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Google’s Handling of the Echo

Chamber Manifesto
Google’s Handling of the Echo
Chamber Manifesto

After the memo was leaked, many criticized

the contents, calling Damore and his memo “anti-
diversity,” with Google employees and some of the
general public saying they were offended by its
Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, released a statement
explaining the decision to fire Damore. Pichai’s
statement points out that some of Damore’s criticisms
of Google’s attempts at creating a truly diverse culture
are valid, but the memo violated parts of the company’s
code of conduct.
The day after the memo was leaked, Google’s
VP of Diversity and Inclusion, Danielle
Brown, issued a statement criticizing the
discriminatory content of the memo, saying it
did not align with Google’s dedication to
creating a truly diverse workforce.
Question and answer

Question:1 Legally, Google’s firing of Damore may or may not

be problematic, but is Google’s firing of Damore ethical?
Answer: Yes, Google’s firing of Damore was ethical. Damore’s memo clearly violated
Google’s standards on gender diversity and inclusion. Also, Damore’s memo made his
fellow colleagues uncomfortable. Damore’s ideology considered women as biologically
inferior and not competent enough to work as engineers. This kind of demonstration of lack
of empathy and no respect for company standards shows that Damore’s memo was
unethical. Hence, Google firing of Damore was ethical so that Google could maintain their
stance as gender neutral company.
Question:2 Would you have made the same
decision if you were Pichai?

Answer: Yes, I would have made the same decision if I were Pichai.
Being a CEO of a major tech company is not only about being
responsible maintaining company standards but its also about setting an
example for the society. Damore's memo which was against women
equality in workplace was not ethical and did not align with the
company standards. Pichai stated that to consider a gender is inferior by
nature and is less suited for a company is not ok. This strongly proves
that Pichai's decision was made to hold the integrity of Google.
Question:3 Is it ethical for an organization to fire someone who expresses beliefs that don’t align with the overall culture?

Answer: No, firing someone who expresses belief that don’t

align with the overall organization’s culture is not ethical.
However, if the person’s belief creates discrimination of any
gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, etc. then firing that
person will be ethical. Person holding such unethical belief
creates uncomfortable situation for their fellow colleagues
and disrupts the company’s goal to create a diverse
Question:4 Do efforts towards a more diverse work culture
stifle employees from speaking out? What can leaders do to
avert this potential outcome?

Answer: No, efforts towards creating a more diverse work

culture do not stifle employees from speaking out. Diversity is
an essential tool for a company to grow since it brings different
point of view in a discussion and hence helps a company
approach a problem at various angles. Leaders should strive to
maintain diversity in their company and should immediately take
actions against anyone who becomes a threat to create an
imbalance among the workforce through their immoral opinions

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