Gender Equality Ptresention

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UN goal:

Gender Equality
By: Mahdiyya Abbas, Iman Ehsan, Fatima Iftikhar, Tayyaba Safdar
• Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but its realization has a
significant socio-economic impact. Empowering women fosters economic prosperity
and boosts productivity and growth. But gender inequality is deeply rooted in every
society. Women lack access to decent work and face occupational segregation and
gender pay gaps. They are too often denied access to basic education and health
care. All over the world, women suffer from violence and discrimination. They are
underrepresented in political and economic decision-making processes. Over the
years, the United Nations has faced serious challenges in its efforts to promote
gender equality around the world. It lacks inadequate funding and a recognized
drive to guide UN work on gender equality issues. UN Women was established to
meet these challenges. She will be a dynamic and powerful advocate for women and
girls, giving them a strong voice at the global, regional and local levels. Guided by
the vision of equality enshrined in the United Nations Charter, UN Women:
Eliminate discrimination against women and girls. women's movement; and Achieve
the equality of women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development,
human rights, humanitarian action, peace and security.
 Intensity in the world
• In regard to being a fundamental human right, gender equality is also a condition for the
 world that is stable, affluent, and sustainable.Over the past few decades, there has been
progress: more girls are attending school, fewer are being pressured into early
marriages, more women are holding elected office and other leadership posts, and laws
are being changed to promote gender equality. Despite these advancements, there are
still many obstacles to overcome: 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49
report experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-
month period; discriminatory laws and social norms continue to be prevalent; women
continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership.
• GLOBALLY, 1 in 3 women experience sexual violence either by their intimate partner or no-partner. Women get
discriminated in workplace and underrepresented, mostly in political leaderships. In most business places men steal
women ideas, represent them as if they came up with it. In some business places, because of the sexism a women never
get the role such as a CEO even though she`s worthy of it instead is given to a unprepared employ.
• Women only share 26.2% in global parliaments.
• Women get dominated by men even by their own husbands, in 18 countries husbands can legally prevent their wives
from working, in 39 countries sons and daughters don`t have equal inheritance. 49 countries lack laws of protecting
women from domestic violence.
• People will continue to do all this and more. Now that we all know what will continue to happen to women if we don’t
spread and work more on the topic gender equality. BUT most of us don’t think bout the third gender known as
intersex people, intersex people are those who with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the boxes of female
or male.
• Intersex/Trans people suffer from inequality even from their families even, they get rejected or unfortunately murdered
even. They get pushed onto the streets , denied access to employment, victim of unwanted surgeries and not allowed in
• All the points you read in intensity in the world will continue to happen if we don’t stop gender
inequality and spread/work on gender equality.
• We won't be able to teach the next generation that we should respect our women and intersex people,
take care for them, and stand up for them against those who would treat them unfairly.
• It will affect many women’s and intersex’s people dreams because they would be considered to be less
competitive, discriminated and left behind.
• Gender norms influence behaviour, study choices, aspirations, and relationship attitudes.
• Girls become exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy ,poor education and health.
 solution
• We should introduce an international policy which assures and look forward to the rights of women and intersex people.
• An emergency team should be formed to look after the right of all genders
• young people must be educated about there right
• Women must be given the right to issue and register their documentation without the assistant of a male guardian
• Countries governments should enforce laws that aren’t biased towards specific genders.
• There should be no difference between intersex, female and male education.
• Intersex and women must be encouraged to report if they face domestic violence since they’ll will consider it as a disgrace to their
• Our society should learn to stop discriminating between all 3 genders.
• We should try to put all 3 gender equally in places such as school, workplace etc.
• Stop believing in gender norms.

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