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Establish Your Purpose

Episode 3
Your Purpose in Health
Taped: August 23, 2002

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008 1

Welcome to Establish Your
Purpose. The show that helps
you discover God’s purpose for
your life and incorporate it into
each of the five life areas: faith,
health, relationships, career and
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Today, I will discuss how to
incorporate your purpose into the
health life area.

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To this point, we have discussed,
what purpose really is and how
you can find yours. I have also
shared with you how to
incorporate your purpose into the
Faith area of your life.

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Now, I will share with you how
your health plays a role in your
purpose. When we speak of
health we are considering both,
your overall mental and physical

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In the beginning, before the fall
of man, God created Adam and
put him in the garden with a
specific purpose. He was to
work it and take care of it. When
He created Eve, together they
were given the purpose to be
fruitful, and subdue or control the
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In I Thessalonians 4 Paul, Silas
and Timothy wrote to the
Thessalonians on how to live
their lives so that they would be
pleasing to God. In verses 11-12
they tell them to make it their
ambition, or their goal, to lead a
quiet life,
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to mind their own business and to
work with their hands. By doing
so they would win respect from
outsiders and they would not be
dependent on anyone.

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In chapter 5, verse 14, they are
instructed to warn those among
them that are idle, those who are
not working, to encourage those
who are afraid to step out and do
the work and help those that are
too weak to do the work alone.

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Whatever your purpose is from
God, it requires that you work.

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Ephesians 2:10 says, talking
about God, that we are His
workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus unto, what?, good works,
which God hath before ordained
that we should walk in them.

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We were created by God to work
towards fulfilling the purposes
He pre-destined for us to fulfill.
And Everything in creation has a
unique purpose.

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Ephesians 4 tells us that we are
all part of one body, the body of
Christ, and the five-fold ministry
gifts are in place to prepare
God’s people for works of
service in building up the body of
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It also lets us know that the
whole body, of which we are a
part, will grow and be built up in
love through Christ as each part
of the body does its work.

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The dictionary definition of work
is the effort made to do
something or make something
come about. It is an act or action

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Your purpose requires work.
And Work requires Action.

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In order for action to happen,
some part of the body must be in

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Your physical body is the
instrument God uses to
accomplish His purpose in the
earth through you.

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Romans 6:13 tells us not to yield
the parts of our bodies as
instruments to sin but rather yield
the parts of our bodies as
instruments of righteousness.

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What is an instrument? It is
something that is used to get
something else done. As a
musical instrument is played to
produce a sound pleasing to the
musician, so too, God prepared
us to produce works pleasing to
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Romans 12:1 tells us to present
our bodies to God as living
sacrifices, holy and acceptable,
that is pleasing, unto God.

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We can only please God with this
sacrifice if our body is positioned
to do what God requires of it.

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In Matthew 26:40-41, Jesus takes
Peter, James and John to the
garden of Gethsemane to provide
support to Him as He prayed. As
you may know, Jesus was greatly
grieved because He knew the
time for His crucifixion was upon
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He simply asked them to stay and
keep watch with Him. But their
bodies were not prepared to do
this simple task. So, after Jesus
goes off alone, He comes back to
find them asleep. No doubt,
Jesus was disheartened seeing
that His friends weren’t able to
command their bodies to simply
stay awake for a little while.
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This is why He warns them in
verse 41, that even though their
spirit is willing to do the work,
the physical flesh is weak. If
they were not in condition to
command their flesh to stay
awake, they were also at risk of
their flesh leading them into
other types of temptations.
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So, it is not enough to have a
willing spirit. Your body and
mind must also be prepared to act
out the will of the spirit.

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Your health, that is the well-
being of your mind and body
plays a critical role in fulfilling
your purpose. The first step to
incorporating your purpose into
the health life area is to have the
right mindset.

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The right mindset is one in which
your overall focus is on doing the
will of God. Going back to
Romans 12, verse 2 tells us to be
transformed by the renewing of
our minds. Once you do that,
then you can test and approve
what God’s will is for your life.
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In the first episode of Establish
Your Purpose, I shared that your
purpose can be found in whatever
you have a passion for or a strong
desire to do.

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Phillipians 2:13 says this, “For it
is God which worketh in you
both to will and to do of His
good pleasure. So the strong
desires you have to do certain
good things is from God. The
urge you have to act upon doing
those good things is also from
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But this can only be properly
discerned when your mind is
transformed towards serving Him
by doing His will. As I said in an
earlier program, the way to know
what your purpose is, is first to
know what you have,

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then get intimate with God and
build a relationship with Him.
Come to know who He really is.
Once you come to know Him,
then your desire will turn towards
pleasing Him by having your
focus on serving Him.

