Establishing Your Purpose Call To Actionrv71008

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Establishing Your Purpose

The Call to Action

Episode 8

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

Welcome to Establishing Your
Purpose. The show that helps
you to discover God’s unique
purpose for your life and achieve
it in each of the five life areas of :
Faith, Health, Relationships,
Career and Finances.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

Over the last few weeks, I have
spoken to you about what
purpose really is and how to
realize it in each area of your life.
Today, I would like to
summarize what we’ve talked
about and then give you four
keys to achieving the success of
peace through your purpose.
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
Purpose is the reason you were
created by God. Understanding
your purpose is the what helps
motivate and move you to fulfill
goals in your life that brings your
purpose into fruition.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

Everything in creation has a
purpose, even our emotions. God
uses all things in a perfectly
strategic and coordinated way
that helps us to realize and pursue
the purpose for our lives.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

The act of salvation is being
reconciled back to God through
Jesus Christ. In other words
salvation is being put back into
right relationship with God
through our acceptance of and
faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
That reconciliation is more than
just a casual relationship. It is a
binding covenant relationship
with God the Father. A covenant
relationship is a bilateral or two-
sided contract. This means that
both parties in the agreement
make promises to each other in
order to keep the contract in
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
God authors every covenant
agreement with the believer. St.
John 15: 1-17 (Read All and

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

The sum of it all is that each of
us is reconciled to God for the
purpose of helping others to
become reconciled to God. As
each person is reconciled and
takes on their right membership
in the body of Christ, the body is
built up and prepared so that
Christ can come again and
redeem us.
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
It is important that you know and
understand your purpose so that
1. You are not living life in
conflict with God and ultimately
yourself and,
2. You will be sustained and have
the strength to move forward
when you are faced with various
types of opposition.
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
So how do we move forward
starting right from where we are
1. Focus
2. Pursuit
3. Friction
4. Faith
5. Favor

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

1. Focus
• John 15
• Reconciled to bear fruit then God blesses
• Blessings part of your purpose-Hand-in-
• Result:God Glorified in Earth people are
converted unto Him
• Need to Know what God Desires from His
investment in You
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
2. Pursuit
• Philipians 3: 12-14 Press to take hold of kingdom
• Efforts directed towards Your purpose Fruition
• Not towards making promises Manifest
• Hand-in-Hand. pursuing Purpose gets you to your
places of Promise.
• Your distraction is inaction. No movement no

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

3. Friction
• Joshua 1:1-9
• Joshua walked uprightly,committed and fearlessly
obeyed God
• The remainder of book was how Joshua
strategically led the children of Israel in to possess
• Had to go to war and fight. But had confidence
because they knew the purpose and promise.
• Caused the ungodly nations to believe in the true
and living God

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

4. Faith
• Know PurposeUnderstand Circumstances
• Patience to continue and stand
• Hebrews 11:6-7, Contract condition, Noah
• Hebrews 10:35-39, Hold Fast, Don’t Back

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

5. Favor
• Fulfillment of the Promises as you achieve
• Leviticus 26:3-13 (Read All and Expound)

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

If you are not saved you need to
accept Jesus Christ today. For
there is no peace, joy or success
outside of relationship with God.
True success is peace. And true
peace is only found in having
faith in God.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

Accept Him today and you will
have received the greatest love
you will ever know in life. In
God, is all the peace, love and
joy that you seek.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

If you are saved, you are in
covenant with God. You part of
the covenant is to find our what
your purpose is and pursue it
without looking to the left or
right. But by focusing your eyes
on God. As you seek Him, and
not your desires, He will cause
your desires to come and over
take you,
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
thus fulfilling His part of the
covenant. As the covenant is
fulfilled, it in turn causes God to
be glorified through your life. As
He is glorified in you, the body
of Christ is built through
salvation because your life has
become a living testimony to
who God really is.
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
The Charge
God is calling on you right now
to fulfill your part of the
covenant by knowing and
pursuing your purpose. He’s
ready and waiting for you to
respond to the call. Make sure
you give Him the answer He is
looking for.
Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008
You are blessed right where you
are today, if for no other reason
than you now know how to move

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

Until next time, be blesses as you
pursue, achieve and establish
your purpose in God.

Copyright Reid & Company, LLC, 2002, 2008

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