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Understanding Streamline and

Continuity equation in Fluid

Figure 8.1
Figure 8.1 shows the hot gases from a
cigarette made visible by smoke particles.
The smoke initially moves in laminar flow
at the bottom and then in turbulent flow
above. This phenomenon is an illustration
of streamline.
Figure 8.1
 Streamline is a term used to describe the path
that a fluid particle follows in a steady flow. It
is a line that is tangent to the velocity vector
of the fluid at each point along its path.
Streamlines are used to visualize the flow of
fluids and can provide insight into the
behavior of the fluid.
Laminar Flow and Streamline

• P – Particle
• V – Velocity

Figure 8.2
Laminar Flow and Streamline

 Streamlines are used to study the properties

of laminar flow. By observing the
streamlines, we can determine how the fluid
will behave under different conditions. For
example, if there is an obstacle in the flow,
the streamlines will change to accommodate
the obstacle, and the fluid will move around
Mathematical Representation of Streamline

 In mathematics, streamlines are represented by a set of

equations known as the stream function. The stream function is
a scalar field that describes the motion of a fluid in two
dimensions. It is defined as the flow rate per unit depth across
a line that is perpendicular to the flow direction.
 The stream function is a powerful tool in fluid mechanics
because it allows us to calculate important fluid properties
such as velocity, pressure, and vorticity. By using the stream
function, we can develop mathematical models that accurately
predict the behavior of fluids in motion.
Turbulent Flow and Streamline

 Turbulent flow is a fluid flow in which

the fluid moves in an irregular, chaotic
manner, with mixing throughout the
flow. In this type of flow, the streamlines
are irregular and constantly changing, and
the velocity of the fluid can vary
significantly across any cross-section of
the flow.
Continuity Equation

The continuity equation is an

essential tool for studying fluid
dynamics. It allows us to determine
how the flow of fluids changes as
they move through different areas.
By applying the continuity equation,
we can predict the behavior of fluids
in various situations, such as when
they encounter obstacles or change

Figure 8.3
Continuity Equation

Figure 8.3
Continuity Equation

 The equation of continuity states that the product of the area and the
fluid speed at all points along a pipe is constant for an incompressible
fluid. The speed is high where the tube is constricted (small A) and low
where the tube is wide (large A). The product Av, which has the
dimensions of volume per unit time, is called either the volume flux or
the flow rate. The condition Av = constant is equivalent to the statement
that the volume of fluid that enters one end of a tube in a given time
interval equals the volume leaving the other end of the tube in the same
time interval if no leaks are present.

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