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Once your heart and mind are
focused on service to God, you
can then test and approve the test
of what your purpose really is.

Once you are assured of your

purpose, then your efforts must
be turned to fulfilling it by acting
upon it.
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You fulfill your purpose by doing
whatever work your purpose
requires. Any successful work
requires mental organization and
physical action.

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After your mind is focused on
serving God, and He has revealed
your purpose to you, then you
must next mentally prepare to
fulfill it.

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The first step in mental
preparation is gaining the
knowledge or know how that you
still may be lacking. This may
require reading books or journals
that relate to your purpose. It
may also require asking questions
of or being mentored by others
that have done similar things.
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Knowledge is important.
Knowledge is gaining know-how
through the experiences of
others. God has revealed certain
things to individuals throughout

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God intends for us to study and
learn what we can from others so
that we don’t have to go through
the same long process of
experience that they went
through. God uses that saved
time to help you accomplish your
purpose more quickly and more
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You also want to have
knowledge of what is going on in
the world around you. Not so
you can worry about it, but so
that you can better understand
how important your particular
purpose is.
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It will also help you to find
important resources that God has
put in place to help you, or to
find the people or situations you
are meant to help.

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The next step in mental
preparation is getting wisdom
over the knowledge you have
gained. God will reveal to you
how you are to use what you
have learned.

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He will also reveal to you what
parts of what you have learned
will work for you and how they
will work. And He will reveal
what parts of what you have
learned you must improve upon
in order for the next person to be
more effective.
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Proverbs 8:17 says all that seek
wisdom, finds it. So you must
consider God before you take
action on what you have learned.
That’s why Proverbs 3:5 says
“Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, and lean not to your own
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Knowledge gives you the facts,
but wisdom provides revelation
and truth about the facts you have
learned. If there is no knowledge
then there is nothing to provide
wisdom over. So, both are

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Finally, get an understanding of
what you must do to fulfill your
purpose. Understanding comes
from moving in obedience. It
can also come from moving in
disobedience, but in this season,
you don’t want to get your
understanding that way.
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Understanding comes from
acting upon the wisdom God has
given you over the knowledge of
your purpose. Understanding is
seeing things from God’s
perspective. It is seeing things as
though you were standing right
under and looking in the same
direction as the one you are
trying to understand.
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This is why Proverbs 4:7 says,
wisdom is the principal thing;
therefore get wisdom, and with
all thy getting, get understanding.
God’s wisdom is supreme. It
will guide every decision you
make. But understanding will
keep you on track.
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If you could see your life from a
Godly point of view, it would
blow your mind. If you really tap
in and see things in the way God
sees them, that is the “big
picture”, you would never worry
another day in your life.

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If you have understanding, you
would not be moved by any
circumstance because you would
understand the truth about
circumstances and the lack of
control they have over you.

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If you have understanding, you
will know that there truly is
nothing impossible to God and
that if you just believe it, there
then is nothing impossible to

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So, make sure you mentally
prepare yourself for purpose by
gaining knowledge, getting the
wisdom over that knowledge and
then understanding your role in
the body from God’s perspective.

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To your mental preparation, you
must add physical preparation.
Though the spiritual then mental
knowledge is most important,
physical action is necessary to
perform it.

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All work requires some type of
action. So, first, Know what is
physically required to accomplish
your purpose. I Timothy 4:8
says, “for bodily exercise
profiteth little but godliness is
profitable unto all things…”

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The scripture does not say
exercise is unprofitable. Just that
in relationship to godliness it
doesn’t mean as much. But it is
still profitable. So, if exercise is
what you need to get your body
prepared to do God’s will, then
that’s what you must do. It is a
part of godliness for you.
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And quite honestly, we all need
to do some form of exercise to
keep the parts of body in
functioning order. Once you
know what your purpose
physically requires, then you
must evaluate how ready you are,
today, to meet those
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Of all that you say you must do,
compare that list to where you
are today. For example, say your
purpose requires a lot of travel.
Travel is very physically

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If you fly or drive, there is
general physical discomfort in
moving through airports, and
sitting for long periods. If you
fly a lot, your body is constantly
going through different degrees
of gravitational pulls as you
ascend, descend and move at
certain speeds.
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So, in this case, the body needs to
be in shape to handle these
variations without becoming
easily worn out. Your eating
habits also must address your
body’s needs for this particular
type of work. Evaluate how
ready you are.

