AI and Changing Healthcare Delivery

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AI & Changing Healthcare


Dr Tariq uz Zafar
1. Health sensors & telehealth
2. Surgical & Medical robotics robot companions
through surgical robots until pharmabotics, disinfectant
robots or exoskeletons.
3. 2019: exoskeletons.
 Europe’s first exoskeleton-aided surgery and
 a tetraplegic man capable of controlling an
exoskeleton with his brain! Other
applications for these sci-fi suits from aiding
nurses through lift elderly patients to helping
patients with spinal cord injury.
4. Brain computer interfaces
5. Nanotechnology nanoparticles and nanodevices will
soon operate as precise drug delivery systems, cancer
treatment tools or tiny surgeons.
6. Direct-to-consumer genetic testing
7. 3-D printing
8. AI: two drugs predicted by AI technology which may
significantly reduce Ebola infectivity.
9. Breast cancer analysis algorithm outperformed all
human radiologists on pre-selected data sets to identify
breast cancer, on average by 11.5%!
10.  VR-trained surgeons had a 230% boost in their
overall performance compared to their traditionally-
trained counterparts.
11. Quantum computing
2008: In ICU settings ANN was able to predict sepsis
with high sensitivity and selectivity
2018: In ICU settings AISE algorithm precisely early
predicted sepsis onset 4-12 hours prior to clinical
2018: ML classifiers early detected patients with risk for
Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation and tracheostomy
2018: ANN effectively predicted successful extubation
CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short
Palindromic Repeats, a technology that can be used to
edit genes.
Human genome: Decoded 31 March 2022
Gene engineering
The virtuality continuum —continuum being the critical word—
contains the full spectrum of possibilities between the entirely
physical world or real environment and the fully digital world
or virtual environment
XR: extended reality  makes the digital world indistinguishable
from the real world itself. It extends the reality you experience
by blending the virtual world and the physical world together. It
encompasses :
AR: augmented reality a view of the real world—physical world
—with an overlay of digital elements, where the virtual world
coexists with the real world.
VR: virtual reality  a fully-immersive digital environment.
MR: mixed reality a view of the real world—physical world—
with an overlay of digital elements where physical and digital
elements can interact. It is hybrid reality that goes a step
beyond augmented reality (AR)
A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social
connection. In futurism and science fiction, it is often described as
a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal virtual
world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality and augmented
reality headsets
So, is the Doctor obsolete?

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