Pediatric Topic 2

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Conducting of toilets

eyes , ears , oral cavity

Faculty medicine
Teacher : Аліна Попова
 Tidy appearance. e
 A standard medical smock (coat).
 * A cap or a kerchief on a head.
 « Short nails. e
 Special hospital footwear which is easily disinfected (for example,
leather). « Hands well washed up with soap.
 * To medical sisters and doctors engaged in surgical manipulations,
watches, rings, varnish on nails are forbidden.
 © According to indications (the maternity, infectious department,
epidemic of influenza, etc.) a mask is put on; it is necessary to
change a gauze mask every 4 hours; at an opportunity, it is better to
use disposable sterile masks.
Oral cavity
 Cleaning teeth with a tooth brush : 2 times a day; it is
necessary to teach the child to clean his/her teeth correctly:
to move a tooth-brush on the vestibular and the lingual
surfaces of teeth from the top downwards and from below
upwards from both sides; and on the surfaces of the closure
of the teeth.
 The sick child should rinse his/her mouth after each
reception of food, especially during diseases of the mouth
(stomatitis, quinsy, pharyngitis); it is rational to rinse the
mouth with 1.5%—2.5% of soda or 1% of salt solution.

 It is necessary to wash ears every day. If there is some

ear-wax in the ear canals, the nurse cleans the patient's
ears in the following way: 3-5 drops of the 3% solution of
hydrogen peroxide or sterile Vaseline oil are instilled into
the ear, after which the wax plug is removed with the
help of cotton-buds.
 eyesare washed without special assignment 2
times a day. If the patient's eyes turn sour,
eyelashes stick together, it is necessary to wash
the eyes with warm tea of strong concentration
(brown color), moving a piece of gauze moistened
with tea, from an external corner up to the nose
Children of first year of life rules:

 Do not wipe the mouth cavity of the baby because of its

tenderness and probability of the mucous membrane
getting easily traumatized.
 ears are wiped during face washing, external acoustical
canals are cleaned with dry cotton-buds only under
 Eyes, if necessary, are washed from the external corner
towards the internal corner with a piece of gauze
moistened with tea.
 techniques of medical procedures for eyes, ears, the
mouth cavity etc. for a one year old child, which are
carried out only by the trained nurses, are similar to
techniques of all age groups.

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