Chapter-2: WRPM and System Concept

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2. Introduction
• Excessive use and misuse of surface and groundwater and pollution of
these vital resources by residential, agricultural, and industrial waste-
water has threatened our well-being.
• Planning for sustainable development of water resources means:
 Water conservation,
 Waste and leakage prevention,
 Improved efficiency of water systems,
 Improved water quality,
 Water withdrawal and usage within the limits of the system,
 A level of water pollution within the carrying capacity of the streams, and
 Water discharge from groundwater within the safe yield of the system.
2. Introduction
• In other words, we are seeking a balance among our physical being, our
ability to manage our resources, and the limitations imposed by the
• Water is a sustainable resource, and the need for integrated water
resources management is on the agenda of every state.
• In general, water resources development studies can be classified into
planning, operation, and management.
2.1 Water Resources Planning
• WR planning is a logical course of actions leading to the selection
of the best acceptable project in response to an identified need.
• Water resources planning and development is concerned with
modifying the time and space availability of water for various
purposes so as to accomplish certain basic national, regional and
local objectives.

• It, therefore, requires that many different uses of water are considered
and evaluated, leading to the articulation of trade-offs among
conflicting and competing objectives.
2.1 Water Resources Planning
• WR planning requires a well-coordinated team of qualified
professionals with clear objectives and scope of the project, who can
draw a plan which is acceptable to those who are impacted by the
project and to the decision-maker.
• This is an involved task because water resources are subjected to
natural variations, and future changes in demography and economy
are difficult to predict.
• The other noteworthy aspect is that many WR decisions are more or less
irreversible. For instance, a dam that has been built in a river valley exists
practically forever, regardless of whether there is a need for it or not.
2.1 Water Resources Planning

Fig. 2.1:Flow of Activities in WR planning

2.1 Water Resources Planning
• Stephenson and Peterson (1991) identified three levels of planning
water resource projects, associated with three areas of different
geographic extent: national, regional or river basin, and local areas.
• Based on the time sequence of the planning process, the entire life
cycle of a project can be divided into three phases (Haimes et al.,
1987): (1) Planning, (2) construction/ implementation, and (3)
2.1 Water Resources Planning
• Phase 1, which is relevant for this chapter, can be categorized into five stages:
Stage 1. The project initiation stage: It begins with the statement of needs
and includes preliminary planning, feasibility, and field investigations.
Stage 2. The data collection stage: Detailed data are gathered for analysis
and decision- making.
Stage 3. Project configuration stage: A large number of alternatives are
investigated and a small number of promising alternatives are selected for
detailed analysis.
Stage 4. Detailed planning stage: The design parameters, operation rules,
costs, benefits etc., of the alternatives selected in stage 3 are determined,
and the final project configuration is selected. Actually, this phase
represents a detailed form of stages 2 and 3.
Stage 5. The design stage: The final configuration is translated into
detailed structural design.
2.2 Water Resources Development
Water Resources Development:
conception, planning, design, construction and operation of facilities to
control and utilize water
**activities planned to improve beneficial use of water**
• In this definition all possible uses such as consumptive (e.g. water supply, irrigation) or
non – consumptive (e.g. hydropower, navigation), as well as all aspects related to the
considered resource (quantity, time distribution, quality) are involved.
2.2 Water Resources Development
Table 2.1: Perceptions about WRD

