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JAIN (Deemed to be University), BENGALURU
Why Research?
• To understand a phenomenon, situation, or behavior under study.
• To test existing theories and to develop new theories on the basis of existing ones.
• To answer different questions of “how”, “what”, “which”, “when” and “why” about a phenomenon,
behavior, or situation.
• Research-related activities contribute to forming (making) new knowledge and expand the existing
knowledge base.

• Basic
• Applied
• Action
• Experimental
• Survey
• Observational

 How to carry out the process of research

 How to prepare a synopsis
 How to write a dissertation/report of research
 Sample of synopsis and Dissertation

Define research Review of Formulate Preparing the
Data collection Data analysis and report
problem literature hypotheses research design

 A research problem is a statement about

 an area of concern,
 a condition to be improved,
 a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice
•Previous researches/dissertations/studies/etc
•Resource persons/professors/
•Seminars, workshops/conferences
•organizations/research centers/research institutes
•Own critical observations
•Discussions with fellows, colleagues, friends, etc
 General Psychology:
 1. Collaborative community-based interventions designed to build community organization
and promote community development.

 2. Neighbourhood influences on the development of family and adolescent wellbeing.

 3. Study of attachment processes.

 Cognitive Psychology
 1. Analysis of choice behaviour
 Eg: Choice behaviour of tourism destination and travel mode among local residents in Bangalore

 2. Information processing and decision making

 Eg: Effect of emotion in information processing for decision making among Adolescence.

 3. Problem solving
 Eg: Effectiveness of problem-solving followed by indirect instruction among primary school
 Abnormal Psychology
 1. Personality disorders/traits
 Eg: Prevalence of Borderline personality disorder among substance use patients

 2. Correlates of stress, anxiety and depression

 Eg: Depression, anxiety and stress among Indians during Covid-19 lockdown.
 Organizational/Corporate Psychology
 1. Employee performance and related factors (eg: job satisfaction, work life balance etc)

 Eg: 1. Influence of job satisfaction on the performance among IT employees

 2. Corporate social responsibility and organizational psychology: An integrative review

 Social Psychology
 3. Interpersonal behavior (eg: aggression, pro-social behavior, obedience etc)
 Eg: Relationship between personality and pro-social behavior adolescents: A correlative study

 4. Society and individual (eg: social identity, group behavior etc)

 Eg: Gender Differences in Self-Concept and Psychological Well-Being in Old Age: A
descriptive study

 5. Personality and related factors (eg: performance, aggression, satisfaction, self-esteem etc)
 Eg: Personality traits, happiness and life satisfaction of Married couples
 Positive Psychology:
 This particular area of psychology focuses on how to help human beings prosper and lead healthy, happy lives.
A field concerned with well-being and optimal functioning.
 Areas
 Happiness, Well-being – (Subjective-well-being, Meaning in Life, Self-acceptance), Optimism and
helplessness, Mindfulness, Flow, which is a state of complete immersion in your present activity, Character
strengths and virtues – (Valuing Human strength using multiple character strengths), Hope, Positive Emotions -
Positive thinking, Positive Workplace, Resilience and Emotional Intelligence.
 Examples
 1. Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction among married couples –Mediation effect

 2. Building sense of purpose in older adulthood.

 3. Enhancing emotional competencies and explore its effect on self-efficacy and resilience among college
 4. Compassionate love predicts long-term survival among people living with HIV Patients.
 5. A Study on the multifaceted relationship between gratitude, empathy and compassion.
 6. Moral Self-Appraisals – Emotional rewards of Prosocial Behavior.
 7. Self-Esteem and Happiness as Predictors of School Teachers’ Health: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.
 8. Meaning in Life and Resilience among Teachers among Teachers.
 Sports Psychology
 Sport psychology involves the study of the psychological factors associated with participation and
performance in sport. Introduction to Sport Psychology provides a fundamental understanding of how the
various aspects of psychology can be applied to sport participation.
 Athlete Performance Youth Sports, Personality and Motivation. Team Dynamics and Coaching and Non-
 Examples
 2. Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents
 3. Physical activity and motor skills in children.
 4. Benefits and challenges associated with sports participation by children and parents from low-income
 5. Comparison relation between mental skills with Sport Anxiety in Sprint and Endurance Runners.
 6. The influence of fitness yoga classes on the physical condition of women in a period of menopause.
 7. Positive and negative effects of caffeine on athletic performance.
 8. Effects of participating sports among people with various heart diseases.
 9. Compare the sport traumas among pre-schoolers and teenagers.
 10. Specificity of treatment of sports injuries in children and adolescents.
 11. Volitional regulation and motivation of young athletes in artistic gymnastics.
 12. Effects of mental training during preparation of tennis players for competition.
Considerations in Selecting a Research Problem

Testable by empirical methods
Level of expertise
Availability of data
Ethical issues
Controversial subject should not become the choice of an average researcher
Structure or Format of a Research Report

 Title
 Abstract
 I- Introduction
 II- Review of literature
 III- Method
 IV- Results
 V- Discussion
 VI- Summary
 References
 Appendix (if appropriate)
 Each part should be follow one after another and in a new page
I - Title page
 Title
 It should be concise and should clearly indicate the purpose of the study.
 It should not be stated so broadly
 Abbreviations should not be used in the title
 Length of title is 12 to 15 words approximately
 The title should be typed in upper case and lower case letters centred on the page and when two lines
are needed they should be double –spaced.
 Author’s name and affiliation:
 On the title page, the author’s name should be centred below the title,
 The next line should indicate the name of the institution to which the author is affiliated.

