swells the binder at room temperature) with epoxy
and polyurethane formulations
- Alcohols: methyl, propyl, iso-propyl or butyl alcohols, and cyclo-hexanol =
good solvents for highly polar binders (phenolics); some alcohols are used
in connection with epoxies
- Ethers & Alcohol ethers: ethyl ether = excellent solvent for natural resins,
oils, fats. Alcohol ether (ethylene glycol mono methyl ether) = cellosolve is
a good solvent for oils, gums, natural resins, alkyds, ethyl-cellulose, nitro-
cellulose, PVA, polyvinyl butyryl, and phenolics
- Water: the most common water-borne coatings (a wide range of coating
formulations) used for application to metals are air dried or force dried at
T < 90C ; examples : water-reducible alkyds and modified alkyds, acrylic
latexes, and acrylic epoxy hybrids

• Temporary (hours/months/years) during which metallic components are
protected against indoor/outdoor environments
• Supplementary protection for surfaces that already have some permanent
protection such as cladding or conversion coating
• Supplementary protection in form of fluid that can be easily applied/removed
• As low vapor pressure materials that will inhibit corrosion on systems stored in
confined environments
• Expected to be replaced/refreshed periodically during the life of a system
Jointing Compounds and Sealants
• Jointing compounds are used to protect joints, they act by excluding dirt &
moisture by providing a reservoir of soluble corrosion inhibitors, flexible to
allow easy disassembly of parts; various synthetic resins that harden
sufficiently at edges to allow paint adhesion but remain tacky within the joint
 do not crack by flexural load
• Sealants are applied to joints to prevent fluids (fuel) escape, exclude moisture,
effective when used in faying surfaces & butt joints, wet installation of
fasteners, effective at insulating dissimilar metals

Corrosion Prevention Compounds
• CPC = fluids that can prevent new corrosion site formation and suppress any
corrosion that has initiated  useful as additional protection for deteriorated
paint systems
• Applied as fluids by wiping, brushing, spraying or dipping
• Immiscible with water, contain water displacing components to remove water
from surfaces & crevices
• Based on lanolin + solvents & inhibitors ; solvent evaporation  thin soft films,
semihard films, hard resin films (water displacing or non-water displacing)

Without CPC With CPC

• MSDS reveals that it may include :
- oil-/grease-/resin-based film former
- volatile, low surface tension carrier solvent
- nonvolatile hydrophobic additive
- various inhibitors : sulphonates or surface active agents
• Water displacing CPC spreads across surfaces, into cracks & crevices 
displaces moisture  carrier solvent evaporation  residue = barrier
• Hard film CPC dries  waxy or hard resin-like finish = barrier film
• Application of CPC using high-pressure pump system to convert it into a dense
fog which fog the area or cavity that needs protection
• Hot-melt wax thermoplastic CPC protect underbody structural components of
new vehicles during construction : components  alkali cleaned  water
rinsed  dipped in molten wax at 125 - 195C  75 – 125 m hot-melt wax
• Thin fluid film CPC applied on road vehicles by air powered spray units, as a
yearly maintenance for corrosion protection
• Overbased crystalline calcium sulfonate (MOCCS) : penetrant/sealer to pierce
into pack rusted joints  displace moisture, neutralize acid, and seal the joints

Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs)
• = vapor phase inhibitors (VPIs) transported as a vapor from a permeable
container to the site susceptible to corrosion
• In boilers: volatile basic compounds (morpholine/hydrazine) are transported
by steam to prevent corrosion in condenser tubes by neutralizing carbonic acid
or shifting pH toward less acidic
• In shipping containers: volatile solids (salts of dicyclohexylamine, cyclohexyl-
amine and hexamethylene-amine) are used
• Contact with metal surface  salt vapor condenses  reacts with moisture 
protective ions ; an efficient VCI = rapid and long last inhibition ; fast action 
high volatility, enduring protection  low volatility  VCI’s vapor partial
pressure 10-3 – 103 Pa
• The most effective VCIs  weak volatile base + weak volatile acid, ionized by
hydrolysis : H2O + R2NH2NO2  (R2NH2)+:OH- + H+:(NO2-)
• VCI (gas) adsorbed on metal surface  reacted  corrosion protection by
shifting electrode potential positively ;  vapor pressure   potential shift ;
VCI = anodic inhibitor

