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DYCHPct123 Philippine Culture and Tourism Geography
Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.
Institutional Vision Statement
An internationally recognized university, first in quality
education, and leader-model in instruction, research and
community engagement

Institutional Mission Statement

Develop globally competitive and inventive leader-
professionals and researchers imbued with wisdom, strong
cultural sensitivity and social conscience through holistic and
integrated teaching, research and community engagement.
Institutional Goals and Objectives

 Govern and manage with probity, strategy, vision, and financial control,
utilization of risk management and effective monitoring of performance.
 Enhance the professionalism and competence of the faculty continually
through the promotion of meaningful program delivery, values formation, and
highly functional research program.
 Facilitate the holistic development of students through the adoption of
curricular programs attuned to current trends and relevant technical trainings
and co-curricular activities.
 Enhance relations with the community through networking and linkages and
purposive engagement programs.
 Promote judicious management or resources through hiring of qualified faculty
and staff, the use of ICT, state-of-the-art facilities and generation of innovative
Institutional Core Values
 VERITAS (Truth)
 SAPIENTIA (Wisdom)
 CARITAS (Charity)
 EXCELLENTIA (Excellence)
 PATRIA (Love of Country)
 FIDES (Faith)
Institutional Work Values
 Collaboration
 Respect/Responsibility
 Excellence/Equity
 Accountability
 Trustworthiness
 Integrity
 Outcomes Oriented
 Nurturance
Institutional Graduate Attributes

1. Ability to demonstrate DYCIan core values: faith; wisdom; truth; love of country;
charity; and excellence.
2. Ability to uphold professional values and ethics.
3. Ability to apply current and emerging knowledge in practice.
4. Capacity to create/develop new knowledge and solutions to social development
problems in his/her field of engagement.
5. Ability to conceptualize, plan and organize research and investigations in solving
problems in generating solutions.
6. Ability to demonstrate respect for diversity of people and culture.
7. Ability to build partnership and working relationship with diverse group and/or inter-
professional teams.
8. Ability to communicate professionally and effectively in influencing and leading people
and organization.
9. Ability to demonstrate and use knowledge and disciplinal expertise in professional
10. Capacity to pursue continuous learning, development and personal growth

Foster World-class and affordable Hospitality and
Tourism education.

Provide access to higher education through academic
rigor and integrity, professional training and caring
CHMT Goals and Objectives
 Offer relevant and proactive curricular programs to produce competent hospitality
service provider and industry practitioners;
 Develop and enhance the knowledge and skills of students to deliver multi-
culturally competent services and promote Filipino cultural heritage;
 Prepare students for employment in specific career fields and be able to work with
diverse populations and in diverse setting keeping abreast with global competitions
while upholding values of sincerity and honesty;
 Participate in various community outreach service programs to elevate the living
condition of marginal and less fortunate families of the nearby communities; and
 Continually evaluate and appraise the College’s programs to ensure its relevance to
the needs of the community and the country thereby producing productive citizens
of the global village.
College of Hospitality Management and
Tourism Graduate Attributes
 1. Demonstrate and practice excellent business communication skills
 2. Undertake task, functions, duties and activities in the operation of the hotels,

restaurant, travel agencies, government and non-government agencies in

accordance with the international standards.
 3. Demonstrate the ability to develop well-rounded service providers in multi-

cultural diverse environment of hospitality and tourism industries.

 4. Initiate change and development in the hospitality and tourism industry through

active participation in research about global issues, concerns and eating habits to
promote the well-being of each and every one.
 5. Analyse situations, identifies problems, formulate solution and Implement

corrective actions.
 6. Possess a sense of responsibility, self- esteem, sociability, self-management,

integrity and honesty.

 7. Promotes Filipino and cultural heritage by thinking global and acting local.

 8. Exemplify the true essence of DYCIan Core Values in personal and

professional life.
Program Outcomes Common to Tourism and
Hospitality Disciplines
 1. Demonstrate knowledge of tourism industry, local tourism products and services
 2. Apply relevant laws related to hospitality and tourism industry
 3. Observe and perform risk mitigation activities
 (What are the risks in tourism and hospitality industry)?
 Crises come in many forms, including health threats like the 2020 global coronavirus pandemic, natural disasters such
as earthquakes and floods, political unrest and terrorist attacks. Such risks and crises pose significant threats to the
tourism industry, destinations and tour operators working in the sector).
 4. Utilize information technology application for tourism and hospitality
 5. Manage and market a service-oriented business organization
 6. Demonstrate administrative and managerial skills in a service oriented business organization
 7. Prepare and monitor industry specific financial transactions and reports
 8. Perform human capital development functions of a tourism oriented organization
 (What is human capital development in tourism)?
 Human capital development (HCD) is macro-economic and can be defined as improving the whole system of human
interaction in the tourism experience with the objective of elevating the quality of tourism-related services resulting in
enhanced benefits and profits for all tourism economy stakeholders,
 9. Utilize various communications proficiently in dealing with guests and colleagues.
Program Learning Outcomes for BSTM

