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CHAR6019 – CB: Pancasila

Chapter 7 – Multiculturalism
Week 7
Monism, Culturalism,
a) There is only one single value in terms of reaching
the truth (although diverse human cultures)
b) Same morality in terms of human, natural
structure of the world, the idea of ​God that unites
all human beings from different cultural
c) Naturalism (same human nature) and pluralism
(cultures can be universalized)
a) Human social reality is different
b) Vico : geography , history and community organizations make
different communities
c) Montesquieu: divide European-Non European societies (diversity
arises because many human cultures develop slowly and
d) Herder: experience of each community is different, different
relationship with nature, creativity-innovation different, different
verbal language in communication)
a) Monism and pluralism is not quite up to conceptualize
human and cultural
b) We still have to learn to live together (H.G Gadamer )
c) The philosophy of multiculturalism: a critical reflection on
the reality of pluralism (ethnicity, religion, class , ethnicity,
d) Multiculturalism: cultural & construction strategy
perspective justifying cultural diversity, awareness of
cultural differences and appreciation of diversity
Nature of Multiculturalism

• Multi means a lot; culturalism means

cultural ideology

• The outlook accommodate many streams

and different culture ideologies
• Multiculturalism tolerate the differences,
supporting diversity, fighting for the various
interest groups and cultures, including
minority groups in the various dimensions of
social (ethnic, racial, religious, political,
cultural, gender, etc)
Multiculturalism in Indonesia
a. Multiculturalism cause by the background
of geographic climatic, natural
b. Respect and recognition of different
cultural identities need to be fought
c. Cultural differences is a grace
d. Multiculturalism should be placed in the
cultural strategy to a better life  
The Relevance to NKRI

1. The text that has lived in the history of the

diversity of cultural identities pluralist
compound to be devastating in the glorious
moment in history October 28, 1928 ,
crumple tolerance for ethnic cultural identity
, religious identity of the nation into oneness
in Indonesia nation.
2. When the citizens of Indonesia declared its
independence as the Republic of Indonesia
in 17 of August 1945, seen written
documents the history of the nation
founders toward a common goal of living
well (good life) in a dream-vision in the
preamble of the constitution of 1945 with
the precepts adhesive nation: Pancasila.
3. Complications arise when the formalization of five
( 5 ) legal religions recognized in RI ‘forgot‘
archipelago religion which is the belief in the
Deity/religiosity cultural identities of ethnic (local
religious). Consequently in a state of positive legal
formalism “feels" when the official lame formal
“only”: Islam, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, and
Buddhist. Konghucu religion is coming late after the
reformation era.
4. Our homework is formulating strategies to
culture of the language of civilization until the
political language of culture when ‘flood’ and
the torrent of references values ​crack ‘Good
Life’ our collective challenge and have
entered into materialization; economization
only one number and the profit interests of
the politicization of group identity interpret
the absolute truth as the one most true.
Thank You

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