• can be produced by chemical action, with or without electrical assistance
• change the immediate surface layer of metal into a film of metallic oxide or
compound that has better corrosion resistance than the natural oxide film
• can also be a preparatory step prior to painting
Hydraulic Cements
• Used to coat buried/submerged pipe inside & outside, i.e. water or sewer lines
• Underwater gas/liquid hydrocarbon pipe  cements + barites/other heavy
materials to confer negative buoyancy
• Concrete coating on steel  protective when it does not crack or spall off 
the alkaline reaction of hydraulic cement  high pH  prevent corrosion
Ceramics and Glass
• Ceramics are used  hydraulic cements, but applied to confer resistance to
heat or attack by hot & high-velocity gases  rocket nozzles, furnace linings, …
• Specialty mortars derived from acid-resistance cements  provide acid, alkali
and heat resistance to steel ; expansion coefficient  steel ; can be used as
floors, tank interiors, scrubbers, other process equipment of clean interior

• Glass is applied as slurry in production line, seldom for maintenance; once
applied and no mechanical abuse  highly resistant to acidic and mildly
alkaline corrosives ; easily cleaned but difficult to repair
• Glasslined and glasscoated pipe/valves/pumps/vessels are widely used in food,
chemical, and pharmaceutical industries
• Coating made of basic borosilicate glass may be used up to 175C in acid
mixtures other than those containing fluorides
• = electrolytic surface oxidation to produce a tightly adherent oxide scale that is
thicker than the naturally occurring film
• = electrochemical process where Al = anode ; electric current passing through
electrolyte converts the metal surface  durable Al-oxide
• the oxide coating is integrated with metal substrate (≠ metallic coating), hard,
abrasion resistant and it provides some degree of corrosion resistance
• Anodizing processes :
Cleaning in a nonetching, alkaline detergent at 80C  remove contaminants
and light oils
Rinsing using deionized water, follow each process step
Etching in a NaOH solution  remove an Al thin layer  an Al matte surface
Desmutting (rinsing) in acidic solution  remove unwanted surface constituent
left by etching 26
Anodizing: Al is immersed in acid electrolyte where a DC electricity passed
through between Al anode and tank cathode
Coloring of anodic films by absorptive dyeing (organic/inorganic dyestuffs) or
electrolytic coloring
Sealing of porous oxide coating  nonabsorbent pores  maximum corrosion
and stains resistance

• Cosmetic appearance is important  sulfuric acid anodizing; type II solution
(best for coloring): 15% H2SO4 at 20C
• Hardcoating (type III): use higher sulfuric acid concentration, voltage, and
current density at lower temperature (1 - 4C)
• Chromic acid anodizing (type I)  for application in marine environments, on
aircraft as prepaint treatment and in cases where acid may be entrapped ; bath
contain 5 – 10% chromic acid at 35 - 40C, using 40V or 20V  thin, easily
colored & corrosion resistant layer
• Bath of 3 – 10% oxalic acid at 27 - 32C using 50V DC  50 m thick, gold –
golden bronze film
• Bath of 3 – 20% phosphoric acid at 32C with 60 V  pretreatment for adhesive
bonding in aircraft industry or as treatment before plating on Al
• Boric/tartaric acid bath  2 – 25 m thick, nonconductive anodized coating
consist of thin nonporous barrier layer + porous outer layer that can be sealed
by hydrothermal treatment in steam/hot water for several minutes 
electrolytic capacitors
• many reasons to anodize a part : appearance, corrosion resistance, ease in
cleaning, abrasion resistance, nongalling, heat absorption, heat radiation

• Sealing of Anodic Coatings
 a hydrated oxide layer which improved protective properties
Immersing the anodized parts in a boiling dilute nickel acetate solution 
hydration of Al-oxide ; hydrated oxide volum > unhydrated one  the pores are
filled, plugged  coating resistance to staining & corrosion

