Module 2 Assessment Briefing and Planning 2223

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PGCert Healthcare

Module 2 Assessment Briefing and Biomedical

Elizabeth Staddon Education
Four Summative Assessments
Assignment Grading Submission date Feedback deadline
2A A poster and linked oral • Pass 12:00 (noon) 12:00 (noon)
presentation addressing a • Borderline Fail Thursday 17 March 2022 Thursday 21 April 2022
pedagogic challenge in your • Fail
2B A summative teaching • Pass 12:00 (noon) Oral and written feedback
observation • Borderline Fail Thursday 28 April 2022 provided by PGCert HBE Tutor as
• Fail agreed during post-observation
2C A reflective analysis of teaching • Pass 12:00 (noon)
Thursday 28 April 2022  12:00 (noon)
practice • Borderline Fail Tuesday 7 June 2022
• Fail
2D A reflective account on your • Pass 12:00 (noon) 12:00 (noon)
experience of assessing and giving • Borderline Fail Thursday 16 June 2022 Friday 21 July 2022
feedback to learners in your • Fail
Assignment 2A: Poster & Oral Presentation

This assessment involves creating an individual poster and linked 10-minute oral presentation that presents

the outcome of an independent inquiry into one teaching and/or assessment challenge within your own
discipline, including suggestions for practice enhancement to address the challenge 

Assessment criteria

• Organisation of poster and oral presentation

• Problem-solving, research and enquiry
• Visual presentation
• Oral presentation
• Citation and sources
• Demonstration of UKPSF
Assignment 2A Addressing Disciplinary Pedagogic Challenge: titles from previous

• Mastering the Art of Breaking Bad News • Interpreting Arterial Blood Gasses:
• Clinical Reasoning in Simulation Teaching: Students’ Mastery of a Threshold Concept
Can we teach students to think like doctors? in Respiratory Medicine
• Bottlenecks in O&G teaching: translating • Critical appraisal of scientific research: the
clinical skills teaching into clinical practice good, the bad and the unknown
• ABCDE-Y: A Simple Strategy to Aid ‘Seeing • Bedside Teaching: Crossing the Threshold
The Bigger Picture’ in Medical Student from Classroom to Clinical Practice
• Think Like A Scientist: Decoding Critical
• “Please present your findings”: an updated Thinking Skills for Research in a Clinical
approach to bedside teaching Pharmacology BSc Programme
• Decoding the threshold concept of ECG • Overcoming the difficulties of the case
interpretation in the discipline of cardiology presentation
• Overcoming student fears of bedside
teaching • The threshold concept of Patient-Centred
care in medical education
Assignment 2A Formative Assessment

Poster Abstract (200 words) and Peer Review

• Submit a 200 word abstract for your poster and oral presentation. The abstract should include:
• The title of the poster
• What the poster is about - a brief account of the
pedagogic challenge you will be presenting
• The proposed practical strategies to address the challenges
• Conclusions
• Upload your abstract into the Assignment 2A Discussion Forum by 5pm Thursday 16 February
• Peer review and provide feedback on the abstract for 1 peer by 5pm Thursday 23 February
• Drop-in slots in MS Teams Wednesday 1 March at 4pm and Thursday 2 March at 10am
Assignment 2B: Summative Teaching
A summative observation of your teaching by an experienced observer,
to be scheduled around your teaching responsibilities.

Synchronous or asynchronous teaching event

Four-part form:
Part 1 to be completed by you prior to the observation
Parts 2 & 3 to be filled in by your tutor
Part 4 to be filled in by you

To be signed off by your tutor.

Assignment 2C: Reflective Analysis of Teaching

A reflective analysis that extends and analyses an aspect of teaching practice that has emerged during your
Teaching Observation or Reciprocal Peer Supported Review (either as a reviewer or reviewee in the latter
case). You will use your observation experiences as a data source, and develop your reflective account by
drawing on relevant educational literature. 

Should include the following:

• Identify the topic of study resulting from your teaching observation or other peer review activity.
• Undertake a review of educational literature relevant to the identified topic, critically appraising
between 5 and 10 relevant sources to inform your discussion and proposals for future action.
• Discuss the topic in the light of the literature review, making clear links between your own reflections,
the literature, and any other evidence you can provide that enhances your understanding.
• Make justified proposals for future practice related to your topic that emerge from your reflection
• If relevant, reflect on the experience of engaging in observation and/or reciprocal peer supported
review for the purposes of enhancement of your practice.
Assignment 2D: Reflective Analysis of
Assessment and Feedback
Reflective analysis of the design and/or operation of assessment and feedback in practice

Your analysis should consider two instances of design or operation of an assessment item and/or
provision of feedback to learners. Options include:

