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Season 1 Episode
Isaiah 43:1
Fear not, for I have called you by
name, you are mine
Luke 8:1-3
And it happened afterwards that he ws making a journey
through the cities and towns, preaching and evangelizing the
kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him,
2 along with certain woman who had been healed of evil
spirits and infirmities mary, who is called Magdalene, from
whom seven demons had departed, 3 and Joanna, the wife of
Chuza ,Herod’s steward and Susana and many other women
who were ministering to him from their resources.
Ephesians 5:8-9
- For you were once darkness, but now
you are light in the Lord, live as children
of light for light produces every kind of
goodness and righteousness and truth.
• The story began in 2 BC at one night in
• Quintus and Nicodemus met each other in the
• Next, we see a young man (Matthew) living in
what is obviously a luxurious home for that time
period, getting dressed and ready to start his day.
• Meanwhile, Rabbi Nicodemus is giving a
lecture to a crowd of attentive listeners.
• Then, there is a fistfight between a dark-haired
man (Simon Peter) and two guys who turn out to
be his brothers-in-law, Jehoshaphat and Abraham
• we can see fiery Simon and his longsuffering brother Andrew, poor
fishermen who are in danger of losing their house and livelihood to
Rome’s heavy taxes.
• Meanwhile, Nicodemus attempts to cast out the demons from the
woman in the first scene. He asks her friend how long she’s been like this.
The friend, Rivka, refers to her as Lillith.
• Lillith has a flashback of herself as a little girl, listening to her father
cough and then seeing him lying on his deathbed as someone covers his
still face with a blanket.
• Lillith finds a piece of paper inside her doll. On it is written the words of
Isaiah that her father quoted to her when she was little.
• At home, Nicodemus is upset that he was unable to help the poor
demon-possessed woman.
• Lillith makes her way to a cliff and throws her ripped-up paper with the
words from Isaiah into the sea.

Lilith – Mary’s alias

Jesus Mary Magdala – possessed by demons

Season 1 Episode

Zohara Nicodemus
Nicodemus wife The pharisee from Jerusalem

Season 1 Episode

Simon and Andrew

Fishermen who struggle to pay their tax debts to Rome

Season 1 Episode

Matthew Quintus
Jewish citizen tax collector The preator of Capernaum

Season 1 Episode
Signals of transcendence shown
in Episode 1" I call you by your
1. The human belief that the world is ordered (order)

2.the capacity laugh (humor)

3. The capacity to hope (deep hope)

Moral lesson of the

• Don't be afraid
• be fair
• Jesus really is our
connect the lessons to the
general theme of the life,
mission, message of jesus
- unity - by applying to
our concrete experience in
• Where’s the light?

• What do we mean by children

of light?

• The fruit of the light?

In this Episode, we are introduced to Mary
Magdalene, who we know very little from
the Bible. We know she was cured of seven
demons and not much else. However, she
was there at Jesus’ crucifixion and his
resurrection, so we can imagine she was a
dedicated disciple. Mary of Magdala may not
be a Bible character you have personally
empathized with before. You may also not
have imagined what the normal life was like
for Jesus’ disciples: their daily work,
troubles, family. That will all change after
watching this episode.

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