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Polar Habitat And The Tundra


B Y- B R I A N N A N , I S A B E L L A G ,
TA D E O  A ,  A N D   O L I V I A Z  
Puffins Artic Lamprey
Animals In The Polar
In the North Pole
Arctic Hare Walrus Beluga Whale
Arctic Fox

Narwhal Polar bear Penguins Snowy owl

Producers In The Polar
In the North Pole
Lichens Flowering Plants  Grasses Sedges

Mushrooms Arctic Daisy Arctic Willow Caribou Moss

Food Chain Bearded and Ringed Seals:
(Secondary consumer)

Plankton: (Producer) 

Fish: (Primary consumer)  Polar Bear: (Tertiary consumer)

Orca Food Web Polar Bear

Polar Crod

Beluga Whale


Commensalism Relationship:
An example of Commensalism relationship in the Arctic
Tundra biome in the North pole is, the caribou and arctic fox.
• The fox follows the caribou and finishes digging up those
small mammals and eats them
• The caribou is unaffected but the fox benefits because the
caribou made it easier for the fox to get its food
Predator/Prey Relationship:
An example of a predator/prey relationship would be the polar
bear being the predator and the seal being the prey. 
• The seal is captured when it comes out for air.
• Once captured, it is dragged until it is dead for the bear to
Group Behavior:
An example of a group behavior in the Artic Tundra biome
(north pole) is, penguins.  
• Penguins huddle up and work together in order too, shield
against cold, windy, and harsh conditions.  
Mutualism Relationship:
An example of Mutualism relationship in the Arctic Tundra
biome in the North pole is, lichens.
• Lichens are not a plant or even a single organism but a
combination of fungi and algae or cyanobacteria living as
What abiotic factor decreases the population?

A abiotic factor that decreases the tundra biome in the north

pole is, climate change.
• Climate change is driving down populations of some Arctic
tundra natives, such as caribou (also known as reindeer), by
fostering an increase in parasites and disease while
damaging food sources
Parasitism Relationship:
An example of a Parasitism relationship in the Arctic Tundra
biome in the north pole is, tapeworms and wolves.
• Tapeworms can cause digestive problems including
abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and upset
What biotic factors increases the population?

A biotic factor that increases the Arctic Tundra biome in the

north pole is, reindeer. Their population increases because of
the increase in food resource. For example, if they have more
bird eggs available, they’ll be able to continue reproducing
and increase reindeer population.
What "human" action hurts the habitat?
A "human" action the hurts the Polar habitat is, oil, gas and
mining industries.
• The oil, gas, and mining industries can disrupt fragile
tundra habitats
• This activity also increases the risk of toxic spill
What is the solution?

 Put a price on carbon.

 End fossil fuel subsidies.
 Build low-carbon, resilient cities.
 Increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy.
 Implement climate-smart agriculture and nurture forest
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