• Design of two different assessment types (for example OSCE, short answer or single best answer,
multiple choice, essay, poster, oral presentation, work-based).
• Operation of two different assessment items, including the feedback strategy and practice.
• Design of an assessment item and critical reflection on the operation of the same assessment item,
including the feedback strategy and practice.
• Design of one assessment item and a critical reflection on the operation of a different assessment
Examples of past themes for
Assignment 2C
• Student-to-student dynamics in small group teaching
• How to be more inclusive in ward-based teaching
• Impact of physical room lay out on learning
• Interactive techniques for large groups
• Up-side and down-side of using learning outcomes
• How to engage all students in hybrid learning sessions
Examples of past themes for
Assignment 2D
• Designing or creating formative or summative assessment
• Assessing student performance in clinical practice/ work-based assessment
• Assessing OSCEs
• Giving oral or written feedback to students
• Student engagement with feedback
• The assessment strategy for modules/courses you teach
• Assessment methods in your field
For both assignments
• Word count is 1500
• Should draw on relevant literature to inform your reflection and use the Harvard Referencing System.
• Assessment criteria:
• Knowledge and understanding: Understanding and application of subject knowledge and underlying principles
• Analysis and evaluation: Examination and interpretation of sources to draw conclusions
• Reflection and professional development: Management of learning through reflection, recognise own strengths and
weaknesses and take action to improve in the context of professional codes of conduct and values
• Organisation and scholarship: use of relevant literature; academic writing; referencing and citation
• Demonstration of UKPSF
UK Professional Standards Framework

5 Areas of

6 dimensions 4
of Core Professional
Knowledge Values
Areas of activity
A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study

A2 Teach and/or support learning

A3 Assess and give feedback to learners

A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support

and guidance

A5 Engage in continuing professional development in

subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research,
scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.
Core knowledge
K1 The subject material
K2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of
the academic programme
K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area
K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional
practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional Values
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing
professional development
V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operated recognizing the implications for
professional practice
Key points about mapping
• Indicate where you believe you are evidencing the dimension(s) using
in text references (e.g. A1, K4, V2 etc.)
• Make sure that you are showing how you meet the criteria rather
than simply stating that you meet them (so avoid unsubstantiated
statements such as ‘I make sure all my presentation slides are
inclusive (V1)’).
• Mapping in Matrix A should correspond to where you have evidenced
the dimension(s) – you can use a cross/tick, page reference, section
reference – to enable the assessor to cross check the Matrix and the
evidence you have provided in your assessments
Example of mapping to UKPSF
I had three related aims in redesigning the assessment for Module 2 (A3). First, I wanted to make sure that the

assessment was authentic in the sense that it replicated the kinds of tasks and standards that students have to

perform in their own academic settings. Authentic assessment has been shown to impact positively on student

learning, motivation and self-regulation (Villarroel et al, 2018) (V3). Second, I wanted to make sure that the

assessment was very much designed ‘for learning’ as well as ‘of learning’. To achieve this, I built in a formative

stage in which all students received individual feedback before submitting their final assignment (NFETLHE,

2017). Thirdly, I wanted to ensure that the assessment was relevant to the full range of students who enrol on

my course. This meant designing-in enough flexibility so that students could select from a wider range of tasks

linked to their disciplinary backgrounds (V1).

Mapping experience to the UKPSF

Matrix A
Evidenced Item A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 V1 V2 V3 V4
Assignment 2A -                              
Poster and Oral
Assignment 2B –                              
Assignment 2C –                              
Reflective Analysis UKPSF (2011)
of Teaching
Assignment 2D -                              
Reflective Analysis
of Assessment and
Formative Assessment : RPSR

• Reciprocal Peer Supported Review is a process of 1.Identify the focus for your review
collaborative reflection on teaching and assessment
practice through peer-to-peer dialogue and reflection 2.Identify a peer reviewer who agrees to be
reviewed and to review you
• It is not synonymous with peer observation of teaching 3.Plan the review process with your peer
although the chosen activity could be to observe or be including timelines and/or dates and times if
observed teaching the activity is time-dependent
4.Undertake the reciprocal review
• Could involve a discussion about: 5.Action plan as a result of the learning from
• The design and use of a learning resource Reciprocal Peer Supported Review
• Feedback on written assessments
6.Reflect on your learning from the experience
• OSCE assessment practice
of being both the reviewer and reviewee
• Session plan for teaching
Next steps
1. Identify and agree an appropriate time for the observation
(Assignment 2B) with your PGCert HBE Tutor
2. Access Canvas site for Module 2 to engage with all the session
content and further information on the module assessment tasks
3. Participate in the discussion forum in preparation for Assignment 2A
4. If you do not have teaching that can be observed in Module 3 then
also arrange for a reciprocal peer observation

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