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Prepare by: MEN Keo Ratha

1. Product Catalogue

 Problem

- Difficult to know about the Background of Company

- Not Standard of Design (Just normal paper)

 Propose Solution

- Create New Product catalogue as a small book ( A5) including background of Company
 Actions of Competitors

Project Planning
Phnom Penh Plastic Product
2. Facebook Page HTS HDPE

 Problem

- No activity

 Propose Solution

- Create New Contents such as Product knowledge

- Posting picture of Project or customer
- All the picture posting should be have Hashtag​base on types of pictures.

Ex: #គុណភាពទុ យោខ្មៅ ,​បណ្ដា ញទឹកស្អា ត, Water Supply​…

Facebook Page
3. Website

 Problem

- Not Working
- Don’t have khmer language

 Propose Solution Website is not working

- Make a standard website such as language,

product ( Pipe, Fitting…)

Product catalogue
It is not necessary to develop all of this, if we think
that the market sharing recently is enough for the

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