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According to Geographical location
or, Degree or Quality Relationship

By: Nicole O. Magbanua

What is
Gemeinschaft (German pronunciation: [ɡə
ˈmaɪnʃaft]) generally translated as “community” by
the German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies. It is a
spontaneously arising organic social relationship
characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of
sentiment and kinship within a common tradition.
What is
Gemeinshaft is characterized by:

• Emphasis on the togetherness of the group.

• The group being more important than the members.
• Strong communal relations.
• Shared moral values and beliefs.
• Weaker division of labor (less specialization).
Examples of gemeinshaft social groups include
rural neighborhoods, families, tribes, garage bands,
sports teams.
Also, communities like the Amish, Hassidic,
Agrarian, and Hunter-gatherers are examples of
gemeinschaft social groups.
What is Gesellschaft?
Gesellschaft ([ɡəˈzɛlʃaft]), generally translated as
“society” by the German sociologist Ferdinand
Tönnies. It is a rationally developed mechanistic
type of social relationship characterized by
impersonally contracted associations between
What is Gesellschaft?
Gesellschaft is characterized by:

Individualism overriding community

Contractual relationships over covenental
Stronger division of labor (more specialization)
• Diverse social mores
Examples of gesellschaft social groups include
corporations, diverse countries, social clubs,
Also, big cities like Tokyo, New York City, and
London are examples of gesellschaft social groups.
Gemeinschaft vs Gesellschaft
Gesellschaft defers from Gemeinschaft in many
different ways. The order is maintained due to fear of
reprisals by the laws in place in the society in the
Gesellschaft while the order is maintained by the collective
will of the people in the society who value the welfare of
the whole rather than their individual interests. In
Gesellschaft, status is aquired by the achievement of an
individual like education or work.
Gemeinschaft vs Gesellschaft
However, in Gemeinschaft status is achieved by
birth (associated ownership). Division of labor in
Gemeinschaft is moderate whereas it is less elaborate in
Gesellschaft. Personal relationships and families thrive in
the community since such ties are given more emphasis
unlike in Gesellschaft where secondary relationships are
more important.
Gemeinschaft vs Gesellschaft
Gemeinschaft is found in small cities where
the interests of the communities are given more
focus than the personal interests. Group values
regulate all of them. Gesellschaft is found in large
cities where individual interest is above that of the
society. Business has self-orientation in their social

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