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SCENE: Research Method Quantitative Approach

DATE: 29-03-2023
Presented By

Farhan Zaidannur Aulia Firjatullah Ady Naufal (21420040)

Quantitative Research
Quantitative research collects information from
existing and potential customers using sampling
methods and sending out online surveys, online
polls, and questionnaires, for example. One of the
main characteristics of this type of research is that
the results can be depicted in numerical form.
Quantitative research are deals in numbers,
logic, and an objective stance. Quantitative
research focuses on numeric and unchanging
data and detailed, convergent reasoning rather
than divergent reasoning.
Quantitative Data Collection methods
1.Quantitative Observation
Quantitative observation is an objective collection of
data which is primarily focused on numbers and
values – it suggests “associated to, of or depicted in
terms of a quantity”. Results of quantitative
observation are derived using statistical and numerical
analysis methods.
2.Quantitative Experimental

Experimental quantitative research design utilizes the

scientific approach. It establishes procedures that
allow the researcher to test a hypothesis and
systematically and scientifically study causal
relationships among variables.
3.Quantitative Surveys

The traditional definition of survey research is a

quantitative method for collecting information from a
pool of respondents by asking multiple survey
questions. This research type includes the recruitment
of individuals, collection, and analysis of data.
4.Quantitative interview

quantitative interviews usually contain closed-ended

questions that are delivered in the same format and
same order to every respondent. Quantitative interview
data are analyzed by assigning a numerical value to
participants' responses.
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