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Global Supply Chain

Number of credits: 2 ECTS
Course period: 4 semester / 2 classes per week
Language of Instruction: English
Office И-320 19 Mira st.
Tel.: +7 (343) 375-87-95
Email: i.v.burlakova@urfu.ru
Senior Lecturer
International Economics and Management
Course Outline

Introduction and orientation

Topic 1: Definition of supply chain management
Topic 2: Automation in supply chain management
Topic 3: Planning demand and supply in a supply chain
Topic 4: Supply Chain network design
Topic 5:  Supply Chain business process design
Basic Outlines
• Text book
– Bowersox, D. J. Supply Chain Logistical Management, The McGraw-
Hill Irwin Series, 2002 ― 656 р.
– Chopra S., Meindl P. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning,
and Operations. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-
Hall, 2007 ― 536 р.
– Hugos M. Essentials of Supply Chain Management. Hoboken, New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. 254 p.
– Lambert D., Stock J., Ellram L. Fundamentals of Logistics
Management. Boston: MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2002 ― 611 p.
• Lecture notes
• Glossary
• Cases
• Tutorial
• E-learning source: https://elearn.urfu.ru/course/view.php?id=433
Learning and teaching

7 tutorials (2 hours each):

• seven 1-hour lectures,
• seven 1-hour class seminar,
• one 1- test,
• one 2 - hour mid-term exam
Assessment (1)
• Group case discussion. A working group of students (depending
on the number of students in the class but not more than four students
in a group) will have to prepare a short 5 minutes report on a case of
supply chain failure/success. 20 minutes are given for preparation, 25
for group speech. Student are welcome to use internet sources.
• Group presentation. A PowerPoint (or Prezi, or OpenOffice)
presentation of 10 -15 slides prepared by a working group (depending
on the number of students in the class but not more than four students
in a group) on the topic of SCM automation. Presenters are expected
to demonstrate the functions which help to automate supply chain
management process in a chosen software product. 
Assessment (2)
• Control work consists of a multiple choice test of 10 questions that deal
with terms, ideas, and facts covered during the previous weeks and a short
(not exceeding 250 words) written answer to one of two questions based on
material covered within the previous weeks.
• 2 home works consisting on 2 and 3 problems to solve using MS Excel
(forecasting, production planning, supply chain network design)
• Final examination will be for a duration of 1 ½ hours. The examinations
will include one theoretical question and one problem to solve. Theoretical
questions are associated with material covered in the text and the seminars
and will be provided in open-ended questions. Problems are similar to the
ones solved during seminars and given as home works.
Integrated marking scheme
(max=100 points)

Work at seminars:

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