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Finally, set a plan to make
changes to get you from where
you are today, to where you
physically need to be in order to
succeed. Even if you are
physically disabled in some way,
that should not hinder you from
achieving your purpose.

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If you have some type of long
term infirmity, work with your
doctor to do what is necessary to
get your body in the best physical
shape it can possibly be in.

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God has revealed knowledge to
physicians on how to put certain
substances together to alleviate
certain types of pain or to destroy
certain illnesses in your body.
So, work with them and use them
to help you get prepared for
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Now, if in anything they say they
can’t help you, that just means
that God hasn’t revealed the
solution to them at this point. So,
you go directly to the source of
healing and wisdom to get
direction and help.

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There are three key parts to
setting a physical plan. Eating
right for your body’s needs,
exercising in a way most
appropriate for your body’s needs
and getting rest. We talked some
about the first two items, so lets
talk some about rest.
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God requires and commands rest.
God rested on the 7 day of

creation, He commanded that the

Israelites rest on the 7th day and
He even required that the land
they used to raise crops be given
a year of rest.

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Without the proper amount of
rest, your body and your mind
cannot perform. Too much rest
is idleness, and that’s not good.
But too little rest is very taxing
on the body. Your body was not
created to go non-stop. God is
the only one who keeps His eyes
open at all times.
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Even when you lay down, if your
mind is wrought with worry, you
will not get rest. Without rest,
God cannot do
His best through you. Your body
and mind will be strained and
limited. If you press to do your
work without proper rest, you
will open yourself up to illness.
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You need to rest, because you
don’t want to be like Peter, James
and John, and fall asleep at
Christ’s greatest hour of need for
you. You may have to refine
your social calendar or eliminate
some of your activities.

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Any activity that is not lined up
with your purpose should be
eliminated anyway. Make sure
your body is rested.

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So that is what you do to be
mentally and physically prepared
to accomplish your purpose.
Now, Here is what you don’t do.
Don’t pollute or harm your body.
You are not your own. You
belong to God, and your body
was made for His purpose, not
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I Corinthians 6:12-20 plainly
makes this point. It lets us know
that our physical bodies are part
of Christ, Himself. Our bodies
are the temples of the Holy

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They are the place where the
Spirit of God resides. Since we
were bought with a price and
belong to God, we must honor
Him with these bodies.

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Therefore, we cannot fill the
body with foods that don’t edify
it, we likewise, can’t starve it
trying to make it look like we
think someone else looks. It is a
good doctrine not to drink
alcohol because it impacts your
decision-making ability.
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If at any point you cannot make a
good or wise decision because
you don’t have full control of
your members, you are open to
falling off God’s course for your

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If you fall, can you get back on
course again? Most of the time,
yes, but you will lose valuable
time and may miss opportunities
that were placed on your course
during the time you were off
trying to find your way back to it.

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Likewise, intercourse outside of
marriage is a bad idea. When
intercourse takes place body
fluids are exchanged. Those
body fluids, which carry the other
person’s DNA (or makeup),
remain in your system.

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When you physically join with
someone outside of your purpose
and take on their life’s fluids, you
are intermingling your purpose
with theirs. This is why,
especially for believers, you
experience extreme guilt and
confusion when you have sex
outside of marriage.
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satan will use the guilt to keep
you distracted and your
confusion will keep you from
functioning. This is also why
many prostitutes look haggard
and worn down. Their bodies are
full of multiple fluids that are not
their own. And many of those
foreign fluids don’t inter-act
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God’s rules are not in place to
keep you from enjoying life.
They are in place to help you stay
free so you can accomplish His
will and live in peace.

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Obedience pleases God, because
it implies that you understand
who He is and what He requires
of you.

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So, know your purpose, have the
mindset that keeps you focused
on purpose, use faith as the
foundation for fulfilling your
purpose and finally, today,
prepare your mind and body to
walk out the requirements of
your purpose.
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If you haven’t gotten your copy
already, make sure you get
“What Does Your Produce Look
Like, How to live a purposeful

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Join me next time as I talk about
how to incorporate your purpose
into the Relationship area of your
life. You don’t want to miss it.
Until then, Be blessed and may
you prosper in all good things
according to your purpose in
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008 82

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