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Nguyễn Quang Huy Đỗ cao Trí Nguyễn Kỳ Anh Phạm Minh Nhật

English For IT
Internet Security
What is Internet Security?

Chèn hình Internet security is a branch of computer security which comprises various security
measures exercised for ensuring the security of transactions done online. In the
process, the internet security prevents attacks targeted at browsers, network,
ảnh operating systems, and other applications. Today, businesses and governments are
more concerned about safeguarding from Cyber attacks and malware programs that
originate from the internet. The main aim of Internet security is to set up precise rules
and regulations that can deflect attacks that arise from the Internet.

Kết luận Why is Internet Security necessary ?

Without any online defense, you leave yourself open to be a victim of fraud, theft and
even property damage. Security and vigilance are vital in keeping yourself safe, and
this responsibility isn't just on the individual; everyone is a potential target, including
governments and private corporations.
< > Question

1 What is a hacker?

2 How easy do you think it is to infiltrate the Internet and steal sensitive information?

3 How can you protect your computer from viruses and spyware?
< > Answer

1 What is a hacker?
-Hackers, who break into computer system
2 How easy do you think it is to infiltrate the Internet and steal sensitive information?
-It's simple if you have devices which can access the Internet and IT knowledge.
3 How can you protect your computer from viruses and spyware?
-Use and update anti-virus software.
< > New words (n)
2.infiltrate (v)
3.hacker (n)
4.spyware (n)
5.compromise (v)
6.firewall (n)
7.authorized (adj)
8.encryption (n)
9,decryption (n)
10.freeware (n)
11. malware (n)
12. trojan (n)
13. cracker (n)
14. SSL (Secure Socker Layer) (n)
< > New words (n) : bảo mật

2.infiltrate (v) : thâm nhập
3.hacker (n) : tin tặc
4.spyware (n) : phần mềm gián điệp
5.compromise (v) : xâm phạm
6.firewall (n) : tường lửa
7.authorized (adj) : được cho phép
8.encryption (n) : sự mã hoá
9,decryption (n) : sự giải mã
10.freeware (n) : phần mềm miễn phí
11. malware (n) : phần mềm độc hại
12. trojan (n) : mã độc hại
13. cracker (n) : tương tự hacker
14. SSL (Secure Socker Layer) (n) : chứng chỉ an ninh số
< > Read
< >


1-d 2-c 3-a 4-b

Security and privacy on internet
< > Security and privacy on internet

1.Why is security so important on the Internet?

Intern open system so we are exposed to hackers, crackers and viruses.
2. What security features are offered by Mozilla Firefox?
Mozilla Firefox displays a lock when the website is secure and allows you to disable or delete cookies.
3.What security protocol is used by banks to make online transactions secure?
Banks use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.
4.How can we protect our email and keep it private?
We can encrypt our email to make them secure.
5. What methods are used by companies to make internal networks secure?
Companies use passwords, firewalls, and encryption and decryption methods to make their networks secure.
6.In what ways can a virus enter a computer system?
A virus can enter the computer via an infected disk or the it
7.How does a worm spread itself?
A worm spreads through email attachments. It sends a copy of itself to everyone in the address book.
< > Security and privacy on internet






< > Security and privacy on internet
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