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MICE1901-Lecture 6

Special Events Planning & Operation

Definitions Relating to Special Events

Special Event – A one-time event that is staged for the

purpose of celebration; a unique activity. All functions that
bring people together for a unique purpose.

 节事( FSE): ( Festival & Special Event)

Definitions Relating to Special Event
 Hallmark Event
---Repeated held, establish good image for the organization, city, nation.

 Mega-event
---The largest events are called mega events and these are generally
targeted at international markets. The Olympic Games, World Cup
FIFA, Superbowl.

 Special Events Tour – A tour designed around a particular event.

 Special Events Company – A company that presents special effects and

theatrical acts. May contract the entire event or certain parts of one.
Enjoy Video
The Lavender Festival
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Frankfurt am Main - Christmas Market
Groundhog Day Festival

What activities does each event include?
Why does a city organize special events?
Why Special Events?
Fund raising

Stimulate the local economy

Establishing a city or community as a local, regional

or national destination
Planning Tools
Flow Charts and Graphs
Set-up and Break-down schedules

Policy Statements
Human resources
Volunteers and paid staff
Understanding Community

CEO of company, Politicians, Prominent Business

Civic and Community Groups

Other Community Leaders
Marketing Planning 营销及推广
Promotional Mix Models 促销组合
Direct Marketing 直销
Interactive/Internet Marketing 网络互动
Sales Promotion 促销
Publicity/Public Relations 宣传 / 公共关系
Personal Selling
Distinctive Roles of
Advertising – Any paid form of non-personal communication about
Promotion Mix Models

an event.

Direct Marketing – A form of advertising that communicates
“directly” with target customer with intent of generating a response.

---includes database management, direct selling, telemarketing,

and direct-response ads, the internet
---e.g. Mary Kay Cosmetics
---rely on independent contractors to sell their products directly to
Distinctive Roles of
Promotion Mix Models
---Unlike advertising, it enables users to receive
and alter information and images, make
inquiries, respond to questions, and make
---Interactive or Internet Marketing
---Video: What’s direct marketing
Sales Promotion – Marketing activities that provide
value or incentive with the intention of stimulating
sales. (e.g . use coupon)
Distinctive Roles of
Promotion Mix Models
Publicity/Public Relations 宣传 / 公共关系
 Publicity – Not directly paid for, nor has an identified sponsor.
--- the event planners have little control
---Viral Marketing,
---Facebook, Blogging, LinkedIn, Ning, Twitter
 Public Relations – Purpose is to systematically plan and
distribute information in an attempt to control or manage the
image or publicity.  
---e.g. Casino companies sponsor events
Personal Selling
 Person-to-person attempt to persuade
Sponsorships for Special Events 节庆活动赞
 Provide funds or “in-kind” contributions and receive
consideration in the form of logo usage and identity with the

 Help underwrite and defray costs

 Act as strong marketing tool
 Reasons why sponsorships are growing:

 Economic changes
 Ability to target market segments
 Ability to measure results
 Fragmentation of media
 Growth of diverse population segments
Media Coverage for Special Events 媒体
Generating media coverage (television, radio, print)
is the most effective way to attract attendance

Understand what makes for good TV, radio, or print

and what does not

Publicity offers credibility that advertising cannot.

Working with the Media
Schedule earlier in the day to make evening news
Friday is best day of the week – slower news day
Saturday and Sunday may be limited due to smaller news

Provide Advance notice:

 Three days via press release – phone follow-up
 Seven days for interviews
The Target Market 目标市场
Know the customer/consumer

Know the consumer’s options and choices

 Higher costs
 Higher quality
Define the audience
Direct planning, program, schedule, and expenditures
toward that group

Demonstrate the positive economic impact

Secure a venue
Obtain permits
 Parade, liquor, sanitation, sales, fire safety

Involve government agencies

 Use of space, health department, security, and police

Work with communities to understand changes to their

normal routine (e.g., street closures, noise)
Obtain Liability Insurance

Determine Ticket Prices and Sales Distribution

Develop Basic Business Support Functions

Financial Accounting Systems

 General ledger, accounts payable and receivable, reporting and payroll

Human Resource Support – paid and volunteer

 Talent, media, officials, support staff, audience/guests

Registration and Ticketing

Scoring and Results

Rental Charges
Venue and Space

Security Costs
Public (police)
Private Security Firms
Equipment – detectors
Production Costs
Audio-visual, Lighting, and Sound
Utilities – Electric, Water, Gas
Décor, Signage, Banners, Pipe and Drape, Carpet
Labor Costs
Staff, Greeters, Registration, Ticketing
Union contractors, Carpenters, Electricians, Riggers
Marketing Costs
Combination of Promotional Mix
Statement of Revenues & Expenses 损
Admission门票 $ 5,000.00 $ 6,000.00
Exhibit Booth Sales展位$10,000.00 $11,000.00
Food/Beverage Sales餐饮 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00
TOTAL $17,000.00 $21,000.00

Rental 租赁 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
Labor (Security)安全 $ 500.00 $ 500.00
Production 安装作业 $ 2,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Marketing Costs市场营销 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00
Talent 演员 $ 0 $ 500.00
TOTAL $ 6,500.00 $ 9,000.00

SURPLUS or 盈余或损失 $10,500.00 $12,000.00

Breakdown of the Special Event
Expedite traffic flow away from event

Debrief staff
Submit documentation as needed to insurance companies and
government agencies

Prepare written report/summary/evaluation

 Interview participants
 Speak with press
 Staff and management feedback
 Vendor responses
Breakdown of the Special Event
Finalize Income and Expense Statement

Finalize all contracts and compare to final billing

Send media final press release

Appropriate thank you notes

 Vendors, talent, sponsors
 Staff, volunteers
Video-Special Event Manager
Planning Tools
The Promotional Mix Models
Working with the Media
The Target Market
Preparing for the Special Event
Breakdown of the Special Event

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