CH 4

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Pressurized IRRIGATION

In this method, water flow through a network of pipes by

This pressure is obtained by mechanical action
This method contains two irrigation systems
1. sprinkler irrigation
2. drip irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation
It is a type of pressurized irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation is an artificial application of water on the
crops which is similar to natural rainfall
It is also said to be overhead irrigation why?

In this method, water sprayed to the atmosphere and fall

again the crop as a natural rainfall
Sprinkler irrigation needs a network of pipes to supply water
from the source to agricultural fields
Water flow through these network of pipes by pressure

This pressure is obtained by mechanical action (pumping)

Adaptability of sprinkler irrigation
1. Suitable soils
sprinkler irrigation is suitable for all types of soils
Especially it is suitable for sandy soils which is not
irrigated by surface irrigation
On clay soils, water should be applied slowly to avoid
runoff & surface pondage
On sandy soils, large amount of water should be applied
quickly to balance lateral & vertical mov’t
2. Suitable slopes
sprinkler irrigation is suitable for any type of farmable
Especially, it is suitable for steep slopes that is not suitable
for surface irrigation
Also it is suitable for undulating areas having its
topography is not feasible for land levelling for surface
3. Suitable crops
Sprinkler irrigation is suitable for both row or widely
spaced crops
Especially, it is suitable for high value or cash crops due to
its high investment cost
4. Suitable irrigation water
The main problem of sprinkler irrigation as drip irrigation
is blockage of the outlet or sprinkler nozzle
So, sprinkler irrigation is suitable for clean, pure water to
prevent the clogging of nozzle
Components of Sprinkler irrigation
Typical or the main components of sprinkler irrigations are
 Water source
 Pumping unit
 Tubing's – main, submain, lateral and risers
 Sprinkler head
 Fittings and others accessories
 Pressure gauge
 Water meter
 Fertilizer tank
1. Water sources
Are the places where water is pumped or diverted
It may be ground (well) or surface water sources (river)
2. Pumping unit
It used to lift the water to a higher elevation
It provides the pressure that forces the flow of water
through a pipe or a system
This pressure is obtained by gravitational action or
mechanical action (by pump)
If the WS are at higher elevation and command areas are
at lower elevation, pressures are obtained by Gravitational
if the WS are at lower elevation and command areas are at
higher elevation, pressures are obtained by pumping
through mechanical action
Generally there are two types of pumps
1. surface or centrifugal pumps
2. submersible pumps
3. Tubing's – main, submian, laterals & risers
Takes the water from the source and delivers to submain or
directly to laterals if there is no submain lines
Most of the time PVC pipes are used for mainlines

Sub-main line
Takes the water from main lines and delivers to laterals
Also submain is made from PVC pipes most of the time
Takes water from the submain or mainline and delivers to
the riser
Either PVC or aluminium pipes are used for laterals
Takes water from the latera and delivers to sprinkler head
Also both PVC & aluminium pipes are used for risers
Sprinkler head
Takes water from the riser and distributes on the irrigation
lands uniformly
The sprinkler discharge from each nozzle should be
constant or the same
It shouldn’t be affected by the pressure variation
As the presure variation increases and increases, the effect
of pressure variation on discharge high and high
- means discharge decrease and decrease
6. Fittings and other accessories
A. Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge used to check whether the sprinkler system
is working on desired pressure or not.
B. Water meter
It is used to measure the volume of water delivered to
C. Fertilizer injector
Used to inject soluble chemical fertilizer with irrigation
water on the crops
1. Inventory resources of study area
The first step in designing sprinkler irrigation is
collecting data required for design
A. Topographic map should include
Topographic map should be prepared
It includes:-
 Field boundaries (dimensions of the field)
 Location of water sources
 Areas to be irrigated (ha)
Farm roads
Contour map of the area
B. Soil data
FC, PWP & Apparent specific gravity
Infiltration rate of soil

C . Climate data
Relative humidity
Wind speed & sun shine hours
D . Crop data
Crop root zone depth (D)
Crop coefficient (Kc)

Allowable depletion level (p)

E . Water data
Quantity &quality of water
2. Crop water requirements – consumptive use
Cu = Kc*ETo
ETo is determined by
 Blanney-criddle method
Thornthwaite method

Evaporation pan method

Pen-man monteith method

3. net depth of irrigation (dn)
It is amount of water should be applied to the soil to bring
moisture content to FC
It is a depth of readily available moisture

dn = (FC-PWP) x D x P *As (in weight basis)

dn = (FC-Mo)*D*As (in weight basis)

dn = (FC-PWP)*P*D  (in volume basis)

dn – net depth of irrigation (mm, cm or m)

FC – field capacity (in weight, volume)

PWP – permanent wilting point (in weight, volume)

D – Root zone depth (mm, cm, m)

