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Renewable Energy Sources

7 Types of Renewable Energy

• Solar
• Wind
• Hydroelectric • Introduction
• Benefits
• Geothermal • Current limitations
• Ocean
• Hydrogen
• Biomass
Solar Energy
• Radiant energy electricity/hot water.
• Endless
• Replace fossil fuels
• Useful in the long term and in the sort term too
• expensive
Wind energy
• Supply organizations
• Clean energy, does not produce carbon-dioxide
• Open up new opportunities for jobs
• Placed in peaceful areas
• Expensive transport
• Endanger local wildlife
Hydroelectric power
• Dams
• Different porjects like Hoover Dam
• Clean energy
• Most u.s. hydroelectricity palnts use more energy than they are able
produce for consumption
• negatively affects the animals
Geothermical Energy
• Heat that is trapped under earths crust
• Sometimes large amount of this heat escapes naturally
• Use of steam which is comes from the heated water
• Not as common as other renewable energy sources
• It leaves very little footprint on land
• Naturally charged
• Expensive to build the infrastructure
• it can be damaged easily
Ocean Energy
• thermal and mechanical
• Ocean thermal energy relies on warm water temperatures
• Ocean mechanical energy uses the ebbs and flows of the tides to
generate energy
• it’s easy to measure the amount of energy that will be produced
• the most populated cities are placed near oceans and harbors
• Hydrogen needs to be combined with other elements
• it can be used for fuel and electricity
• It makes the environment cleaner
• Biomass is organic matter that comes from recently living plants and
• It creates carbon dioxide
Potential Energy Sources Of The Future
• space based solar power

• human power

• flying wind farms

space based solar power
• giant solar farms
• the solar radiation would be costant
• wirelessly connected to Earth
• Very expensive
space based solar power
Human power
flying wind farms
• BAT that floats 1-2000 feet above the ground
• wind is stronger and more consistent
• System: ringed blimp with a wind turbine in the middle is tethered
securely to the ground
flying wind farms
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