Chromate Filming
• chromate filming treatments are available for Al-, Mg-, Cd-, and Zn-alloys
• : short-time immersion in / spraying / application by brushing strongly chromic
acid solutions  films ± 5 µm thick and colored depend on the base alloy
(golden yellow on Al, dull gold on Cd & Zn and brown or black on Mg)
• The films contain soluble chromates as corrosion inhibitors  slightly 
corrosion resistance of the base metal ; their main purpose : suitable surface
for sealing resins or paints, e.g. epoxy primer which does not adhere well to
bare Al, adheres very well to chemical conversion coatings
• for Zn-alloys : immersion for a few seconds in 200 g/L sodium dichromate
solution acidified with 8 ml/L sulfuric acid at room temperature, followed by
rinsing and drying to produce a dull yellow zinc chromate coating
• applied by brushing, spraying, or prolonged immersion in acid orthophosphate
solution containing Fe, Zn, or Mn (Zn(H2PO4)2.2H2O + H3PO4)  thick porous
layer of fine phosphate crystals, tightly bonded to the steel
• do not provide corrosion resistance when used alone, but an excellent base for
oils, waxes, or paints, and prevent spreading of rust under layers of paint
• should not be applied to nitrided or finish-machined steel ; steel parts
containing Al, Mg or Zn are subject to pitting in the bath ; applications to heat-
treated stainless and high-strength steels are also restricted 30
• Steels containing nitride-forming elements (Cr, Mo, Al and V) can be treated to
produce hard surface layers  improved wear resistance
• The process : exposure of cleaned surfaces to anhydrous ammonia at elevated
temperatures  hard nitrides that also more voluminous than the original steel
 create compressive residual surface stresses  improved fatigue and
corrosion fatigue resistance (≈ effects of shot peening)
Passive Films
• Bluing of steel: process for producing a protective oxide on steel; + oil  thin
oxide film prevent steel rusting in normal atmosphere
• Clean steel surface + dry steam/strong alkalies/cyanides  very thin and
continuous film
• Austenitic, martensitic, precipitation hardening, and maraging stainless steels
surfaces may be contaminated by organic/inorganic/metallic materials 
cleaned and degreased by immersion in nitric acid + dichromate solutions 
naturally occurring transparent oxide films  do not need coating
Pack Cementation
• Powders of C/Al/Cr/B/Si packed around metallic object in a container  high T
for sufficient time  C/Al/Cr/B/Si diffuse into metal surface  hard, abrasion
resistant surface of 20 – 50 m thick protective film
• Used to impart abrasion &/ high-T resistance to gas turbine blades & vanes 31
• Severe impact, abrasion, or high temperature are considered in material
selection  metallic coating should be considered
• Electrolyte is present in service  examine if there are any galvanic
incompatibility between substrate and metallic coating being applied
• Electroplating is carried out by passing electrical current through a solution
containing dissolved metal ions and metal object to be plated serve as cathode
• Plating parameters : voltage, current, temperature, residence times, and
composition of aqueous bath solutions
• Only metals that can be reduced from aqueous solutions of their salts, can be
electroplated (Al, brass, bronze, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Sn, Zn, Au, Pt, Ag) ; the only
major exception is Al which can be plated from organic electrolytes
• The sequence of unit operations in an electroplating operation involves various
cleaning steps, stripping of old plating or paint, electroplating steps, and rinsing
between and after each of these operations
• For small & intricate shapes (bolts & screws)  plating metal can be applied by
barrel plating : a rotating barrel containing parts to be plated (connected
electrically to power supply) is turned slowly in the electrolyte
• Chrome plate (three-ply coating) : flash copper + nickel coating (the most thick
layer) + thin, hard coating of bright chromium; total thickness = 25 – 50 m
• Thin electroplated films of Au, Pt and Ag  electrical contacts and electrical
equipment, because of their oxidation resistance; oxides have R >
• Electroplated coatings may fail by cracking from repeated expansion –
contraction or impact
• Large quantity of H on cathodic surface  H can enter the substrate metal of
high-strength steels  hydrogen embrittlement ; presence of H recombination
poisons (S, CN, As, Cd,…)   atomic H absorption ; to drive most of H out of
the metal  bake the parts at 200C
Electroless Plating
• Electroless Ni (EN) plating is a chemical reduction process = catalytic reduction
process of Ni2+ in an aqueous solution (containing a chemical reducing agent)
and subsequent deposition of Ni-metal without using electrical energy
• the driving force for Ni2+ reduction and their deposition is provided by chemical
reducing agent in solution  agitation can ensure uniform concentration of
metal ions and reducing agents  the electroless deposits thickness are
uniform all over the part’s (irregular) shape and size
• Once the catalytic substrate is covered by deposited metal, plating continues,
because deposited metal is catalytic 33
• Ni deposit is magnetic, except Ni-P coatings with > 8%P (nonmagnetic) ; P :
supersaturated in fine microcrystalline solid solution  nonferromagnetic
• A second generation of EN plating = codepositing micrometer-sized particles of
Si-C with Ni  extremely wear- and corrosion-resistant coating : Ni-alloy matrix
provides corrosion resistance, while Si-C particles add wear resistance
Hot Dip Galvanizing
• = process of applying a Zn-coating on Fe or steel by immersing the material in a
bath consisting primarily of molten zinc
• Galvanizing process is simple  found as corrosion protection in almost major
application and industry using iron/mild steel, i.e. automotive industry
• Galvanized products rely on cathodic protection provided by Zn to prevent
corrosion of exposed steel at cut edges ; Zn is corroded sacrificially to protect
exposed steel ; corrosion rates of Zn-coatings required to cathodically protect
steel in aggressive environments (saltwater/marine) ≈ 25 x the normal zinc
corrosion rate
• Metal layers can be applied to other metals to obtain a more corrosion-
resistant surface, using a less expensive or a stronger structural material
• Cladding is applied at mill stage by pressing, rolling, or extrusion  thickness &
distribution controlled, nonporous coatings of sheet, plate, tubing, or coins 34
• Practically no limit of clad thickness can be produced, but the process is limited
to simple-shaped articles; clad thickness  5 – 10% of base metal thickness
• Cleaned & treated metals surfaces  layers of 2 metals are mated by heavy
rolling  cladded metal. Two metals may be coextruded through a die.
• The interior of pulp digester or other pressure vessels requiring CRA to resist
process fluid can be constructed by cladding
Metallizing (Thermal Spraying)
• Application technique : thermally spraying a metal onto another metal (as
sacrificial anode for steel used as concrete rebar)
• Rod/wire stock  fed into a flame  melted  stripped from the end of the
wire  atomized by high-velocity stream of compressed air (gas)  propels the
material onto a prepared substrate
• Depend on substrate, bonding occurs due to : mechanical interlock with a
roughened surface / localized diffusion and alloying / by means of v d Waals
forces (mutual attraction and cohesion between 2 surfaces)
• 3 basic categories of thermal spray technologies :
- feeding wire/metal powder into oxyacetylene/oxyhydrogen flames
- feeding wire into heated zone created by electrode arcing AC  molten
metal is impelled by a stream of compressed air to the surface to be coated
- blowing metallic particles suspended in a gas through a blow-pipe flame,
twin-arc or plasma  can be used to coat inside pipes and tubes 35
• Thermal spray coating need thorough surface preparation because molten
metal droplets must adhere before solidification
• The coating is oxidized & porous  should be top coated
• Applied on steels exposed to offshore petroleum platforms,chemical tanker
compartments, ...