P (MAD) - depletion factor (%)

4. Irrigation Interval (F)
 It is the successive days b/n two irrigation applications

F= where Cu = ETo*Kc
F = irrigation interval or frequency in days;
dnet = net depth of water application, mm
Cu = peak daily water use, mm day-1.
ETo – reference ET in mm/day
Kc – crop coefficient
5. Gross depth of irrigation (dg)
It is the total amount of water supplied to the field

It includes unavoidable losses such as surface runoff&

deep percolation
To meet these losses, application efficiency is provided as
safety factor

dg = Ea – field application efficiency

Table 1 Farm irrigation efficiency of sprinkler system
depends on climate
Climate Farm Irrigation Efficiency
Cool 80%
Moderate 75%
Hot 70%
Desert 65%
6. Selection of sprinkler nozzle
Sprinkler nozzles are selected from
manufacturer’s specifications depending on given
infiltration rate of the soil
 infiltration is determined by double ring
Sprinkler nozzle is selected , whose application rate
<= infiltration rate of soil

Specification of the sprinkler shall include nozzle

size, nozzle pressure, nozzle discharge, diameter of

throw & application rate

 Table 2 Sprinkler Specifications   Sprinkler precipitation rate (mm/hr)  
            Sprinkler spacing (m x m)    
Nozzle Pressure Q Wetted 9x12 9x15 12x12 12x15 12x18 15x15 18x18

Size (mm) (kPa) (m3/hr) Diam. (m)              

3.0 250 0.57 25.00 5.28 4.22 3.96        
3.0 300 0.63 25.60 5.83 4.67 4.38        
3.0 350 0.68 26.20 6.30 5.04 4.72        
3.5 250 0.75 26.85 6.94 5.56 5.21 4.17      
3.5 300 0.82 27.60 7.59 6.07 5.69 4.56      
3.5 350 0.89 28.35 8.24 6.59 6.18 4.94      
4.0 300 1.08 26.60   8.00 7.50 6.00 5.00 4.60  
4.0 350 1.16 30.50   8.59 8.06 6.44 5.37 5.16  
4.5 300 1.32 30.95     9.17 7.33 6.11 5.87  
4.5 350 1.42 32.00     9.86 7.89 6.57 6.31  
4.5 400 1.52 33.05     10.56 8.44 7.04 7.56  
5.0 300 1.70 33.00       9.44 7.87 8.18 5.25
5.0 350 1.84 34.30       10.22 8.52 8.18 5.68
5.0 400 1.96 35.60       10.89 9.07 8.71 6.05
7. Selection of sprinkler spacing

Sprinkler spacing includes two things

1. sprinkler spacing
2. lateral spacing
Sprinkler spacing is expressed by in the form of
sprinkler spacing*lateral spacing
Sprinkler spacing – is the distance b/n two nozzles along
the laterals
Lateral spacing – is the distance b/n two laterals along
the mains
Most designers select sprinkler spacing depending on
wind conditions
So, Sprinkler spacing selected depending on wind
Table 3 Sprinkler spacing for Rectangular pattern
Average Spacing as Percent of
Wind Speed (km/hr) Wetted Diameter (D)
Up to 10 40% between sprinklers
  65% between laterals
10 - 15 40% between sprinkler
  60% between laterals
above 15 30% between sprinklers
  50% between laterals
Table 4 Sprinkler spacing for square pattern (field)

Average Spacing as Percent of

Wind Speed (km/hr) Wetted Diameter (D)

Up to 5 55%

6 - 11 50%

13 - 19 45%
8. Area covered by single sprinkler (As)
As = Se*Sl
As – area covered per sprinkler
Se – sprinkler spacing in m
Sl – lateral spacing in m
 NB - Se&Sl – taken from the specification table
9. Determining application rate of nozzle
Ig =
q- sprinkler discharge in /hr
Se – sprinkler spacing in m
Sl – lateral spacing in m
Ig – gross application rate in m/hr
 Or gross application is taken from the specifications
10. Set time or operation or irrigation time (Ts)

