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Anastasija Peshevska lll-8

• On this event there was a discussion about the bad side of the internet and how it
is affecting the society.We were talking about how the informations that we see
on the internet can affect us,how by seeing them we can get isolated.On the
mediums people can pretend as someone that they are not,and the informations
that we are sharing can be taken and misused.There was also a discussion about
cyberbullying, how is does it start and how we should protect ourselves from
those type of things.
• On this event there was a journalist from MRT and there was a presentation about fake
news,fake profiles how we can recognize them with photoshop and more.Then the students
were writing an article and they were presenting them.And at the end there was a discution.
• This event was at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy.It was an organized
motivational space for young entrepreneurs and business owners and innovative groups who
presented and motivated about different topics like how to achive success,more presentations
on the topic recycling and recovery of things and how can we use those recycling materials.
• On this event there were students from another school.There was a presentation about
Motivational letter and about CV and how to write them.Then they gave the students to
write one of those tasks and a test about interests.They had a discution for interviews and
how to prepare for one.

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