• To provide a surface that is compatible with the coating material : surface
cleanliness and surface roughness/profile  coating anchorage
• The cost of surface preparation & labor = ½ - 2/3 the cost of a coating job
• Surface properties of substrate affect coating performance : surfaces in
compression increase coating performance because they are more resistant
than unstressed surfaces; surfaces in tension may cause coating failure earlier
(differences in expansion rates between coating and substrate  stresses on
coating  cracking  failure)
• Inadequate and excessive coating thickness  failure
Principles of Coating Adhesion
• The use of abrasive blasting  clean and large area closest to ideal surface
profile. However the best blasted surface can be contaminated with metal
oxides, dirt, abrasive particles, and adsorbed gases  need coating formula
having maximum capacity to compete for and lock into available bonding sites
 coating materials containing polar functional groups (OH, C=O, …) provide
the best adhesion to metal substrate
• Good adhesion needs : good surface wetting by liquid coatings and stability of
coating material >< embrittlement due to oxidation, cross-linking, or coating
volatilization  shrinkage stresses in coating  loss of adhesion
Abrasive Cleaning
• 2 abrasive cleaning methods : centrifugal blasting and air-pressure blasting
• Centrifugal Blasting: using machine that propel abrasives against surface by
imparting velocity of the particles by means of a rapidly rotating wheel
The abrasive material (grit, shot, cut wire, various hard oxides or carbides)
impinges surface  remove surface contamination and make a pattern of
indentations which serves as anchors to the chemical bonding forces
The total surface area exposed in this profile >> smooth surface
Cross-section through a base which has been
centrifugally blasted with G-50 grit (fine) and
coated. Peak A extends above coating surface, B
indicates a valley, and C indicates coating
surface. Coating fails first at peak A, while D
indicates “bridging” of valleys where coating
failure may start.
Centrifugal blasting is most economical in continuous/intermittent use, such as
in a steel fabrication shop: steels as received  blasting  immediately primed
with a preconstruction primer
• Field Blasting : injecting the abrasive into a rapidly moving air stream  expell
it through a nozzle  the particles impinge the surface
Used for smaller items or for touch-up 43
Five degrees of cleaning
steel :
1. NACE 1/SSPC 5: White
metal blast cleaned
2. NACE 2/SSPC 10: Near-
white blast cleaned
3. NACE 3/SSPC 6:
Commercial blast cleaned
4. NACE 8/SSPC 14:
Industrial blast cleaned
5. NACE 4/SSPC 7: Brush-off
blast cleaned