To People/Community/Professionals Perceptions(tasks)
Arid Region Drought relief, irrigation, food, employment
Wet zones Flood protection, Hydropower, navigation
Hydraulic Engineer Dams, Reservoirs, river training, water treatment, power plants
Environmentalists Habitat deterioration, pollution, deforestation, destruction of
wet lands.
Lawyer Water rights, legislation, institutional questions
Economist Economic growth, alleviation of poverty, generation of
2.2 Water Resources Development
• The above definition in a broader sense doesn’t appear sufficient
or even entirely consistent with the systems approach.
• An improved definition results when the project is considered as
being a set of policies, allocation of means and actions required
to achieve specific water resources development objectives
within a pre – established time horizon.(design period)
2.2 Water Resources Development
• The above definitions leads to the following considerations:
 WRDP have to be dealt with in an integrated way incorporating
all involved and relevant aspects such as technical, economical,
financial, social, environmental, institutional and legal.
 WRDP serve the purpose of meeting specific objectives in a pre
established time frame.
 Many interesting factors in WRDP are far from certain or
completely predictable.
2.2 Water Resources Development
• Scope of the engineer in WRDP could be:
 Advisorship to or component of the team responsible for the
establishment of water resource policies and decision making in this area.
 Leading role in the development of the consulting engineering activities,
which include planning, design, supervision of construction and other
associated specific tasks.
 Leading role in the construction, equipment manufacture, assembly,
operation and maintenance of WRDP.
 Coordinator of numerous multi – disciplinary tasks involving the
participation of different professionals and specialists.
2.2 Water Resources Development
Classification of (WRDP) Water Resources Development projects,
Although many typical components may be recognized in a wide
variety of projects they usually differ considerably in :
Specific characteristics and,
• In addition to the associated investments (small/ medium/ large)
some insight may be gained at the main purpose of the project in
terms of use of the water resources as shown in table 2.2:
2.3 Water Resources Management
Water Resources Management is defined as a systematic process for
the sustainable development, allocation and monitoring of WR in
the context of social, economic and environmental objectives.
If source ground water…here source sustainability is also an issue
• The challenge for water users, planners, policy makers is how best
to achieve such development to contribute effectively to meet
social and economic goals, while maintaining water resources on a
sustainable, high quality basis, and avoiding serious degradation of
the physical environment and unacceptable social disruption.
2.3 Water Resources Management
• One commonly accepted view of water resources management
is that of process. And the management process is having two
stages as shown in fig. 2.2:
I. Planning stage
II. Implementation stage
• fig. 2.2:

Fig. 2.2 Management process

2.3 Water Resources Management
• Planning stage – refers to the large scale, long term strategic
analysis concerning development of water resources in given
region and the formulation of specific development plan as shown
in fig. 2.3.
fig. 2.3 planning process
2.3 Water Resources Management
Implementation stage: begins with construction or installation of
capital facilities such as dams, channels, treatment plants, water
distribution facilities, and watershed management measures, as
shown in fig. 2.4.
Fig. 2.4. Implementation process
IWRM Concept
According to Global Water Partnership (GWP):
IWRM is a process which promotes the coordinated development
and management of water, land and related resources, in order to
maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable
manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
IWRM Concept
IWRM Concept
• It contrasts with this approach, the sectoral approach applies in
many countries where responsibility for drinking water rests with
one agency, for irrigation water with another and for the
environment with yet another. This lacks cross-sectoral linkages
which leads to uncoordinated water resource development and
management, resulting in conflict, waste and unsustainable
• Sustainable development refers the ability of the present
generation to utilize its natural resources without putting at risk
the ability of future generations to do likewise.
IWRM Concept
• Thus, the main objective of IWM is to develop and sustain natural
resources in a watershed along with emphasizing human
resources and their environment.
• Moreover, it seeks to manage the water resources in a
comprehensive and holistic way.
• It considers the water resources from a number of different
perspectives or dimensions (Figure 2.5). Once these various
dimensions have been considered, appropriate decisions and
arrangements can be made.
Fig. 2.5 Dimensions of IWRM (Savenije, 2000)
IWRM Concept
• The most important issue in dealing with water resources is to ensure an
institutional structure that can coordinate activities in different fields
that all have a bearing on water. Linking structures are crucial.

• Through a process of vertical and horizontal coordination it is possible to

integrate different aspects of the water issue at different levels.

• Linking can be facilitated if a country’s water is managed following

hydrological boundaries (river basins, which may be subdivided into
catchment areas and sub-catchments).
2.4 System Approach
A system may be defined as a set of objects which interact in a
regular, interdependent manner.
In the context of water resources, Dooge (1973) defined a system
"as any structure, device, scheme, or procedure, real or abstract,
that inter-relates in a given time reference, an input, cause or
stimulus, of matter, energy, or information, and an output, effect,
or response, or information, energy or matter".
2.4 System Approach

