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S e m a n a 4 : Ta r e a d e

Punto 1
Forest city Liuzhou/China:
Is now under construction, the world's first forest city created to fight pollution in liuzhou.this city is
able to be home to a community of about thirty thousand people besides can absorb ten thousand
tons of carbon dioxide.
Forest city Malaysia
The Malaysia forest city is already done with the first part of that project, also has a cost of 100 billion
dollars, and it will be a home for 7000 persons. the city is being placed in a forest place
The sustainable city/Dubai
The city is already being built. Tha city has been 5 million sq ft sustainable system. The city will give
500 home all powered by solar panels
Masdar city UAE
This city going to be completed in 2025, and hopes for this city to be the most sustainable city on
earth. Was designed to be zero carbon and zero waste home to 40000 persons. The building are
specially designed to be in line with the traditional art design.
Self-sufficient city. Xiong’an, Beijing Punto 1
These buildings to be constructed entirely from natural resources and design to use 80% less energy
than traditional building, but still has some solar panels and greenhouses for growing food.
Oceanix concept city
This city is a design for a floating city, to be a home of ten thousand people. This city, it’s conformed
in groups of six islands to form villages.
New Clarke city Philippines
In the Philippines is being built as a backup city from where the government can still function. That
city is also building to fight to natural disasters such as earthquake, tycoons or flooding.
It’s building could consume very little energy. The first phase of the development is estimated to be
complete in 2022
Amaravati India
Is being built with the goal of becoming one of the most sustainable cities in the world, has one at
least percent. Is estimated completion date is 2025. This building is going to has solar energy, for the
transport system will include electric cars and water taxis.
Punto 1
 Net city China
This city could create on the stretcher pearl river. It will accommodate 80.000
people and take her around seven years to complete.

My favorite:
My favorite was Masdar City because, this city wants to be zero carbon and
zero was that is so toxic to our planet, and also, cause is going to complete
in 2025 pretty close.
Punto 2 Y 3

1. In a hundred years in my opinion everything will

have a lot of technology, all is going to be modern, and
the transport is going to be easier than now, I think
that all is going to be more expensive, and the people
is going to work as robots, I don’t like that idea to be
honest, I hope that the poverty desappears, I hope less
but we are working on it
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