 Abstract
 The abstract is written on a separate sheet which is page- 2
 It describes the study in about 100 to 150 words.
 The abstract is the summary of the study, it includes the problem under the study, method,
such as characteristics of the subjects, research design, apparatuses, results (including
statistical significance levels) and conclusions as well as implication.

 Operational definitions of all the variables (Ivs & DVs) and intervention
techniques if any (e.g; Diabetes, Stress, depression, anxiety, PERMA, gender,
SES, Region)
 Nature, characteristics, symptoms, causes, prevalence, types, treatment,
 1 Paragraph prevalence (Global, India, State, region)
 Theoretical foundation
Step 1: Search for relevant literature (primary sources- research articles)
⚫ Step 2-
⚫ Download the file, read the article.
⚫ Summarize/ paraphrase the study
⚫ Write in well-structured paragraphs
⚫ Collect the reference of each article (all the information about the

 Step 1: Search for relevant literature

 Make a list of keywords
 Select appropriate reference articles
 Step 2-
 Summarize/ paraphrase (don’t forget to collect references)
 Write in well-structured paragraphs: use transition words and topic sentences to draw
connections, comparisons and contrasts
 Step 3
 Surname of author, year in bracket, objective, methodology, findings

 Hamissi, Babaie and Hosseini (2013) studied the relationship between internet addiction
virtual environments and emotional intelligence. This cross-sectional survey was
conducted on 201 students who were randomly selected. Young’s Internet Addiction Test
(IAT), which contains 20 questions about symptoms of internet addiction, emotional
intelligence questionnaire including 33 questions (shuttle, 1997). The data analyzed by
computer software SPSS (ANOVA 95% confidence). According to the finding of the study,
there was inverse relationship between the internet addiction and emotional intelligence.
Objectives and hypotheses

 From existing studies

 Clear and unambiguous
 Objectives can be general or specific.
 To compare, to assess, to determine, to verify, to calculate, to describe, to
  Hypothesis 
 Predicts the relationship between two variables: the independent variable and
the dependent variable

a. Sample (size, population, area, sampling technique)/data collection process (Primary or

b. Tools (eg: questionnaire/test/inventory/MSE – Author’s name, year, reliability, validity,
scope, limitation, usage)
c. Procedure (Time duration, detailed about session)
d. Statistical analysis (descriptive, inferential)

 V Results
a. Tables And Figure
b. Statistical Presentation

 VI Discussion
a. Support Or Non-support of Hypotheses
b. Practical And Theoretical Implications

 Journal
 Shelly, D. R. (2010). Periodic, chaotic, and doubled earthquake recurrence
intervals on the deep San Andreas fault. Science, 328(5984), 1385-1388.
 Book
 Wodtke, C., & Govella, A. (2009). Information architecture: Blueprints for
the web (2nd ed.). Berkely, CA: New Riders.
 Website
 Author (the person or organisation responsible for the site)(n.d.). Page
title. Publication Name (IF ANY). Retrieved June 17, 2010, from Website:

 All the materials that is used to collect data

 One by one
Structure or Format of a Research proposal

 Title
 Introduction - problem, definitions, theories or theoretical perspective
 Review of literature (minimum five studies)
 Need of the study
 Objectives and hypothesis
 Method (sample, tools/apparatus, procedure, statistical analysis or Qualitative analysis)
 Time schedule
 References
 Appendix (if appropriate)
General purpose of Writing A Research
 The writing of the research report is no less challenging a task than the research itself.
 It requires imagination, creativity and resourcefulness.
 Research reports should be written in a dignified and objective style.
 The general purpose of a research report is not to convince the readers but to let them
know what has been done, why it was done, what results were obtained and what the
conclusions of the researcher were.
 The research reports aim at telling the readers the problems investigated, the methods
adopted, the results found and the conclusion reached.
 The research report should be written in a clear and unambiguous language.
 So that the reader can also objectively judge the adequacy and the validity of the
 Personal pronouns such as I, You, We, My, Our, etc., should be avoided and substitute,
expressions like ‘investigator’, ‘researcher’ should be used.
 The highest standard of correct usage of words and sentences is expected.

 Google scholar
 PROQUEST (home of open access journal)

 Sci-Hub
 Scribber (For reference)

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