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A wave is a disturbance in time and space.

It can be classified as either mechanical waves or

electromagnetic waves.
Mechanical waves are waves that need medium to propagate.
Sound Water Air

Ropes Earthquakes Tsunami wave

Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to propagate.
Visible light Radio waves

Television signals X-rays

How does the medium through which sound passes affect its

Sound travels through waves or vibrations with the help of

a medium. These vibrations causes the molecules of the
medium to collide thus, spreading the sound. A medium can
be solid, liquid or gas. Sound travels through them at different
Speed of Sound through Solids
One characteristics of solids is that they have closely-packed
molecules. Due to this, more collisions between molecules can
occur. Thus, spreading sound rapidly. This means that sound
travels fastest through solids.
Speed of Sound through Liquids
Liquids have molecules that are loosely packed compared to
solids. This means that the possibility of molecule colliding
due to vibration is lesser. Thus, sound travels slower in liquid
compared to solids.
Speed of Sound through Gases
Sound travels in the slowest. This is because the molecules
of gases are spread out thus, their molecules are least probable
to collide.
• The speed of sound is directly affected by the temperature
of the medium.

• The hotter the medium the faster the sound travels.

• Heat, just like sound, is a form of kinetic energy.

• At higher temperatures, particles have more energy(kinetic)
and thus, vibrate faster.

• And when particles vibrate faster, there will be more

collisions per unit time.

• With more collisions per unit time, energy is transferred more

efficiently resulting in sound traveling quickly.
Sound travels at about 331 m/s in dry air at 0ºC.

The speed of sound is dependent on the temperature of

the medium where an increase is observed with an
increase in temperature.
This means that at temperature greater than 0ºC
speed of sound is greater than 331 m/s by an
amount of 0.61 of the temperature of the medium.
In equation where T is the temperature of
air in Celsius degree and 0.61 is a constant
factor of temperature.
Sound is a mechanical wave that needs a medium in order to be
It travels fastest in solids, then in liquids and slowest in gases.
Let’s try it out at a room temperature of 25ºC
The speed of sound is represented by:

v = 331 + (0.61 x T) m/s Where:

v = speed of sound in air

T = air temperature in ºC
How can the formula be used?
Step 1. Given:
T = 25ºC
Step 2. What is asked?
Speed of sound in air
Step 3. Solve:

v = 331 + (0.61 x T) m/s

v = 331 + (0.61 x 25ºC) m/s
v = 331 + 15.25 m/s
v = 346.25 m/s
As the temperature increases the speed of sound increases.
Arrange the following medium through which sound travels in
increasing speed:
Steel, Nitrogen, Orange juice

1._________, 2.___________, 3.___________

2. During summertime in the country, temperature can get as high
as 39ºC. What is the speed of sound at this temperature?
Step 1. Given: T = ________ ºC
Step 2. What is asked? = ___________________
Step 3. Solve:

v = _______ + (0.61 x ____) m/s

v = _______ + ________ m/s
v = _________ m/s

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