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Ambedkar and
Women Empowerment

Presented by-
Avishruti Dutta (SF0120009)
Aminesh Nayan Gogoi (SM0120004)
Debangan Das (SM0120018)
Bhanu Pratap Parashar (SM0120013)
Rahul Bora (SM0120039)
 Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was one of the most fascinating and outstanding
intellectual leaders of India. He made massive efforts to steer society down the
road of democracy, dignity, and fraternity. According to B.R. Ambedkar, progress
of a society depends on progress of women. All kinds of issues related to
women empowerment, gender equality as well as right of women to divorce
related factors was controlled by him. On the issues of women’s right B.R.
Ambedkar was an authentic member of the imperial government. Various
tremendous significant facts for women empowerment are evaluated by B.R.
Ambedkar. Right to inheritance is provided by B.R. Ambedkar toward women,
which is treated as an effective part of women empowerment.
 He was the first Indian to tear down the obstacles to women's progress in India.
He said that all-round growth, particularly social education, well-being, and
socio-cultural rights, should be provided to women. He believed in women-led
campaigns at all times. He also claimed that education is the biggest factor that
will lead to the equality of both genders and hence, women should argue on
receiving equal education as that of the men. In January 1928, Dr. Ambedkar
along with his wife established a women's association in Bombay. He measured
community progress by the degree of progress of women that has been
achieved in this society.
 Dr. Ambedkar stressed on education for the progress of women and our country.
With a deep faith in their emancipation, Ambedkar advised them: ‘Give education
to your children’. He stresses the need of the cultivation of the mind and the spirit
of self-help among men and women. He wants them to realize that they owe a
great responsibility for educating their children in right way. But at the same time,
he advised them: send your children to schools. To him, education is the most
important factor for moulding the life of all men, women and children.

 Ambedkar observes “Education is as necessary for females as it is for males. It

you know how to read and write, there would be much progress. As you are, so
your children will be mould their lives in virtuous way, for sons should be such as
would make a mark in this world.” He wanted to liberate women from their suffering
and economic dependency. In order to give economic rights and freedom to
women, Ambedkar demanded educational rights, equality and right to property for
women. To educate women, he asked co-education for women with men. Through
education, he believed, that women would think independently which will lead to
their intellectual and mental development.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s approach to women’s right is exclusively different from other
social reformers like Jyotiba Phule, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar. They tried to reform the Hindu society of certain outdated customs
and practices without questioning the hierarchical social order. but BR ambedkar’s
goal was to make a society based on social justice and that is reflected Indian
constitution. he has provided some ways for women empowerment:-

 Enrich self-esteem and self confidence in women.

 Construct an affirmative image of women by identifying their contributions to the

economy and society.

 Enhance the capability to think critically.

 Foster decision making and action through collective process.

 The principal features of the Hindu Code Bill illustrate Dr. Ambedkar’s passion
towards the very values of liberty, equality, dignity and fraternity. It was a
reform, challenging the basic patriarchal foundation to ensure equality of
women, true to its essence of empowerment.

 The Bill could not be introduced in its original structure, as devised by Dr.
Ambedkar and was enacted in a diluted version in four separate acts, namely
the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Hindu Adoption
and Maintenance Act, 1956, and Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956.

 Dr. Ambedkar’s ideas influenced the enactment of a number of subsequent

pro-women Acts, such as The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, Immoral
Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, The Maternity
Benefit Act, 1961, The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, the Family Courts Act,
1984, the Sati Prevention Act, 1987, The National Commission for Women Act,
1990, Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act, 2005, among others.
 Dr. Ambedkar was a symbol of knowledge and character. He regarded
education as a means to reach the doors of light and perception to remove the
regions of darkness and ignorance. He used his philosophy of education to
make aware of the condition of social degeneration in Hindu society among the
lower strata of society and change the social order for the benefit of entire

 Dr. Ambedkar’s three word formula – ‘educate, agitate and organize’ is a

powerful tool of social change even today. Ambedkar made the oppressed lot
of the depressed classes conscious of their rights, which was denied to them
for centuries. Educating the downtrodden people, he thought, was a sure way
to instill in them a sense of consciousness, self-respect and dignity. He wanted
the people to cultivate the values of freedom and equality among themselves; it
was possible only through education. This is turn would provide the necessary
cultural basis for their progressive assimilation into the mainstream of an
enlightened national life.

“So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by
the law is of no avail to you.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, India’s first Law Minister.

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