Knowledge Skills Character

1. Plan implement and monitor 1. Source and package tourism 1. Establish and maintain safe
tours and sales activities products and services touring conditions

2. Research, plan and contact 2. Manage and facilitates an 2. Establish and monitor
various tour guiding activities extended tour experience innovative tourism programs and
3. Develop appropriate marketing 3. Manage and evaluate local 3. Promote tourism products and
programs and arrange the required marketing strategies services.
travel services

4.Plan/Organize, implement and 4. Design a concept for a major 4. Provide effective customer
evaluate MICE activities event or function service

5. Plan, develop and evaluate 5. Source and provide destination 5. Implement event management
tourism sites and attractions. information and advice system and procedures

6. Demonstrate/Observe respect
for indigenous people
Sample Learning Outcomes for TM

 7.1.1. Access and interpret information

 7.1.2. Administer a billing and settlement plan
 7.1.3. Apply advance airfare rules and procedure
 7.1.4. Book and coordinate supplier services.
… Continuation
 Course Code: DYCHPct123
 Course Title: Philippine Culture and Tourism Geography (BSTM)
 Course Description: This course presents comprehensive coverage of
the major tourist destinations in the Philippines. Major discussions
will be on political structures and subdivisions, geographical
characteristics, major attractions, gastronomy, culture and traditions
of the various regions of the country leading to the realization of the
potentials of the Tourism industry of the Philippines. Students will
also have a comprehensive knowledge about the mechanism,
logistics, operations and management of the tourism network system
in the Philippines with its inherent physical and cultural resources as
seen in the various provinces of the country.
 Course Objective: At the end of the semester, the student must have:
 1. Identify the location of the provinces where tourist attractions are
located in the Philippine Map.
 2. Identify the different provinces in a blank political map of the
 3. Understand the differences between the different regions of the country
in terms of political structure, culture, history, religion, language,
education, festivals, tourist attractions, international and domestic
gateways, cuisine and delicacies.
 4. Know the political structures, cultural, historical, religious and
educational aspects of the provinces where tourist attractions exist.
 5. To adapt to the different cultural elements present in each of the
different regions in the Philippines.
Course Outline and Time Frame
Week 1 A. Orientation
B. Overview of the Course
Week 2 C. The Three Main Island

D. Region I (Ilocos Region)

Week 3
E. Cordillera Administrative Region
Week 4 F. Region II Cagayan Valley Region
Week 5 Preliminary Examination
Week 6 G. Region III Central Luzon Region
Week 7 H. Region IV Southern Tagalog Region
I. Region V Bicol Region
Week 8
J. Region VI Western Visayas Region
K. Region VII Central Visayas Region
Week 9
L. Region VIII Eastern Visayas Region
Course Outline and Time Frame
Week 11 M. Region IX Western Mindanao Region
N. Region X Northern Mindanao Region
Week 12 O. Region XI Southern Mindanao Region

Week 13 P. Region XII South Central Mindanao

Week 14 Semi Final Examination

Week 15 Q. Caraga Region
Week 16 R. Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
Week 17 S. National Capital Region
Week 18 Final Examination
Course Requirements
1. Regular Attendance in Class lecture/discussion
2. Proper class behavior/demeanor (Follow the rules and
regulations of the school)
3. Class participation
4. Activities (Quizzes, Assignment, homework).
5. Major Exams
6. Attend webinar/virtual training related to business,
hospitality and tourism
7. Portfolio containing the following:
 Reflective Journal
 Writing Activity Output
 Internet/Case Study/Analysis/Research Output
Grading System
 On-Line Grading System


 (refers to the weekly activities, assessments, or oral/written quizzes)
 (online synchronous and asynchronous participation)
Classroom Policies

 Say please and thank you
 Make friends and be thoughtful
 Arrive on time prepared, alert and ready to learn
 Respect yourself and others
 Try your best and be excellent
 Express in your own words the best thoughts you have
as answer for the following questions or statements.

 1. The students will be requested to introduce

 2. The students will be requested to write down their
expectation on the teaching/learning activity (TLAs)
 3. The students will be requested to write down their
autobiography in one (1) sheet of paper.
 Prepared by:
 Faculty

 Noted by:

 Ms. Mary Rose Anson P. Ignacio

 Program Head, HM

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