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I am SO happy to meet you !

Social Class!
A. What do you do? (Do you like
your job?
Why? / Why not?)
B. What job would you like to
have? Why?
C. What does your father/mother
D. Can you name any three
E. Which is better: working-
(studying/helping others in family)
or doing nothing? Why?
Can you interview your
parents now??
Interview Questions
1. What is your name?
2. What do you do?(Job)
3. Do you love to work or sit idle?
4. Why do you work?
5. What will happen if you don’t work?
Note:- You can include more questions)

VALUE of Work

After studying this chapter, you will be able to

 State different types of works that people do in
their neighbourhood.
 Show the value of every type of work.
 identify three reasons why people work.
 Assess their own and other’s work.
 Plan to manage their expenses.
 Avoid the demands of unnecessary things.
Words to Know

 work  weapons
 job  enough
 generate  overseer
 income  Department
 Cosmetic
 needs
 Community
 Wants
 Discriminated
 blacksmith
What Is Work?

 Work – An
activity done
to produce or

 Can
you give examples of work that you
may perform?
Work Provides Income

 Income – The amount of money a

person receives for doing a job.
 Needs – The basics a person
must have in order to live.
 Wants – The items a person would like
to have, but are not required.
Think About It

 Imagine you have just

graduated from high
school. You will begin
working as a bank teller
in a town 15 miles
 What would be on your
list of wants? needs?
Work Influences
 Identity – The sum of traits that
distinguishes a person as an individual.
 There are two parts to your identity:
 how you see yourself
 how others see you
Think About It

 Your job is a part of

your identity.

 Give an example of a
job. How might it form
a person’s identity?
Work Influences
 Lifestyle – A person’s typical way
of life.
Think About It

 How does a job or

career affect a
person’s lifestyle?
 How does a
person’s income
affect lifestyle?
Work Provides

 An important outcome of work is a

feeling of satisfaction or
accomplishment, which adds to your
 Self-esteem – The confidence a
person has in himself or herself.
Work Keeps the Economy

 Economy – The way goods and services

are produced, distributed, and consumed in
a society.
Work Keeps the Economy
 When people are spending money on
goods and services, the economy is
considered strong.
 When people are unemployed and not
spending money, the economy is
considered weak.
Work Requires
 Workplace know-how –
Skills and abilities needed
by today’s workers.
Workers Need a

 A good foundation
 basic skills
 thinking skills
 important personal
Chapter :
In the Know
 Work
 provides income.
 influences your identity.
 impacts your lifestyle.
 provides satisfaction.
 keeps the economy strong.
 requires workplace know-how.

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