Skill of the workman in keeping the blast stream at the right efficient angle and
at proper distance to the work while making sure that all areas are properly
cleaned = prerequisite

Water Jetting
• Involves playing a stream of water at a high velocity ( 35 to 275 MPa) against
a surface to be cleaned  dislodge the scale or contaminant  reveal the
surface underneath existing coatings
• Effective in removing resilient materials that can not be removed by abrasives,
in cleaning surfaces of complex cross section such as sieves, when grit blasting
is a fire/environmental hazard, at removing water soluble salts from a surface
• Coatings Industries use water jetting for recoating or relining projects where
there is an adequate preexisting profile
• NACE 5/SSPC SP-12: 4 degrees of cleaning steel with water jetting :
WJ-1: Clean to bare substrate
WJ-2: Very thorough or substantial cleaning
WJ-3: Thorough cleaning
WJ-4: Light cleaning
Wet Abrasive Blasting
• = variation of abrasive particle-air blasting involves introducing abrsives into a
rapidly moving stream of water and air  cuts down atmospheric pollution
• Inhibitors often added to water  reduce rusting of the “clean” steel before
the prime coat is applied
• The abrasive type defines the profile
1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “galvanizing”? Sebutkan
2. Sebutkan dan jelaskan proses electroplating.
3. Jelaskan tujuan penerapan proses anodizing / chromatizing /
nitriding / phosphatizing.
4. Jelaskan tentang “coating system” pada organic coating beserta
fungsi dari setiap lapisan.
5. Sebutkan komponen-komponen cat beserta fungsi masing-
6. Jelaskan tujuan dan pentingnya persiapan permukaan sebelum
aplikasi coating.
7. Sebutkan kelebihan dan kekurangan sistem pembersihan
permukaan dengan abrasive blasting, water jetting dan wet
abrasive blasting.

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