Esp Report

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It is the simplest kind of course design and the one

most familiar to English teachers

It is particularly common in ESP

It aims to draw as direct a connection as possible between the

analysis of the target situation and the content of the ESP
It has a number of weakness:

a.) It starts from the learners and their needs, and thus
it might be considered a learner-centered approach, but
it is, in fact, not learner-centered in any meaningful
sense of the term. The learner is simply used as a
means of identifying the target situation.

b.) The language-centered process can also be

criticized for being a static and inflexible procedure.
b.) The language-centered process can also be criticized for
being a static and inflexible procedure.

c.) It appears to be systematic

d.) It gives no acknowledgement to factors which must

inevitably play in the creation of any course. Data is not
important in itself.

e.)The language-centered analysis of target situation data is

only at the surface level. It reveals very little about the
competence that underlies the performance.
It is a reaction to the idea of specific registers
of English as a basis for ESP and to the
practical constraints on learning imposed by
limited time and resources.

Its aim is not to provide a specified corpus of

linguistic knowledge but to make the learners
into better processors of information

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