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2008 – Graduated on College BSN and Passed Nursing
Licensure Exam,Red Cross Volunteer Instructor,
2008-2011 Clinical Instructor/Professor
At Universidad De Manila
2016- Master of Arts in Nursing at PLM, Intramuros, Manila
2018- Master of Public Management and Governance at Universidad
De Manila, Graduate School
2019- Certified TESDA NCII (Occupational First Aid)
2020- Graduate of United States Embassy DOJ (ICITAP)
2021-Graduate of Instructor Development Course CL-03-2021
2022- Graduate of Training Management Staff Course CL-02-2022
and Certified PNP Training Service Instructor
2023- Vietnam International Achiever Awards as Asia’s Most
Exemplary Police Nurse Professor and Instructor at Royal Hotel
Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
At the end of the lecture, the participants will
be able to:

a. Define Virus
b.Identify the Coronavirus 19
c.State the Five (5) ways to STOP the spread of
d. What are the Issues/Updates about COVID19?
Virus is a kind of germ that
can make people sick.
There are many kinds of
viruses around us including
the common cold.
The Coronavirus Disease
2019 is a new virus that was
first found in Wuhan, China.
It causes lung (respiratory)
illness in people. A lung
illness makes it hard to
breathe and get oxygen into
the body.
COVID-19 can cause lung (respiratory)
illness that might be mild, serious or even

The symptoms usually start between 2

to 14 days after a person is infected.
Symptoms include fever, cough and
shortness of breath (hard to breathe)

Most people who get the virus have a

mild case. Mild means not very strong.
COVID-19 can be spread from person to
person. This can happen when a person
sneezes or coughs and tiny bits of liquid
(respiratory droplets) come out of their mouth. If
you are standing close to the person (within 6
feet), you might then breathe it in. It might be
possible to get COVID-19 by touching a hard
surface or object that has the virus on it. This
could happen if you touch the virus and then
touch your own mouth, nose, or possibly your
eyes. The virus may be able to stay on a
surface for a few days.
Some people who
have a COVID-19
infection get
pneumonia in both
lungs. Pneumonia is a
lung infection. It can
cause the lungs to fill
with fluid. It can make it
very hard for a person
to breath.
There is a test for COVID-19.
There is vaccine or specific
treatment for COVID-19
develop but limited supply only.
Medical care can help to
relieve the symptoms
Issues/UPDATES about

1. Omicron/Delta Variant
2. Herd Immunity
3. Increasing of Infected people
4. Real Problem
Delta variant is a variant of concern that
WHO is tracking and monitoring around the
world. It's a variant of concern because we
know it has increased transmissibility.
This has been demonstrated by several
countries. And we know that where the
Delta variant is identified, it really rapidly
takes off and spreads between people
more efficiently than even the Alpha variant
that was first detected around December,
January 2021.
As of today, the Delta
variant has been reported in
96 countries and we expect
that the Delta variant will
continue to spread.
There are a number of
factors that are contributing
to increased transmission
around the world.
a. The first are these variants of concern, including
the Delta variant.

b. The second factor is that we have increased

social mixing and increased social mobility, which
increases the number of contacts that individuals

c. The third factor is the relaxation or the

inappropriate use of public health and social
measures. Proven public health and social
measures that we know prevent infections, reduce
the spread of somebody who is infected with the
virus to others and save lives.
And the fourth factor is the
uneven and inequitable
distribution of vaccines.

The world remains largely

susceptible to infection,
including any variants of
concern, including the Delta

through vaccine you can achieve

immunity and herd immunity
safely. Through natural infection,
we could also achieve it at some
point, but it would be at great
human cost. And so naturally, the
better choice is doing it through a
 there are actions now that we can take,
which can help to slow down
transmission, to control it, to try to contain
it. And, also we know how to manage people
better. The other measures that are
effective are, of course, the public
health and social measures that we talk
about, the physical distancing, making sure
you're wearing a mask when you're in
crowded settings, washing your hands
frequently. Those are the modes by which
you can actually prevent the virus from
transmitting from one person to the next. 
And then on the side, be able
to detect rapidly those who are
infected in the community,
making sure that enough testing
is available so that you're able
to detect and diagnose
people, be able to isolate
them, then test their contacts
and quarantine them. 
These are the measures that have
been shown to be successful. They
are hard work, they are difficult to
implement but it's worth
doing, because then you're saving
lives until the time that we
have more effective medicines to
treat this disease and, of course, a
safe and effective vaccine.
Family is not
But Family if
Family is LOVE
Always There for
Post Test:
a.Define Virus
b.Identify Coronavirus
c.State the Five (5) ways to STOP the
spread of viruses
d.Enumerate the Issues and Update
about COVID 19.

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