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Lesson V :


recognize the importance of grass-roots

fundraising campaign in an organization;

Implement the guidelines in conducting

the fundraising campaign;

Adopt the grass-roots fundraising ideas that

are applicable to the association or team; and

Devise Devise and initiate grass-roots fundraising campaign

and that are functionally acceptable to the community
initiate people.
Grass-roots Fundraising
 Grass-roots fundraising is raising money from and by the
 Grass-roots fundraising is when individuals or small groups raise
money from the local community.
Grass-roots Fundraising
 Grass-roots fundraising wins real victory on two levels:
First, money can be successfully raised with the
constituency, particularly if specific and realistic fundraising
goals are set.

Second, real victory can also be won because the money

raised from grass-roots fundraising can be used for
whatever the group chooses.
Grass-roots Fundraising
 Grass-roots fundraising gives people a sense of their
own power. Leaders and members are developed and
encouraged when they raise funds to support the
A . Funding Sources

Ways to raise funds for your organization:

1. Proposal writing
2. Large-donor solicitation
3. Direct-mail appeals
4. Canvassing
5. Government and foundation grants
6. Grass-roots fundraising
B. Government and
Foundation Fundraising

1. Solicit “seed’’ money from

government agencies or
foundation fund to support a new
2. Funds are solicited from
members as membership fees,
dues, and contributions, and
from grass-roots fundraising
3. Funds are solicited from
foundations as additional source.
C. The Fundamentals of Grass-
roots Fundraising (Flanagam, 1992)

1. Set a goal.

(How much is to be raised). If your

organization’s goal is to raise money, you
should figure out how to work with your
leaders to raise the target money.
2. Make a fundraising calendar.

Control the timing on what you raise funds for. Make a

calendar of the fundraising campaign for times when
your constituency has more money to spend or donate.
3. Observe the following guidelines.

a. Raise more money than you spend.

b. Do not try risky ventures requiring big
c. Raise money for your issue program.
d. Have fun.
e. Build on past successful events.
f. Stay in line with your image.
g. Maintain high ethical standard.
h. Build leaders.
i. Budget money to raise money.
j. Devote organizational time to fundraising.
a. Raise more money than you spend.

• Make big money by selling certain things with a large

number of willing sellers. Spend less for your capital
investment; for cheaper but good quality products.

b. Do not try risky ventures requiring big investment.

• Stick to a project that seems like a sure things and

that calls for small investment, especially the first
time. Invest more if the products are saleable.
c. Raise money for your issue program.

• It is easier to raise money to support a campaign for

community development projects/program as your issue
d. Have fun.

• Lots of projects will raise money. Let people use their

own creativity in fun planning and implementing the
event. This will attract more people to get involved in
the fundraising campaign.
e. Build on past successful events.

• Once you have identified a fundraising project that

works, repeat it annually. Not only do you learn how to
host or handle the project more efficiently, but the group
is identified with that annual event, thus making it easier
to promote.
f. Stay in line with your image.
• A health organization cannot be selling junk food, nor
can a “Clean Air” group sell cigarettes. Grass-roots
fundraising is part of your program and it must,
therefore, meet the same high standards as your
g. Maintain high ethical standard.

• It is essential that the organization remains rigorously

honest in all its fundraising activities and accountable
to its constituents.
h. Build leaders.

• Grass-roots fundraising should not only raise money, it

should also develop leaders to chair or co-chair the
fundraising campaign.
i. Budget money to raise money.

• It is quite difficult to raise money without beginning

with some money. Budget some money. Start with a
“send” money to initially finance the fundraising
j. Devote organizational time to fundraising.

• Grass-roots fundraising requires excellent leadership

skills. Look for someone who will spearhead and
devote his/her time and assume responsibility to chair
the fundraising project.
D. Following the religious Group
 Religious groups do the best grass-
roots fundraising. Religious groups have
so many guidelines for their fundraising

1. Ask frequently.
2. Ask volunteers.
3. Instill the expectation of giving.
4. Organize fundraising committees.
5. Ask personally and publicly.
1. Ask frequently.

Most religious groups ask at least 52

times per year, and no one gets upset. Make
sure that people are asked to contribute
everytime you have a public meeting. Most
people can, and will give regularly if asked.
2. Ask volunteers.

Too many organizers want to separate

volunteers from givers. They say that
volunteers should not be asked to donate
since they have already given much of
the time and effort to help. The truth is
that volunteers who give time will also
give money.The more volunteers you
have, the more sources of regular givers
you have as well.
3. Instill the expectation of

Everyone who joins a religious group

expects to contribute to it. The value of
giving is instilled with membership. Instill
this value in your members.
4. Organize fundraising committees.

The committee does the planning to

raise money. The more committees you
have (one for bingo, one for thrift store,
and so forth), the more donations you
5. Ask personally and publicly.

Many congregations have a

committee of people to discuss how they
can personally or publicly support the
fundraising project. This is either to
“pledge” or encourage to tithe ( setting
aside a tenth year of your income) for
E. Grass-roots Fundraising Ideas

1. Ask at every opportunity

2. Raffle Draws.
3. Food and Wine Tastings
4. Songs
5. Phone-a-Thons
6. Benefit Concerts and Performances
E. Grass-roots Fundraising Ideas

7. Dinner
8. Ads/ Ad Books
9. Flowers
10. Rummage Sales
11. Baby Contests
12. Bingo
13. Dance for a Cause

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