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Introduction to Machine


WEEK 1 (Course Introduction )

Dr. Naveed Hussain

Grading Policy

Quizzes (Average of all) 06 20%

Assignments (Average of all) 04 10%
Project 10%
Mid-exam ..….…. 20%
Final-exam .……… 35%
Class participation ..….…. 05%
Class Participation means how much you adhere to behavioral
conduct (noise making, murmuring).
This will be monitored/recorded for each student.

Distribution is tentative and flexible

Suggested Reference Books

• Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop

• Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin Murphy
• Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell
• The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data mining, Inference, and Prediction, by
Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman
Machine Learning at a Glance

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Traditional Programming Vs ML

• Machine Learning: Automating the process of automation

• Getting computers to program themselves

Given examples (training data), make a machine learn system behavior or

discover patterns

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The difference between AI and ML

• Artificial intelligence and machine learning are very closely related

and connected.

- Artificial intelligence  Artificial intelligence is the simulation of

human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural
language processing, speech recognition and machine learning.

- Machine learning  is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and

computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms
to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its
Machine Learning – A definition
Capabilities of AI and ML

• Companies in almost every industry are discovering new

opportunities through the connection between AI and machine
learning. These are just a few capabilities that have become valuable
in helping companies transform their processes and products:
- Predictive analytics 
- Speech recognition and natural language understanding
- Sentiment analysis
- Recommendation engines
- Image and video processing
- Bioinformatics

Machine Learning: Overview

• Example Applications
► Medical Diagnosis
► Autonomous Driving
► Information extraction
► Computer/Machine Vision
► Finance
► Web Search
► Robotics
► Social networks
► Production Industry
► Logistics
► Waste Management
• Your research/favorite area
Machine Learning: Overview

• What is Machine Learning?

• - Study, Design and Analysis of algorithms that improve their performance at
some task with experience

Algorithm f
x 
Final output which
enables us to make
Given to us We need to design it predictions
Machine Learning: Overview
Nature of Problems

• Supervised Learning
• The learning algorithm would receive a set of inputs along with
the corresponding correct outputs to train a model

Training Data
All labeled Model Prediction

Classification: Discrete Prediction Regression: Quantitative Prediction on a continuous

Given a data sample, predict its class scale, Given a data sample, predict a numerical value

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Machine Learning: Overview
Nature of Problems

• Unsupervised Learning
• The learning algorithm would receive unlabeled raw data to
train a model and to find patterns in the data.

Training Data
unlabeled Model Clustering

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Machine Learning: Overview
Nature of Problems

• Semi-supervised Learning
• The learning algorithm takes labeled/unlabeled raw data to train a model
• Main objective is to efficiently accommodate the unlabeled data

Labeled Training Data

+ Data Modeling and
Model Augmentation

Anomaly -> ignore it

Use labeled data to Place unlabeled data Use the model to label Fit the model again
build a model with model the unlabeled data with the combined data

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Machine Learning: Overview
Typical Workflow

Problem Nature Training Data

Model Training
Identification Collection

f x

Model Model
Deployment Validatio

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Machine Learning: Overview
Model Design

General Steps in Designing a ML Model

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Machine Learning: Overview
Steps in Programming

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• Training Data Collection

x Process or System y
Observed Output

•PROCESS or SYSTEM : Underlying physical or logical phenomenon

which maps our input data to our observed output.

•Collect the training data by observing our unknown PROCESS or


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Example Systems

• Example Systems

• Previous Sales
• Prices Future
Process or System
• Inflation sales
• Pandemic

Image Process or System Object detection

Or recognition

05/09/2023 18
Example Systems

• Example Systems

• Income
• Credit History
• Employment Process or System Loan Approval
• Marital Status

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Machine Learning: Overview
Data Types

Tabulated Data
• Each column is a feature and adds one dimension to the data
• Number of columns define total number of features and hence data
• Ideally, these columns should contain different information -> uncorrelated
Machine Learning: Overview
Data Types

Feature 2 Feature 2

Feature 1 Feature 1
Features are correlated Features are uncorrelated
Dimensionality Reduction
Find all those dimensions (features) which carry very less information and discard them
Machine Learning: Overview
Data Types


• Each image (greyscale) is a 2D

data which can be represented as
a matrix
Machine Learning: Overview
Data Types

Heterogeneous data

Multimodal Machine
+ Learning !

Chapter Reading
Chapter 1
Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective
Kevin P. Murphy

Feedback: Questions or

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