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Science 7

SY 2021-2022

Science Process Skills

Activity 2 By Group 3
How Land and Water Pollution is affecting the Environment

By Group 3 2
What do you want to find out?

• We want to find out how land and water
pollution affects our environment and
surroundings and how it can possibly affect life
on Earth.

By Group 3 3
What will you do to find this? • In order to find out how land and water
pollutes the environment, we will conduct
experiments and research on our topic
which is about land and water pollution
Answer: and how it affects our environment.

By Group 3 4
What will you need to use?

• We will need to use our 5 senses to observe the
environment and our surroundings, and we also
need our laptops and gadgets in order to research
about our topic.

By Group 3 5
What do you think will happen? • If land and water pollution continues to
exist, then our environment will be full of
trash and become infected with
contaminants and toxins. However, if we
Answer: prevent this, then our environment will
look more clean and Earth will look much
more greener.

By Group 3 6
What are the variables in
your investigation?
• From our research, we have found out that 64%
of global agricultural land is at risk of pollution.
We have also found out that an estimated 8
Million tons of plastic enters our oceans every
year. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic
waste estimated to be in our oceans. 269,000
tons float, 4 billion microfibers per km² dwell
below the surface. 70% of our debris sinks into
the ocean's ecosystem, 15% floats, and 15%
lands on our beaches.

By Group 3 7
Created by Group 4

Group Members:
Sean Kenneth
Kurt Andrei
Irish Biala

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