is a time required to stay in one position without moving to
another field
Ts =
0.5 hr is used most of the time to change the components
So, the total Ts = +0.5hrs
dg in mm
Ig – gross application rate in mm/hr
11. number of shifts per day (n)
12 preliminary system capacity (Qs)
Qs =
A – area to be irrigated in
Dg – gross depth of irrigation in m
F – irrigation interval – days
N – number of sets or shifts
Ts – set time – in hr
13 Number of sprinklers operating per shift
Ns =
14 Number of sprinklers per laterals
Ns =
15 Number of laterals per shift (Nc)
Nc =
15. Adjusted sprinkler system capacity (Qs)
A. Total discharge in lateral inlet (Qu)
Qu = Ns*q
Ns – number of sprinkler per lateral
Ns =
q – sprinkler discharge taken from the specification
B. Total discharge in main inlet (Qm)
Qm = Ns*q*Nc
where Nc – number of laterals per shift
Drip/Trickle Irrigation
Drip Irrigation
It is also called trickle or localized irrigation
In this method
 Water directly applied to the crop root zone under small
pressure through small diameter pipes
 Water only wets the root zone not the entire areas as
surface and drip
 Water slowly applied to the crop root zone drop by drop
 Water applied frequently to the root zone to prevent the
reduction of moisture level
this method is more required in areas where there is a
problem of scarcity of water
Adaptability of drip irrigation
1. Suitable soils
Drip irrigation is suitable for all types of soils
Especially it is suitable for sandy soils which is not
irrigated by surface irrigation
On clay soils, water should be applied slowly to avoid
runoff & surface pondage
On sandy soils, large amount of water should be applied
quickly to balance lateral & vertical mov’t
2. Suitable slopes
Drip irrigation is suitable for any type of farmable slopes
Especially, it is suitable for steep slopes that is not suitable
for surface irrigation
Also it is suitable for undulating areas having its
topography is not feasible for land levelling for surface
3. Suitable crops
Drip irrigation is suitable for most row crops such as
vegetables, soft fruits
Especially, it is suitable for high value or cash crops due to
its high investment cost
In this method
 Laterals are laid along the contours &
 The crops must be sowed or planted along the
4. Suitable irrigation water
The main problem of drip irrigation is blockage of the
outlet or dripper
So, drip irrigation is suitable for clean, pure water to
prevent the clogging of dripper
Advantages and Dis-advantages of drip irrigation
Advantages of drip irrigation
It saves water – b/c small water required to the RZ only
It saves also fertilizer
 Drip applies only in the RZ
 Sprinkler applies on the entire land
It has highest application efficiency over sprinkler&surfac
 b/c in drip irrigation, only transpiration losses considered &
the other all losses are reduced
 If losses are reduced, efficiencies will be high
Weed growth is reduced
 In drip weed grown only in around RZ
 In sprinkler & surface, weed grown on the entire irrigation lands
Energy cost of drip is lowered compared with sprinkler
Drip operates under small pressure, its energy cost is low
Sprinkler operates under higher pressure, its energy cost is high
 It doesn't needs land levelling and conveyance channel
No need of land levelling & channel for drip and sprinkler
Surface irrigation needs land levelling & distributary channels
 Evaporation, surface run off & deep percolation losses are
minimized or reduced
 In drip irrigation only transpiration losses considered. Due to this
application efficiency is high over the other methods
 In sprinkler both evaporation & transpiration losses considered
 In surface irrigation, all E, T, R, & deep percolation losses are
 Drip irrigation is not affected by wind speed
 Sprinkler irrigation is susceptible to wind effect
 Surface and drip are not affected by wind distortion
B. Disadvantages of drip irrigation
Initial investment cost is highest
 Initial purchasing cost of components of drip is higher
than both sprinkler and surface
 Initial investment cost of sprinkler > surface irrigation
Clogging of drippers
 Emitters are easily clogged by sediments if the water
has poor quality
Drip irrigation needs skilled man power for installation,
operation & maintenance
 Surface irrigation can be constructed, operated &
maintained by ordinary person
 Sprinkler also needs skilled man for installation, operation
& maintenance
Components of drip irrigation
 Typical components of drip irrigations are;-
1. Water source
2. Control head
3. Mainline, submains & laterals
4. Dripper or emitter
5. Fitting & other accessories
1. Water source
 it is a source where water is pumped
It may be surface or ground water source
2. Pumping unit
 used to lift water from lower elevation to higher
Also provides a pressure that used to force water flow
through the system (pipes)
It provides a right pressure for delivery into the pipe
3. Control head – contains
 Valves
 Filtration system
 Fertilizer tank
 Used to control the discharge, that flow through the
system whether it is sufficient or not.
 Also used to control the pressure, whether is operated
under desired pressure or not
Filtration system
 Used to filter or clear the water
 Screen filters and graded sand filters are commonly used filters
4. Main, sub-mains, manifolds & laterals
 Takes water from the source & delivers to the submains or
directly to laterals
 PVC are used for drip mainlines
 Takes water from the main & delivers either to manifold or
directly to laterals
 If the distance b/n source and command area small, no
need of manifold
 Also we PVC pipe for sub-main lines
 Manifolds
 Manifold is a line that supplies water to each laterals
 Manifold used when the distance between command area
and source of waters are very large
 Takes water from the submain or manifold & delivers to
 PE pipes are used for laterals most of the time
5. Drippers or Emitters
It takes water from the lateral and applies or emits on the
root zone uniformly
It is the outlet where water is applied from lateral on the
crop root zone

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