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• Surah al Ikhlas was revealed in Makkah.

• Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood reported that the Quraish asked the Prophet, “Tell us of the
ancestors of your Lord” thereupon this surah was revealed.

• It presents the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah in Himself.

• It explains the concept of Tauhid for the purity of faith (ikhlas).

• It tells us that Allah is a personality but His nature is sublime and far beyond our limited

• He is the ultimate reality and free from all limitations of time and space, He does not
have physical relations with any of His creatures.

• His personality and attributes are unique because He is the perfect.

• Phrases like Samad and Ahad Muslims understand that God is independent of all but all
are dependent and He needs nothing for His sustenance.

• “Allah, there is no God but He, the living, the self-subsisting.......”.


• This passage is important for Muslims because it gives a clear understanding of God’s
personality which helps us to have pure and undefiled faith in Him alone.

• Ayat ul Kursi discusses the same theme but this passage explains all aspects of Tauheed
and Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) told that this surah is equivalent to one third of Quran.

• While focusing on God’s nature this surah gives further inspiration and salvation to
Muslims when they understand that their God is perfect who can grant them all that
 they need.

• In daily lives of Muslims this surah helps them to understand that human beings have
limitations as they are bound in life which has to taste the death, hence, human beings
cannot be helpful like God who is unique.

• It sums up the whole argument by warning us against the tendency of comparing Him
with anyone or anything.

• Thus the passage is the source of contentment and spiritual strength fir Muslims in their
daily lives.

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