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For ITFS BSA’s and Developers

Session 1 - Candidates and Clients

Presented by: Louisa Garrido

Date: Aug 30, 2017

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TCAST Overview – Basic Flow
 Front Office Users enter Companies, Job Orders and Employees into
Salesforce (SFDC)
 SFDC sends Job Order and Client Approver data to TCAST. Any Errors are
viewable in TCAST and data can be corrected in SFDC
 TCAST Processes the data into TCAST Core Tables
 TCAST communicates with Salesforce Identity (used to be OAM), which is
Managed by MCC, to generate Log In Credentials (User name and
password) for Candidates and Clients
 TCAST Creates Timesheet Shells for each week to allow time entry and
 Candidates log in to enter time and Clients log in to Approve time or return
timesheets if changes are needed
 FSC enters time for manual timesheets and can route timesheets to the
Branches to resolve any issues encountered for manual timesheets as well
an Online timesheets
 TCAST calculates OT/DT based on configured rules and generates Batch
and Reference numbers
 TCAST creates payrecords for the finalized timesheets for Payroll/Billing
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TCAST Overview

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TCAST Candidates and Clients
 TCAST allows Candidates to enter and submit time online and Clients to
Approve time online
 If the Client chooses not to manage timesheets online or the Job Order is
“VMS” (Vendor Management Service), the candidate will print out a
Barcoded timesheet to fax to RHI
 If the Candidate chooses not to enter time online, the Candidate would fax
over the manual timesheet provided to them and the FSC would enter the
 A Client could also fax a Group timesheet or other paper timesheet with
approval signatures and the FSC would enter the time
 If the candidate is on a Job Order designated as “VMS”, the candidate
cannot enter time on-line; however, the candidate does have the ability to
view the timesheets in TCAST. Timesheets are entered by the FSC based
on reports from the VMS system
 NOTE: As of August 2017. All Candidates and Clients in US and Canada are
using the TCAST Time Entry and approval system

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TCAST C/C “Credentials”
 Candidates and Clients receive their “Credentials” which are the User Name
and Password in a “Welcome” e-mail and a link to the Login page (AltSSO)
based on the LOB of the Job Order the C/C is associated with. These User
Names and Passwords are maintained in Salesforce Identity. LOB Login
pages and Salesforce Identity are managed by MCC

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Sample “Credential” e-mail

Note: With the integration

of Canada to TCAST in
Aug, 2017, the Canadian
Users in Quebec will
receive the initial
credential email in French.

The Candidate/Client will

be able to choose English
or French as the language
of choice.

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TCST Candidate/Client Login
 There are 2 ways for Candidates and Clients to log into TCAST

1) From the LOB Website where the user can click on “Access Timesheets”
which takes user directly to their TCAST Home Page


2) From an “Alternate” link which takes user directly to their TCAST Home Page
– We call this “Alternate” Method the “ALT SSO”

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Example of LOB Log in Page

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User clicks “Access Timesheets”

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“Time Approval” button takes Approvers to
“Alternate Sign On”

Note: With the integration

of Canada to TCAST in
Aug, 2017, the
Candidate/Client will be
able to choose English or
French as the language.

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Terms of Use

Candidates and Clients must

Accept the “Terms of Use” the
first time they log in.

Note: With the integration of Canada

to TCAST in Aug, 2017, the Terms of
use may be in English or French
based on the initial set up of the

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Reset Password and Security Questions

Candidates and Clients

must reset the password the
first time they log in or when
they have requested that
their credentials be resent.

Also if not already done,

they will be asked to set up
security questions/answers.

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Direct Deposit Prompt

Candidates will receive a prompt

to set up Direct Deposit, if they
choose, the first time they log in

Note: With the integration

of Canada to TCAST in
Aug, 2017, the Canadian
Users will be able to
choose English or French
as the language of choice.

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Candidate Home Page

Note: With the integration of Canada to

TCAST in Aug, 2017, the Canadian
Users will be able to choose English or
French as the language of choice in the
“My preferences” section

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Timesheet Entry

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Timesheet Detail

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Timesheet History

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Direct Deposit Center

Note: With the

integration of Canada to
TCAST in Aug, 2017,
the Canadian Direct
Deposit has an
additional field for entry
and based on
Language preference,
the Direct Deposit page
will be in English or

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Note: This is an old screen shot. The preferences have been amplified

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Client Home Page

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Awaiting Approval

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Timesheet Details

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Client can select multiple Timesheets

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Timesheet History

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Alternate Approver Setup

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Person who is Both
a Candidate and Client or Dual Country Candidate
User can toggle between Employee Home Page and
Client Home Page; also if also a Candidate is a Canadian
Employee as well as a US Employee, there will be a
“Employee Home-USA” or “Employee Home-CAN” button

In “My Preferences” user can set to default to

Candidate or Client Home Page for USA
Candidate/Client. Canadian Candidates will
not see this option

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Field HCM 9.0
 This is the link to “All things HCM/TCAST” for Prod Support and Testing

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Re-Send Credentials

 If the Candidate or Client has misplaced or forgotten the User Name and
Password, Customer Service can “Re-send” the Credentials to them
 In Testing environments, we can also “resend Credentials”, the difference
being that the e-mails will go to a designated “Test e-mail” box.
– This will prevent and e-mails going to actual Candidates or Clients if the real e-mail address is
still in the test data base

Main Menu
> TCAST FSC Timesheets
> Maintenance
> Candidate/Client User Access

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Re-Send Credentials con’t

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RHI TCAST Dev Emails

“RHI TCAST Dev Emails” =

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Additional Method for Testing only
 Some test environments do not have a linked “Salesforce Identity”
environment and therefore cannot use the “Credentials” functionality.
 There also may be a need to capture a specific scenario where the
Candidate/Client is not set up in the Linked “Salesforce Identity” environment
 We do have a way for testing purposes to access the Candidate/Client Home
Pages as if we were that person:
– 1) Identify the EMPLID needed for testing
– 2) Link this EMPLID to your own User Profile (See Next Slide for Example)
 OPRID when captured in the data will display your OPRID instead of the
Candidate or Client so this needs to be taken into consideration when
viewing results and analyzing data.

 NOTE: If the user selected is a “Switch” user meaning that there is a

Canadian People Number and a Related Global People number for the same
user, the “Home Page Switch Buttons” will not function this way

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Peopletools > Security > User Profiles

Pull up your user profile

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Enter ID Type and EMPLID

ID Type = TCAST External User

Attribute Value = EMPLID

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Faxed Timesheets
 When the PDF Barcoded Timesheets are printed for “Signature Rerquired”
 These timesheets are routed automatically via “Teleform” to Peoplesoft to the
“Rapid Time Entry and Worklists”

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Faxed Timesheets

 Remember those PDF Barcoded Timesheets

 These timesheets are routed automatically to Peoplesoft to the “Rapid Time
Entry and Worklists”
– We will review now but will have hands on in a later Session

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