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Allocation, Translocation & Partitioning of photosynthates

• Photosynthates (i.e., starch & sucrose)

• Movement of photosynthates
• Phloem loading, transport and unloading
• Distribution of sugars
Export and Short-term Storage of Photosynthates
Photosynthates = Reduced-carbon products of
In light, excess photosynthates are stored in

different chemical forms and cellular locations

Allocation, Translocation & Partitioning of photosynthates

 1. Dicotyledenous plants (potatoes, etc…) tend to

 make and store starch in plastids
 2. Monocotyledenous plants (corn, sugar cane, etc…)
 tend to make sucrose to be stored in vacuoles
 At night, photosynthates can be metabolism via
 respiration to form ATP needed for cellular energy
 - Trios phosphate is exported from chloroplasts
 - Fructose-6-phosphate begins starch synthesis
Two Forms of Starch in Chloroplasts

-alpha-Amylose (non-branched),
 Amylopectin (branched), amylose with

periodic links
The Adsorption of Metabolites by Plant
Starch Synthesized in Chloroplasts

 Triose-Phosphates from Calvin cycle enter “hexose

phosphate pool” and is used to synthesize starch

 Starch synthesis in Chloroplasts

 1) glucose-1-phosphate is “charged” with ADP
(increased potential energy)
 2) It is covalently linked to growing starch (amylose
amylopectin) chain by Starch Synthase Enzyme
 3) Starch-branching enzymes generate amylopectin
Starch and Sucrose Synthesis are Partly Competitive
Both use sugars from Hexose Phosphate Pool

 The starch synthesis is blocked in “wrinkled”
pea seeds
 - mutation in starch branching gene, loss of

 - 30% reduction in starch leads to wrinkled

 - Excess sucrose, with a strong osmotic

pressure increases water in developing fruit

that later dry up “wrinkled”
 Wrinkled peas are sweeter than
round peas because they contain more sugar
and less starch.
 The increase in sugar content leads to more

water retention causing
the peas to wrinkle when they dry.
 In most plants, a large fraction of photo-
assimilated carbon is stored in the
chloroplasts during the day as starch and
remobilized during the subsequent night to
support metabolism.
 Mutations blocking either starch synthesis or

starch breakdown in Arabidopsis thaliana

reduce plant growth. Maltose is the major
product of starch breakdown exported from
the chloroplast at night.
Translocation of Photosynthates
Within Trees
 Girdling a tree removes phloem tissues
 - Tree lives for only a short time, until roots

 - Phloem above girdle thickens due to excess

photosynthates and abnormal cell growth

Translocation of Photosynthates
Within Trees
Translocation of Photosynthates
Within Trees
Chemical Composition of Phloem Sap

Sucrose is a major component of phloem

 Proteins (namely P-protein) present in

Different types of sugars in phloem

Although sucrose is the most common

transport sugar, other sucrose-related sugars
occur in phloem
 For example, “raffinose series” present in

some plants
 -sucrose is by far the most common!
Why Sucrose?

 Why is sucrose the preferred transported

 Chemical stability and small size “non-

reducing” sugar
Chemical Formula of some sugars
Absorption of Very Large Molecules,
Even Proteins
 Proteins are made by the ribosomes in the
cytosol are absorbed by the nucleus
 However protein synthesize in the

chloroplasts and mitochondria are absorbed

on the ribosomes in the cytosol.
 Proteins are also transported to the vacoules,

cell wall and endoplasmic reticulum etc in

some species.
 ATP is usually required to provide energy for

P-protein & Callose protect plant from damaged phloem

 P-protein stands for phloem protein

 Very high concentration in sieve elements
 P-protein gels when exposed to air, plugs

sieve elements when phloem tubes are

damaged (cut/chewed)
 Blocks the loss of valuable sugars
P-protein & Callose protect plant
from damaged phloem
 Callose similar to cellulose) rapidly
synthesized near wounded sieve plates
 Helps “plug” the sieve tube holes to prevent

loss of sap
Source-Sink Relations

 - Source = location where photosynthates are

made and
 loaded into phloem (leaves)
 - Sink = location where photosynthates are

 reduced for energy (actively growing) and/or
 loaded into phloem
 - These can change over time and plant

Movement of Phloem Sap – Pressure Flow

 From sources towards sinks

 - respire
 - storage
 moves via pressure
 Loading Photosynthates into Phloem from
Leaf Cells
 - via plasmodesmata (symplast)
 - via cell wall (apoplast)
Unloading from Phloem at Sink
 - opposite of loading
 - symplastic
 - apoplastic (cell wall)
 - moved into
companion cell
Partitioning of Carbon to Different
Sinks Over Life Span
 Developmental stages
 1. Young herbaceous- meristems and leaves

 2. Reproduction stage- Flowers, fruit & seed,

starch in chloroplast
 Sinks compete for sugars
 Few sinks means each receives more
 Reason that pruning helps fruit trees
Sink Strength Greatly Influences
Sugar Unloading
 Sink strength = capacity to accumulate
 metabolites
 - Sinks tend to draw from close sources
 - Developing seeds/grain often
 strongest sink
 - Grain/Fruit preferentially “fills” at the
 detriment of other sinks
Correlations between Root and shoot
Functions in Mineral Absorption
 The root must respire to produce ATP to drive
mineral salt Absorption
 The shoot supply the root with food via the

phloem to drive the root to absorb minerals

 Excellent correlations between the rate of

shoot growth and rate of absorption of N, P,

K have been obtained.
 Respiration rates of roots over time

sometimes are highly correlated with rates of

Tutorial Question
 Explain how large molecules are transported
into the cells of plants.

 Explain how the absorption of protein

molecule takes place and its importance to
plant cells

 Explain why only non reducing sugars are

transported and tell why reducing sugars are
usually not transported.


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