Structure Meeting IXa

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Meeting IX

Nesti Febrianti, M.Pd

 words that formed with verbs but acts as
 Kata yang terdiri dari verb yang berperan
sebagai noun
e.g I’ve been dreaming of vacation
she is interested in learning about
 Gerund = verb +ing as noun
Preposition + gerund

• Preposition + Gerund

• She insisted on coming to the class
• They are excited about going to Thailand
Verb + Gerund

Common verbs used

• Enjoy, finish, stop, quit, mind, postpone, put
off, keep, keep on, consider, think about,
discuss, talk about.

Gerund as object
• I enjoy working in this office
• She quit learning for a while
Go + ing
Express activities
• Menunjukkan aktifitas
• e.g I go sightseeing
• Did you go hiking yesterday?
• Mary hasn’t go shopping for a few weeks

Common expression used (go + activity)

• Boating, bowling, camping, dancing, fishing, hiking,
jogging, running, sailing, (window) shopping, sightseeing,
skating, (water) skiing, skydiving, swimming.
By + gerund

Express how something is done

• Menunjukkan bagaimana melakukan
• e.g we clean our clothes by washing them in
the washing machine.
• Katy improved her English by studying in
learning center.
Gerund as subject

One gerund as subject= singular

• Painting is fun
• Cycling is exciting

Two gerund as subject = plural

• Painting and cycling are my favorite activities

To + Simple verb

I hope to see you again soon

Verb + Infinitives
• (+) To+simple verb
• (-) not + to+ simple verb

Common verbs used

• Want, need, would like, would love, hope, expect, plan,
intend, mean, decide, promise, offer, agree, refuse, seen,
appear, pretend, forget, learn, try, afford, wait.

• I’ve decided to buy another car
• I’ve decided not to keep my old house
Uncompleted infinitives

• To repeat the idea that came immediately
before. (untuk mengulang ide yg ada

• I’ve never met Rose, but I’d like to
• James seems to enjoy the concert. Harry seemed
It + infinitives as subject

• ‘it’ used as subject in a sentence
• ‘it’ sebagai subjek dalam kalimat

• It is fun to ride a horse
• It is important to come to class on time
It + infinitives: using for

• It is + adj + for (someone) + infinitives

• It is important for you to study hard
• It is necessary for Mary to speak out her
Infinitives by using in order to
• To express purpose (untuk menunjukkan tujuan)
• Answers ‘why?’ (menjawab pertanyaan

• I went to the market in order to buy fruit.
• I went to the market to buy fruit
Infinitives with too and enough

Too + adj + (for someone) +infinitive

• The box is too heavy for you to lift
• The box is too heavy to lift

Enough + noun + infinitive / adj + enough

+ infinitive
• I don’t have enough money to buy clothes
• He isn’t old enough to go to school

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