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Lesson 1:



At the end of this lessons, students are

expected to:
 Understand the role of Art and
 Recognize Art from Nature;
 Discern the conventions of arts; and
 Appreciate art having experiences
through it.
How do you see ART in your everyday life?
-The word “art” comes from the ancient
Latin period “ars” which means a “craft or
specialized form of skill, like carpentry or
smithying or surgery” (Collingwood, 1938).

-Art then suggested the capacity to

produce an intended result from carefully
planned steps or method.
-Arts in Medieval Latin period came
to mean something different. It meant
“any special form of book-learning, such
as grammar or logic, magic or
astrology” (Collingwood, 1938).
Art to Humanity
Art - is something that deals with creation whether through painting,
crafting, architecture, drawing, and more that deals with physicality and
with through performance like dancing, singing, and theater.

Humanities - can be understood as the study of how people process

and document the human experience, in this sense, it can be said that
humanities bring into its fold human culture, experience, perception as
objects of study.

Today, humanities are best understood within the ambit of the

traditional liberal arts through the different disciplines of philosophy,
music, art, literature, religion, ethics, and history; It borders also within
political science, law, archaeology, and anthropology.
Aim of Humanities in the study of Art

Learning humanities cultivate one’s attention to

particular works of art and how it becomes significant. It
evokes different responses like a mere appreciation to
intuitive responses allowing a dialogue between the art
and the individual. It illicit enjoyment, pleasure, and
understanding in the study of art as going through the
study of humanities.
The Process of Art Making
The Artist Art’s Medium
One cannot speak about art without the The art’s medium is the material used
artist. The art is the reflection of one’s to express an idea. The medium can be
feelings. It is the explication of the anything used to showcase what is in
imagined concepts or ideas. Experience the artist’s mind. It can be wood, metal,
helps man form and develops his subject. stone; or it can be words, action, or
anything that evokes aesthetic sense.

Artisan Artist
Three Conventions
of Art
1.Art is universal and timeless
2.Art is not nature
3.Art needs experience
Art is Universal and
-Art has always been timeless and
universal, spanning generations and
continents through and through. Art has
been crafted by all people regardless of
origin, time, place, and that it stayed on
because it is liked and enjoyed by people

“Art is not good because it is old, but old

because it is good’’
Art is not Nature

– Art is man’s expression of his

perception of nature. Art is man’s way of
interpreting nature.

(Blind men holding an elephant)

Art needs Experience

Art is known by experiencing. A work of

art then cannot be abstracted from actual
doing. In order to know what an artwork
is, we have to sense it, see or hear it, and
see and hear it.

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