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Technology in business communication
Technology is a tool, technique, or method that can help
humans in carrying out their work, so that the work becomes
lighter, faster, better, and at a lower cost. Some of the
communication technologies available today include word
processors, laser printers, fax machines, e-mail, internet,
The Role of Technology in Business Communication

The biggest influence of technology in business

communication is to make it easier for sellers and buyers to
interact, besides that technology also serves to provide
Business Communication Influence in the Company when
designing strategies or plans for the marketing
communication process.
Communication Technology Selection Guidelines

01 Message recipient expectations

02 Time and Cost
03 Nature of Message
04 The Need for Appearance
Types of Technology in
Business Communication
1. Technology in Written Communication
2. Technology in Oral Communication
I. Technology in Written Communication
In general, written communication can be divided into 3, namely handwritten, printed, and documents using electronic

1. Handwritten
2. Printed. The most common software used to create printed documents is a word processor. Printed documents
themselves in their preparation can be divided into 5 stages.
a) Print Document Planning.
b) Print Document Preparation
c) Print Document Revision.
d) Final Document Production.
e) Distribute Printed Documents.

3. Electronic Document Preparation

II. Technology in Oral Communication
Oral communication refers to messages sent by voice that go from one
person to another (Larry L. Barker). In everyday life, a person is
involved in verbal communication, for example when talking, listening,
answering the phone, etc.

Regarding technology in oral communication, the discussion will be

divided into two namely
1. Technology in individual oral communication
2. Technology in group oral communication
Technology in Individual Oral Communication

Telephon Pager Voice Mail

Technology in Group Oral Communication
● Teleconference. Montesari (2008:78) states that a teleseminar or
teleconference is a direct communication system between several people
who are usually at a distance or not in one room and are connected by a
telecommunications system.

● Presentation Software. Presentation application is an application

package that is used to present information with a slide show view. It has
three main functions, namely as a script editor and decorating it, a way
to insert and manipulate graphic images, and present them with a slide
show system.

● Group Decision Support System. Decision Support System is a

computerized program to support decisions, judgments, and actions
within an organization or business
Examples of the Use of Technology in Business
Communication in the Banking World
1. Satellite
2. Internet
3. Internet banking
4. Office automation
Disadvantages of communication technology
1. Communication becomes empty
Currently, the communication process does not have to be face-to-face, so it feels less satisfied.

2. Abuse for financial theft

Recently, news emerged about the theft of customer money, from this it is clear that the ability in the
field of information and communication technology is not matched with a strong faith, then a person
can fall into acts of theft through the internet media.

3. The emergence of individualism

The more dependent humans are on technology, the less social their soul is. They prefer to be alone
with technology than to participate in more useful activities or worship

4. Humans become lazy to do activities

The higher level of technology and informatics makes people less and less active outdoors because
technology can be said to replace outdoor activities.
Studi Kasus
Ketua Pengurus Harian Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) Tulus Abadi menyatakan sistem teknologi
informasi (IT) perbankan Indonesia masih lemah, sehingga mudah dibobol. Hal tersebut diungkapkannya menyusul
kasus hilangnya uang sejumlah nasabah di rekening Bank Rakyat Indonesia atau BRI di Kediri baru-baru ini.
Sebelumnya, puluhan nasabah BRI Unit Ngadiluwih, Kediri, ramai-ramai memblokir rekening masing-masing. Belasan
nasabah melaporkan berkurangnya uang di rekening masing-masing meski tak melakukan penarikan. Hal itu diketahui
saat hendak melakukan transaksi di mesin ATM dan mendapati uangnya telah berkurang. Rata-rata uang nasabah itu
berkurang mulai Rp 500 ribu hingga Rp 1 juta. Total, ada 30 nasabah yang menjadi korban praktik skimming tersebut.
Namun Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perbankan OJK Heru Kristiyana menuturkan keamanan BRI sudah baik. Dari
sepengetahuannya, BRI sudah melakukan penyuluhan keamanan perbankan kepada para nasabahnya sesuai dengan
prosedur yang diminta OJK. Jika kebobolan seperti itu terjadi, harus dilihat dari segi proteksi pin kartu ATM nasabah itu
sendiri. “Kadang ada nasabah yang sembarangan sama PIN-nya,” kata Heru kepada Tempo, Selasa, 13 Maret 2018.
Pihak BRI kemudian menyatakan akan mengganti kehilangan itu dan menyerahkan pengusutan kasus ini ke kepolisian.
Menurut Kepala Subdirektorat I Tindak Pidana Siber Badan Reserse Kriminal Kepolisian RI Komisaris Besar Irwan
Anwar, dana nasabah yang hilang diduga karena adanya praktik skimming. Sampai saat ini, pihak BRI mengaku masih
melakukan investigasi dan telah mengganti jumlah uang para nasabah yang habis dikuras pihak tak bertanggung jawab
tersebut. BRI tengah berkoordinasi dengan kepolisian untuk menyelidiki kasus tersebut. 
Analisis dan Saran

Terjadi kasus pembobolan atau hilangnya uang sejumlah nasabah di rekening Bank Rakyat Indonesia atau BRI di Kediri
baru-baru ini. Sebelumnya, puluhan nasabah BRI Unit Ngadiluwih, Kediri, ramai-ramai memblokir rekening masing-
masing. Belasan nasabah melaporkan berkurangnya uang di rekening masing-masing meski tak melakukan penarikan.
Dari segi IT sendiri diduga keamana dari pihak Bank masih kurang. Sedangkan dari pihak nasabah, ada beberapa
nasabah yang memang suka sembarang dan tidak berhati hati dalam menyimpan nomor PIN ATM nya


Harus adanya solusi dan pertanggungjawaban dari pihak BRI atas kejadian ini. Pertanggungjawaban tidak hanya materiil
saja, namun juga meningkatkan sistem keamanan yang ada. Lalu dari nasabah, diharapkan mampu lebih menjaga
kerahasiaan pin ATM.

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