• Systems analysis, as applied to water resources, is a rational approach

for arriving at the management decisions for a particular system, based
on the systematic and efficient organization and analysis of relevant
• Water resources systems are generally distributed with respect to time
and space. For the purpose of solution, these systems may be divided
into sub-systems and each sub-system may be treated as lumped.
2.4 System Approach
• The input-output relationship of the system may be represented
mathematically (Singh, 1988) by:

Where: - time function of output, discharge

- time function of input, hyetograph
- is the transfer function unit hydrograph

• The well-known unit hydrograph is an example of a transfer function of the

catchment system
Q(t)= u[(h(t)]. h=mm excess rainfall
2.4 System Approach
• Systems Engineering is concerned with making decisions with respect
to those aspects of a system on which some control can be
• Water resources systems engineering can make most significant
contribution to the process of decision making.
2.4 System Approach
• Systems Engineering was defined by Hall and Dracup (1970) as
"the art and science of selecting from a large number of feasible
alternatives, involving substantial engineering content, that particular set
of actions which will accomplish the overall objectives of the decision
makers, within the constraint of law, morality, economic resources,
political and social pressures and laws governing the physical life and other
natural sciences.“
• Thus systems engineering is useful in making selections from a large
number of alternatives by way of elimination.
2.5 System Plan formulation & Selection
Problem identification
and description

• Problem identification (Discharge modelling)

– Important elements to be modeled Data
– Relations and interactions between them
– Degree of accuracy
• Conceptualization and development (Q=CIA) development
– Mathematical description
– Type of model Model calibration &
– Numerical method - computer code parameter estimation
– Grid, boundary & initial conditions
• Calibration Compare (Q,C,I,A)Estimated vs (Q,C,I,A)measured Model verification &
– Estimate model parameters sensitivity analysis
– Model outputs compared with actual outputs
– Parameters adjusted until the values agree
Model Documentation
• Verification (Q,C,I,A) finally Estimated
– Independent set of input data used
– Results compared with measured outputs
Model application

Present results
System/Model Component
A model consists of linear relationships
representing a firm’s objective and resource constraints
Specifically: model consists
Parameters : known or assumed variables
 Area, Coefficients, Velocity, Discharge, Volume ,Available Resources (land, water,
cost Construction material ,equipment, manpower , precipitation,

 Constraints : conditions that the system has to satisfy

2.5 System Plan formulation & Selection
System/Model Component
Decision variables: unknown design or operating policy variables
Design variables: (Res. capacity, HP gen. capacity, ha. of irr. area,
canals and pipe sizes, heights of levees, etc.)
Operating variables: reservoir releases or allocations of water to
various users over space and time
Solving a model: finding values of decision variables that define a
plan or a policy
Example: Tank Design
2.5 System Plan formulation & Selection
Example: Designing a Tank
Consider the problem of designing a tank to hold a specific amount of
water, V,
Criterion : cost
Objective: find the least-cost shape and dimensions of a tank of volume, v.
Cost of the tank = sum (base, side, top)
Assume Cbase, Cside and Ctop (cost per unit area) are known and will
probably differ
Mathematical model: relations among the objective function, decision
variables and parameters, and constraints

Another design might be for a cylindrical tank having a radius

and height as decision-variables.
of your Mini Project

Water Resource Problem & Possible Solution
over Omo-Basin, Ethiopia.

HU-HiT DEC.2018
of your Mini Project
1. Introduction (Brief introduction of Ethiopian Water potential both surface
water and Ground water which is General )….2-3 pages
2 Water Resource Characteristics of Omo basin
2.1 General (introduction of the basin: background +development Activity)
2.2 Water Availability and Problems over the basin
2.3 Literature Review (Discuss any published papers over the basin )
3. Water Resource Challenges and opportunities of the basin
3.1 Water Resource Problems
3.2 Water resource Opportunities

of mini Project
4. Water Resources Planning & Management
4.1 Water Resource planning
4.1.1 General (Introduction)
4.1.2 specific
4.2 Water Resource development (WRD)
4.2.1 General (Introduction)
4.2.2 specific

HiT /HWRE DEC 2018

of mini Project
4.3 Water Resource Management
4.3.1 General (Introduction)
4.3.2 Specific
4.4 Integrate Water Resource Management
4.4.1 General (Introduction)
4.4.2 specific

of mini Project
5. Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Conclusion
6. Reference


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