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Standing up in front of a group to deliver a
presentation has been long considered one of the
most stressful situations to be in. On a list of the
most feared predicaments, public speaking comes
second only to the fear of dying.
Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

 Perspiration, especially forehead and hands
 Shaking, mainly of hands and knees
 shuffle of hands or feet
 Constant fiddling with hair, jewelry and clothing
 Avoiding eye contact with the audience
 Set features and lack of smile
 Drying out of throat and inside of the mouth
 Rise in natural speech
 Quavering of voice
 Gasping and breathlessness
 Stuttering and stammering
 Verbal mannerisms
 Uncontrollable swaying movements
 Involuntary hand gestures
 Dropping things and clumsiness
 Drying up or grinding to a halt
Use of the voice

Volume- needs to be raised to a level which will

reach every member of the audience. Many find that
they need to practice voice projection in order to do
Pace and pause

Pace needs to be moderately slow so that the

audience can take in all that you are saying.

Everyone has a natural register of pitch. Some of us have

naturally deep voices and others fairly high-pitched ones
but, no matter what your natural register, using the other
aspect of pitch, the voice’s wonderful variability is what
makes the human voice so interesting.
Monotonous voices stay at the same pitch throughout, and it
is this lack of variation in the voice which makes such a voice
outstandingly boring. So, while there’s not always a lot
which can be done about our natural pitch, and the range
within which we could normally speak, there is much which
can be done to enhance the “interestability” of the voice to
make it interesting.

Clarity of voice is essential whenever you are

addressing an audience and your success in being
clear will depend very much upon the audibility of
your voice and the pace at which you speak.

This is the stressing of certain words in order to

emphasize their strength and importance. The
richness of the English language means that the
meaning of the entire sentences can be altered just
by emphasizing one word within the sentence.

Hand and arm movements
Eye contact

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